Rights and Reproductions

To request reproductions, please fill out either our print reproduction form or our AV reproduction form.

Please direct all requests to:
Center for American Music
106A Stephen Foster Memorial
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
412-624-4100 phone
412-624-7447 fax


All requests for photographic and media reproductions are filled in the order they are received. Search requests must be specific as to the intended use of the photograph, e.g., book, journal, magazine, website, exhibit, etc. In order to place an order, please fill out the Center for American Music reproduction request form.

Photograph and media duplication costs and search fees must be paid by cash, check, or money order. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the University of Pittsburgh. Photograph and media duplication is not permitted to publish, broadcast, or exhibit. Since we rely on outside vendors to do much of our duplication, turn around times may vary.

Guidance on Copyright and the Use of ULS Collections

Interested in obtaining a copy of an item or need a digital image of our material?  Read on for more information.

Service Fees

black & white.25 per page
colorPrice varies due to outsourcing. A flat fee of $10 shall be charged for the handling and delivery to the outside vendors.
Digital images$25 per image (cost includes any digitization required and CD-R/DVD-R
Film Videotape, or audio tapeRequestors pay all associated costs for audio, video, and film transfers. Delivery of the completed project will be in the format of the requestor’s choice. Please allow a minimum of 4-6 weeks for transfers to be completed. Rush requests will incur an additional fee and may not be available.
Photographic Reproduction
5 x 7 black/white or color$17
8 x 10 black/white or color$25
additional sizes available upon request
Video & filming fees$1,000 per day or portion of day for access to collections by television or film cameras or recording devices, including interviews
Special Research Service$50 per staff hour.
Sound Recordings
78 rpm discTransfer from 78 rpm disc to CD: 1 song $15; entire album $20
LPTransfer from LP to CD: 1 song $15; entire album $25
CassetteTransfer from cassette to CD: 1 song $15; 1 side of cassette $25; entire cassette $45
other media transfers are quoted upon request
Postage & Handling
U.S.15% cost of order, $1.50 minimum
Foreign20% cost of order, $5 minimum
Orders over $150actual postage plus $10 handling

Contact Us

Center for American Music
Stephen Foster Memorial
University of Pittsburgh
4301 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Starting July 22, 2024, the Stephen Foster Memorial Museum will be open from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday – Friday. We are closed on the weekends and University Holidays.

You do not have to be affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh to use the Collection. 

Stephen Foster Memorial Museum and Center for American Music Library - Facebook Page