Reference Transactions (login required)
Updated twice a year (January and July)
Allows us to monitor volume and patterns of reference transactions by date and time, patron, librarian, service location, status, and format
Instruction and Outreach (login required)
Updated twice a year (January and July)
Allows us to monitor volume and patterns of instruction and outreach activity by date, patron type, librarian, academic faculty, academic department, activity location, tools, topics and skills taught
Pitt Faculty Survey (Fall 2021) - Findings and Recommendations
Using Ithaka S+R survey instrument
Graduate Student Survey 2020 (login required)
Using Ithaka S&R survey instrument
Undergraduate Student Survey 2019 (login required)
Using Ithaka S&R survey instrument
Faculty Survey 2015 (public access)
Using Ithaka S&R survey instrument
ULS General Survey 2014 (public access)
Administered to all Pitt populations
Swanson School of Engineering Undergraduate Student Survey 2014-2015 (public access)
Analysis of "library questions" added to annual undergrad and graduate surveys conducted by Swanson
ARL Comparisons Detailed (login required)
Peer comparisons across ARL Statistics annual data
Updated annually
ARL Comparisons - Highlights(public access)
Peer comparisons across ARL Statistics annual data
Updated annually
Covid19 activity statistics (login required)
Contains data for 15 March 2020 - 30 June 2021)
Includes daily counts of material requests and scans, online instruction delivered, and reference transactions concluded.