Haskell Memorial Library provides academic support and serves the research needs of Titusville Campus' students, faculty, and staff. Currently, our library contains over 40,000 items, including a strong Nursing and Allied Health collection. You can also access additional resources from other Pitt campus libraries and libraries around the world! Here at Haskell, we're dedicated to working with the campus community to fulfill your information needs. We can assist you with finding a reliable book or journal article, show you how to search a database, or help you locate citation guides. Whatever you need, we're always happy to help. With classrooms, the PTA and Nursing Program offices, and a computer center housed within the same building, Haskell is a hub of activity and a great place to hang out!
Haskell Memorial Library
University of Pittsburgh at Titusville
504 East Main Street
Titusville, PA 16354