Visit this page to find more information about borrowing and other related policies.
We welcome the Pittsburgh community and visiting researchers to access our major academic research libraries! Visit our page for the Non-Pitt community for more information about services.
Persons receiving or making cell phone calls are requested to do so in one of the following cell phone-friendly areas:
No tabling in Hillman Library or any other ULS location is permitted except for ULS staff or those with prior ULS Administration approval.
Please help us keep the library clean!
Covered beverages and snacks are permitted*
Not permitted:
Motorized or non-motorized: bikes, scooters, skateboards, mono-boards or similar items.
Please use campus bike racks or bike storage lockers.
Any individuals exhibiting inappropriate behavior will be reported and possibly escorted from the library by the security guard or Pitt Police. Inappropriate behavior may include behavior which creates excessive noise levels or disturbances, interferes with other patrons’ use of the library or library employees’ ability to perform appropriate duties, damages to library property, etc. The ULS reserves the right to revoke library access and privileges under certain circumstances.
Please visit our hours page for information about library hours.
PLEASE NOTE for Hillman Library: When the library is open between 11 p.m.-7 a.m., you must have a valid Pitt ID in order to access the building.
Smoking and vaping are not permitted in any ULS library.
Directives issued by the University will be adhered to by the Library.