The Archival Scholars Research Award (ASRA) is designed to facilitate undergraduate research utilizing the distinctive collections housed across the University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS). These collections are made up of unique materials and can include archives, manuscripts, music, rare books, and other special collections. Previous recipients have worked with collections held by Archives & Special Collections (A&SC), the Frick Fine Art Library, the Center for American Music, and the Finney Music Library.
In addition to a $1,000.00 stipend towards developing their research, awardees receive specialized research mentorship from both an academic faculty and ULS mentor. Workshops are offered throughout the semester to help students better engage in their research and share out their findings. Starting in Spring 2025, awardees will collaborate on a digital interactive wall exhibit to showcase their research. The award culminates with an exhibit launch event where the students will have the chance to present about their experience to the public.
Think this award might be for you? A great first step is to contact A&SC to talk to an archivist or librarian about what ULS collections may fit your research interests.
The award is offered in partnership with the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR). If you’d like to speak to a previous recipient and/or learn more about the application process, please fill out this interest form and put “ASRA” in the What else would you like us to know? section.