ULS Publications

Pitt Open Library Publishing Portfolio

Anthropology & Aging logo
ISSN: 2374-2267 (online)

Anthropology & Aging is the official journal of the Association for Anthropology & Gerontology (AAGE), a nonprofit organization established in 1978 as a multidisciplinary group dedicated to the exploration and understanding of aging within and across the diversity of human cultures.

August Wilson Journal Image
ISSN: 2577-7432 (online)
The August Wilson Journal publishes scholarly material related to the life and work of Pittsburgh-born playwright August Wilson. This includes but is not limited to biographical research, historical research, literary analysis, and performance.
ISSN: 1562-4730 (online)
Biblios disseminates empirical research and theoretical essays and reflections in the areas of library and information science. Biblios is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal.
Bolivian Studies Journal Image
ISSN: 2156-5163 (Online), 1074-2247 (Print)
The Bolivian Studies Journal is a peer-reviewed publication that responds to the growing interest in understanding the past and present of historical and cultural processes in Bolivia.
Catedral Tomada: Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana Image
ISSN: 2169-0847 (online)
Catedral Tomada is a biannual, peer-reviewed electronic journal administered by the graduate students of the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh which aims to contribute to current debates and circulate new research relevant to the study of Latin American literature and culture in its historical and social contexts.
CINEJ Cinema Journal Image
ISSN: 2158-8724 (Online), 2159-2411 (Print)
CINEJ Cinema Journal is a peer-reviewed semiannual Open Access journal publishing fresh and original research in the fields of film and media studies. The journal publishes essays on a wide variety of subjects from diverse methodological perspectives, focusing on original research and the preservation of the world’s film, television, video, and other media heritage.
Contemporaneity Journal Image
ISSN: 2153-5914 (Online)
Contemporaneity: Historical Presence in Visual Culture aims to explore how the complexities of being in time find visual form. Crucial to this undertaking is accounting for how, from prehistory to the present, cultures around the world conceive of and construct their present and the concept of presentness visually. Through scholarly writings from a number of academic disciplines in the humanities, together with contributions from artists and filmmakers, Contemporaneity maps the diverse ways in which cultures use visual means to record, define, and interrogate their historical context and presence in time.
Dentistry 3000 image
ISSN: 2167-8677 (Online)
Dentistry 3000 publishes papers of excellence, wide interest, and broad significance in all aspects of dentistry. The emphasis of the journal is on full research papers of any length required for concise presentation and discussion of the data. Areas of interest include the molecular basis of human oral and craniofacial disease, craniofacial development, craniofacial regeneration, technology development, translational dental research, the impact of oral health on overall health, and epidemiological studies.
Dialogic Pedagogy Journal Image
ISSN: 2325-3290 (Online)
The journal is multidisciplinary, international, multi-paradigmatic, and multicultural in scope, accepting manuscripts from any scholars and practitioners interested in the dialogic nature of teaching and learning in formal institutional and informal settings.
EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal Image
ISSN: 2158-8708 (Online), 2159-242X (Print)
EMAJ Emerging Markets Journal is a peer-reviewed semiannual Open Access journal publishing empirical research that extends or builds management theory and contributes to business management practice with a special focus on emerging markets. Research using all empirical methods—including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field, and combination methods are welcome.
Études Ricoeuriennes Ricoeur Studies Image
ISSN: 2156-7808 (Online)
The Études Ricoeuriennes Ricoeur Studies (ERRS) is an electronic, open access, peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the study of the work of Paul Ricoeur. ERSS is an interdisciplinary journal in scope that encourages critical and constructive interpretations, applications and extension of Ricoeur's vast oeuvre.
Feminist Asylum Logo
ISSN: 2834-4707 (Online)

Feminist Asylum offers asylum to feminists in exile and marginalized feminist works. It welcomes non-conventional academic works, notes on ongoing and/or finished research works, feminist accounts of women’s struggles, commentaries, and diverse/fragmental forms of feminist everyday history-writing. Feminism in exile might manifest in different ways such as exile from nation, exile from society, exile from different social spheres, exile from mind to body, exile from reason to emotions, exile of feminist knowledge practices from academic spaces, to name a few. Asylum on the other hand, hints at the transitivity of knowing through experience, and thus situatedness of knowledge claims.

Hungarian Cultural Studies Image
ISSN: 2471-965X (Online)
Hungarian Cultural Studies, an annual publication, is a peer-reviewed, no-fee open access electronic journal of scholarship in the humanities and social sciences produced by the American Hungarian Educators Association.
Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice Image
ISSN: 2472-5889 (online)
Impacting Education is the scholarly journal of The Carnegie Project on Education Doctorate (CPED). The journal publishes articles that meaningfully contribute to the improved preparation of PK-20 educational leaders working on Education Doctorates IE and seeks articles that will examine the development, redesign, and improvement of professional preparation programs as well as the outcomes of such programs.
International Journal of Medical Students Image
ISSN: 2076-6327 (Online)
The International Journal of Medical Students (IJMS) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal created to share the scientific production and experiences of medical students worldwide. Our objective is to be the primary diffusion platform for medical students, using standards that follow the process of scientific publication.
Japanese Language and Literature Image
ISSN: 2326-4586 (Online), 1536-7827 (Print)
Japanese Language and Literature provides a scholarly forum for the American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) members and the larger academic world in the area of Japanese literature, Japanese linguistics, teaching Japanese as a second or foreign language, and Japanese culture. Two issues are published each year.
Journal of Child and Youth Care Work Image
ISSN: 2641-3450 (Online), 0741-9481 (Print)
JCYCW is the official journal of the Association for Child and Youth Care Practice (ACYCP) whose mission is to engage practitioners in building the child and youth care profession through collaborative partnerships, promoting innovative training and education, shaping public policy and informing developmental practice through research and scholarship.
Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy Image
ISSN: 2155-1162 (Online), 1936-6280 (Print)
Formerly, Bulletin de la Societe Americaine de Philosophie de Langue Francaise (Bulletin of the American Society for Philosophy in the French Language), the Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy is a forum for discussion of the diverse philosophical strains of French and Francophone thought, with an emphasis on contemporary figures and issues and a commitment to interdisciplinary perspectives.
Journal of Law and Commerce Image
ISSN: 2164-7984 (Online), 0733-2491 (Print)
Established in 1981, this student-run publication of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law publishes papers covering topics in the commercial, business, tax, and corporate law areas.
Journal of the Medical Library Association Image
ISSN: ISSN 1558-9439 (Online)
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) is the premier journal in health sciences librarianship, dedicated to advancing the practice and research knowledgebase of health sciences librarianship.
Journal of World-Systems Research Image
ISSN: 1076-156X (Online)
Journal of World-Systems Research is the official journal of the Political Economy of the World-System Section of the American Sociological Association. They aim to develop and disseminate scholarly research on topics that are relevant to the analysis of world-systems and focus especially on works that proceed from several different theoretical stances and disciplines.
Ledger Journal Image
ISSN: ISSN 2379-5980 (Online)
Ledger is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes full-length original research articles on the subjects of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as any relevant intersections with mathematics, computer science, engineering, law, and economics.
Names: A Journal of Onomastics Thumbnail
ISSN: 1756-2279 (Online), 0027-7738 (Print)

Names: A Journal of Onomastics is one of the world’s leading scholarly journals devoted to the study of onomastics. Since the first issue in 1952, this scientific quarterly has published cutting-edge, original articles, notes, and book reviews that investigate the derivation, function, and impact of names and naming in North America and around the world.

Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice
ISSN: 2324-7878 (Online)
Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice provides an opportunity for librarians in Pennsylvania to share their knowledge and experience with practicing librarians across Pennsylvania and beyond. Readers will be exposed to the unique and valuable work of librarians in Pennsylvania that may not be published elsewhere in the library literature.
Philosophy of Medicine
ISSN: 2692-3963 (Online)

Philosophy of Medicine is an open-access journal that publishes exceptional original philosophical research and perspectives on all aspects of medicine, including medical research and practices. Through its public-facing section The Examination Room, it also publishes content for the wider public, including health professionals and health scientists.

Pittsburgh Interdisciplinary Mathematics Review (PIMR) Logo
ISSN: 2995-6544 (Online)

The Pittsburgh Interdisciplinary Mathematics Review (PIMR) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes expository and research articles in mathematics and fields at its intersection. It is managed and edited entirely by undergraduate students from the Pittsburgh region.

Pittsburgh Tax Review Image
ISSN: 1932-1996 (Online), 1932-1821 (Print)
The Pittsburgh Tax Review is a scholarly legal journal that focuses exclusively on issues of taxation.
Radical Teacher
ISSN: 1941-0832 (Online)
Radical Teacher, founded in 1975, is a socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal dedicated to the theory and practice of teaching. It serves the community of educators who are working for democratic process, peace, and justice. Radical Teacher publishes articles on classroom practices and curriculum, as well as on educational issues related to gender and sexuality, disability, culture, globalization, privatization, race, class, and other similar topics.
SHASHI: The Journal of Japanese Business and Company History Image
ISSN: 2169-0820 (Online)
SHASHI seeks articles that utilize or discuss the methodology for using Shashi - self-issued company histories- but will consider any topic that deals with the history of business and manufacturing in Japan. These articles can focus on any historical aspect that can be elucidated through company histories, including economics, society and culture.
University of Pittsburgh Law Review Image
ISSN: 1942-8405 (Online), 0041-9915 (Print)
The University of Pittsburgh Law Review, founded in 1934, is the longest-standing publication of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. It is produced by students and aims to publish excellent academic scholarship.

Library-Hosted Publications

Goethe-Lexicon of Philosophical Concepts
ISSN: 2694-2321 (Online)

GLPC is an international research initiative investigating the central role played by concepts in Goethe’s development as a philosopher. As a dynamic reference work that will produce more than 300 entries over the next decade, the GLPC will help literary and cultural critics, philosophers, and scholars working in the digital humanities map Goethe’s philosophical heterodoxies.

Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review

PUR provides undergraduate students at the University of Pittsburgh with an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, online forum to publish their research and creative scholarship. Sponsored by the University Honors College, PUR strives to build an integrative community of undergraduate scholars to showcase the work done under the mentorship of Pitt faculty researchers. Our submissions fall under four categories: research, creative writing, visual arts, and review.

Archived Content

Central Asian Journal of Global Health Image
ISSN: 2166-7403 (Online)
The Central Asian Journal of Global Health is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal publishing articles aimed at public health and medicine with a specific focus on the geographic region of Central Asia.
Ethnology Image
ISSN: 2160-3510 (Online) , 0014-1828 (Print)
ETHNOLOGY: An International Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology includes articles by scholars of any country on any aspect of cultural anthropology. ETHNOLOGY has discontinued publication, their last issue was Vol 51, No 2 (2012).
Excellence in Higher Education Journal Image
ISSN: 2153-9677 (Online), 2153-9669 (Print)
Excellence in Education encourages diverse points of view with international perspectives to create a forum for sharing research on issues pertaining to higher education. The goal of EHE is to enable readers to explore Indonesian and global higher education traditions and contemporary patterns in a global context to promote dialogue and enrich the theory, policy, and practice of higher education.
Forbes and Fifth Image
ISSN: 2332-7863 (Online)
This is an archive of volumes 1-5 of Forbes & Fifth, a magazine published by Dietrich School undergraduates at the University of Pittsburgh, and sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. For current content, please go to http://forbes5.pitt.edu.
Health, Culture and Society Image
ISSN: 2161-6590 (Online)
Health, Culture and Society is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal devoted to the medical humanities and the social history of health. Geared toward an interdisciplinary approach to issues of health, culture and society and inviting contributions from diverse fields, the journal is designed to promote critical studies, disseminate important contemporary research and act as an international podium for the exchange of new ideas, strategies and practices.
IIOAB Letters Image
ISSN: 2161-3702 (Online)
IIOAB Letters provides a publication platform for young researchers, students, academicians, and scientists in all fields of the Life Sciences. Content includes original, innovative, translational, and basic research articles; short communications; brief synopsis; reviews; meeting reports; commentaries; latest advances; and case studies; on current topics in all areas of Biological Sciences. IIOAB Letters has ceased publication, their last issue was Vol 3, No 1 (2013).
International Journal of Telerehabilitation Image
ISSN: 1945-2020 (Online)
The International Journal of Telerehabilitation (IJT) is a biannual journal dedicated to advancing telerehabilitation by disseminating information about current research and practices.
Journal of World-Historical Information Image
ISSN: 2169-0812 (Online)
The Journal of World-Historical Information, a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the interdisciplinary project of creating and maintaining a comprehensive world-historical data resource, is now being published as a section of the Journal of World-Systems Research. The archival content remains available; however, for new submissions please visit jwsr.pitt.edu.
Journal of Youth Development Image
ISSN: 2325-4017 (Online)
Journal of Youth Development is a publication dedicated to advancing youth development practice and research. JYD is the official journal of the two of the largest professional associations for those working with and on behalf of young people, the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents (NAE4-HA) and the National Afterschool Association (NAA).
Linguistic Evidence In Security, Law and Intelligence (LESLI) Image
ISSN: 2327-5596 (Online)
LESLI is an interdisciplinary journal for linguists, computer scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, attorneys, law enforcement, security executives, and intelligence analysts. As the journal of the Institute for Linguistic Evidence and its membership TALE: The Association for Linguistic Evidence, LESLI provides a forum to present rigorous research, requests for research, and policy discussions.
Motivational Interviewing: Training, Research, Implementation, Practice Image
ISSN: 2160-584X (Online)
MITRIP publishes qualitative and quantitative studies, case presentations, descriptions of innovations in motivational interviewing practice or training, and theoretical or conceptual articles as well as informal contributions related to the activities of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers.
Pitt Political Review Image
ISSN: 2160-5807 (Online)
The Pitt Political Review is dedicated to rigorous discussion of politics on the local, national, and global levels. Our intention is to publish non-partisan writing that analyzes issues, events and personalities, assuming nothing of the reader but a common interest in the subject. Our goal is to contribute to the lively political discourse at Pitt and beyond. Pitt Political Review has ceased publication, their last issue was Vol 8, No 2 (2012).
Pittsburgh Journal of Environmental and Public Health Law Image
ISSN: 2164-7976 (Online)
The Pittsburgh Journal of Environmental and Public Health Law seeks to inspire community awareness about an array of current environmental and public health issues through its biannual publication.
Pittsburgh Journal of Technology Law and Policy Image
ISSN: 2164-800X (Online) , 1087-6995 (Print)
The Pittsburgh Journal of Technology Law & Policy (JTLP) is a student produced journal of contemporary legal topics involving technology of all kinds.
Pittsburgh Papers on the European Union Image
ISSN: 2164-6732 (Online)
Pittsburgh Papers on the European Union is a free-standing scholarly papers series promoting investigation of the contemporary and historical dynamics of the European Union from all disciplines. This e-journal is devoted to disseminating current research on the European Union, including its domestic, regional, and global contexts, transnational relations among new and long-standing members, accession states, and candidate members of the EU.
Revista Iberoamericana Image
ISSN: 2154-4794 (Online) , 0034-9631 (Print)
Revista Iberoamericana publishes articles, reviews, and bibliographical notes on literature, literary theory, and criticism in Latin American Spanish and Portuguese. Four issues are published annually. Online subscription based.
The Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies Image
ISSN: 2163-839X (Online)
The Carl Beck Papers publish original research in the humanities and social sciences focused on the region of Eastern Europe and Eurasia. The Papers’monograph (40-90 pages) format, offers a unique opportunity for scholars to publish works that are larger than the average academic journal article but shorter than a book manuscript.
The Cleft Palate Journal Image
ISSN: 2574-3597 (Online), 0009-8701 (Print)
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal is an international, interdisciplinary journal reporting on clinical and research activities in cleft lip/palate and other craniofacial anomalies, together with research in related laboratory sciences. The Cleft Palate Journal Archive provides retrospective access to the past issues of The Cleft Palate Journal published from 1964 through 1989. The Cleft Palate Journal superseded the Cleft Palate Bulletin in 1964, which was itself superseded by The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal in 1990.
Timely Interventions Image
ISSN: 2160-5777 (Online)
Contributing to public policy argument by translating knowledge produced during academic competition into widely accessible, peer-reviewed scholarship.