Stephen Foster Collage

Stephen Foster's Chronology


  • ca: circa
  • nd: no date
  • CE = Steven Saunders and Deane L. Root, The Music of Stephen C. Foster: A Critical Edition (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990)
  • EFM = Evelyn Foster Morneweck, Chronicles of Stephen Foster's Family (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1944)
  • JTH = John Tasker Howard, Stephen Foster: America's Troubadour, 2nd edn. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1954)
  • WA = William W. Austin, "Susanna," "Jeanie," and "The Old Folks at Home": The Songs of Stephen C. Foster from His Time to Ours, 2nd edn. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987)



[ca] Alexander Foster born in the north of Ireland, later emigrated to American from Londonderry (EFM 607)


[ca] Alexander Foster emigrated from Londonderry, Ireland, to America, with his mother and other near relatives. Settled in Freehold, Monmouth County, NJ (EFM 607)


[ca] Alexander Foster moves to Little Britain Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania (later part of Lancaster County, May 10, 1729) (EFM 607)


[ca] Alexander Foster marries Polly Connor (EFM 607)


Apr. 17 Alexander Foster took out warrant for 187 acres of land in northern part of Little Britain Township.


nd John Struthers born.


April Alexander Foster died, leaving half his estate to his son John (EFM 607)


Apr. 28 John Foster sold entire estate of his father to Hugh Barkley (EFM 607)


Sept. 7 William Barclay Foster (Stephen's father) born, Berkeley County, Virginia (EFM 616). Son of James Foster, Revolutionary war soldier in Virginia, present at Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 9) (JTH 4)


nd James Foster and family with other Scotch-Irish moved to near Canonsburg, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Became an original trustee of Canonsburg Academy, 1791, later known as Jefferson College (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 9)


Jan. 21 Eliza Clayland Tomlinson (Stephen's mother) born, Wilmington, Delaware (EFM 616)


Apr. 20 William Barclay Foster rides into Pittsburgh from Canonsburg, age 16


Nov. 14 William Barclay Foster and Eliza Clayland Tomlinson Foster married, Chambersburg, PA; leave for Pittsburgh (EFM 6). Eliza's family settled on Eastern shore of Maryland, and "The ladies were distinguished in Baltimore society for their musical and artistic ability." (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 12)

Nov. 28 William Barclay Foster and Eliza Clayland Tomlinson Foster arrive on horseback in Pittsburgh (EFM 6) (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 15)


Dec. 14 Charlotte Susanna Foster born (EFM 14)


Jan. 12 Ann Eliza Foster born (EFM 14)


Apr. 5 W. B. Foster purchases 121-acre farm from Alexander Hill for $35,000, builds "white cottage" on Bullitt's Hill (EFM 10), on the Philadelphia-Greensburg Pike (later Penn Avenue) (EFM 630f). First recorded map is dated Dec. 10, 1814, probably drawn by Rev. John Taylor (EFM 631f). Site is "two and one-half miles above Pittsburgh," the same site where George Washington nearly froze the night of Dec.28, 1753 (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 19) (JTH 6)

Apr.7 W.B. Foster's father, James, dies at daughter's home in Poland, Ohio (JTH 4)

Apr. 18 W.B. Foster appointed Deputy Commissioner of Purchases (JTH 8). Title was Quartermaster and Commissary of the U.S. Army (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 17)

Apr. 29 W.B. Foster sells U.S. government 30 acres for an arsenal, for $12,000 (EFM 20) (JTH 7 says April 9)

Dec.15 W.B. Foster dispatched steamboat "Enterprise" from Pittsburgh to New Orleans, commanded by Capt. Henry M. Shreve (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 17f) (JTH 8)


Jan.5 "Enterprise" reaches New Orleans (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 18)

Jan.8 Battle of New Orleans (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 18)

Feb. 18 War Department instructed Treasury Department to transmit W. B. Foster $21,308.08 (JTH 8)

Apr.30 W. B. Foster files claim for $2,704.90 more. (JTH 8)

Nd W. B. Foster becomes manager of a turnpike transportation company that operated stage-coaches and Conestoga wagons between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia (JTH 9-10)

Nd This year or next Foster family moves into "White Cottage" (JTH 7)


Mar. 23 Henry Baldwin Foster first of Foster children born at White Cottage (EFM 14). He later recalls his boyhood there driving cows to pasture and minding the pigs (EFM 497)

nd President Monroe inspects the Arsenal with W.B. Foster (EFM 28)


Oct. William Evens opens music school in his plane-shop in Pittsburgh (EFM 29)


nd Foster family has a piano by this time (EFM 40)

nd W. B. Foster ceases managing the turnpike transportation company (JTH 9-10) (see his letter, Dec. 7, 1834)

Sep. 14 Henrietta Angelica Foster born (EFM 14); also Tom Hunter born at White Cottage, bound boy the son of a servant at the White Cottage and a soldier at Arsenal, lived with Fosters until 1834 (EFM 48)


Feb. 20 Hamilton Lodge No. 173, Masons, constituted in Lawrenceville, with W.B. Foster as treasurer (EFM 22f)


Jan. 26 Dunning McNair Foster born (EFM 14)

nd W.B. Foster appointed by Governor

Heister as register and recorder of Allegheny County (a post he held three years) (EFM 9)


June 10 Morrison Foster born (EFM 14)

Nd Hearing in U.S. Court at Pittsburgh, Judge Walker and jury, concerning W.B. Foster's case against the government. (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 18f) (JTH 8-9): Foster received only $1,107.89 of his claim, leaving him $1,597.01 unpaid.


nd Dr. Andrew Nathan McDowell married Jane Denny Porter of Chambersburg, a friend of Charlotte Susanna Foster (EFM 349)


nd Foster family are now without a piano (EFM 40)

Sep. 25 Henrietta and Morrison baptized at Trinity Church (EFM 28)

Nov. W.B. Foster elected as Federalist to Pennsylvania Legislature or Assembly as representative from Allegheny and Butler counties (served 3 years) (EFM 9). Purpose was to procure passage of bills for construction of the Pennsylvania Canal (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 22)


May 6 Bank of the United States forecloses the mortgage on all W.B. Foster's property designated as the 'southern half' of the borough of Lawrenceville; Fosters continue to rent the "White Cottage" from the bank (EFM 37f) (EFM 630) (JTH 7 says May 26)

Apr. 19 Nathan S. Roberts begins surveying for line of the Pennsylvania canal in Pittsburgh, takes Wm. Foster Jr. to learn to be an engineer (EFM 39)

July 4 Stephen Collins Foster born, shortly after half-past twelve (EFM 14, 46); cannon salute from Arsenal at noon, and then band played the national hymn (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 22)

Aug. 16 Wm. B. Foster's cousin writes from Cincinnati about the Blairsville-Pittsburgh canal (JTH 12-13)


Apr. 22 Stephen Foster baptized at Trinity Episcopal Church (EFM 46)

Summer Stephen "very ill with summer complaint" and later had whooping cough two times by age 7, again age 10 (EFM 46)

Sept. 6 White Cottage property sold to Malcolm Leech for $6,000. Soon thereafter, Fosters moved to a house on Water Street, Pittsburgh (EFM 630), "not later than 1829" (EFM 631)


spring Wm. B. Foster still in Harrisburg in Pennsylvania Assembly (EFM 48)

May Charlotte leaves on the Waverley to visit Cincinnati and Louisville (EFM 54)

summer Brother William, in Kiskiminetas working on survey for Pennsylvania canal, purchases a piano for the Foster family (EFM 41, 48, 59)

summer Foster family has moved from White Cottage to a house on Water Street (EFM 68)

June 26 Wm. B. Foster to Charlotte in Louisville concerning the political campaign (JTH 12)

Aug. 10 Wm. B. Foster appointed collector of tolls for Pittsburgh-Blairsville Canal, still under construction (EFM 68)

Sept. 7 Wm. B. Foster to Charlotte in Kentucky concerning the political campaign (JTH 12)

Sep.-Oct. Charlotte in Bardstown, KY (EFM 60-66)

Nov. Charlotte returns to Pittsburgh on the Waverley (EFM 66)

nd Wm. Foster Jr. initiated into Masons, later became secretary of the lodge (EFM 23)

nd Stephen lays Ann Eliza's guitar on the floor and picks out harmonies (EFM 81). "Sister Ann Eliza had a number of musical instruments, among the rest a guitar. When he was two years old he would lay this guitar on the floor and pick out harmonies from its strings. He call it his 'ittly pizani' (little piano)." (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 31)


Feb. 3 James Clayland Foster born (EFM 14)

ca. Feb. Charlotte and Ann Eliza go to Louisville (EFM 68)

June Ann Eliza make visits Bardstown (EFM 68f)

June 21 Canal water reaches Allegheny (EFM 69). Wm. B. Foster, who is to be collector of tolls, writes to Charlotte (JTH 13)

July Charlotte visits Bardstown (EFM 70)

Aug Ann Eliza returns to Pittsburgh (EFM 69)

Oct 20 Charlotte dies in Louisville (EFM 72)


May 19 Baby "Little Jim" dies (EFM 14)

nd W.C. Peters (in Pittsburgh area since ca. 1823, gives music lessons to Foster girls) leaves for Louisville (WA 24; see conflicting information in EFM 81f)

nd When Stephen was "about five years old" "He was sent, along with the rest of us, to an infant school taught by Mrs. Harvey, and elderly lady, and her daughter, Mrs. Morgan" to learn the alphabet (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 24)


nd Henry Kleber and father arrive in Pittsburgh  from Darmstadt, Germany (WA 22)

Feb Great flood on Allegheny river; Henry and Dunning rescue dog and dog house from the water (EFM 86-87)

spring-Oct Mrs. Foster, Henrietta, Morrison, Stephen lodge in Harmony PA in Butler county (EFM 77)

May 14 Mrs. Foster writes to Wm. Jr. about "Stevan who has a drum and marches about...whistling old lang syne....There is something perfectly original about him." (EFM 80-81)

June 17 Wm. B. Foster to Wm. Jr. that "the water is expected to be in the canal in about ten days, when I must take my post at the office." (JTH 13)

Aug. 7 Canal now functioning, and Wm. B. Foster writes to son Wm. Jr. about it and Jackson's veto of the National Bank (JTH 14)

Summer Wm. B. Foster still working with Pittsburgh and Blairsville Canal (EFM 84)

Oct. Foster's new house ready to occupy in Allegheny, near Federal Street bridge (EFM 79, 86)


Feb.? Wm. B. Foster signs the temperance pledge (EFM 76). His letter to Wm. Jr. Feb. 8 says he signed it "some time before I left home" [for Harrisburg?] (JTH 15f)

Apr. 9 Ann Eliza Foster marries Edward Buchanan in Christ Church, Allegheny (WA 94, EFM 89)

ca. May 18 Mrs. Foster leaves to visit her half-brothers John and Joseph Tomlinson, Jr., for three weeks (ca. May 20-June 10) at Augusta, KY, with Henrietta and Stephen (EFM 5)

June Mrs. Foster, Henrietta and Stephen spend one week in Cincinnati (ca. June 10-17) and visit Dr. N.B. Marshall and family (daughter is Sophie Marshall); one week

(ca. June 18-25) in Louisville; depart for Pittsburgh ca. June 25 (EFM 91). Morrison says "While in Cincinnati [in late 1840s] he met Miss Sophie Marshall, the grand-daughter of Michael P. Cassilly of that city, a former Pittsburgher...[who] possessed a beautiful soprano voice and sang with much sweetness and taste...." (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen," 41).

Summer, fall Dunning working at Mr. Hogan's bookstore in Pittsburgh after school (EFM 96)

July 2 Mrs. Foster and sons arrive in Pittsburgh from Kentucky (EFM 91)

Oct. 5 Wm. B. Foster involved in election campaign against "anties" (anti-masonry) and the Bank of the United States (EFM 95)

Oct. 27 Henrietta reports to Wm. Jr. that Stephen's eye had been bitten by a spider and was very swollen, but is getting better. (EFM 96)

nd Stephen and mother in Smith & Mellor's Music Store (where W.C. Peters is a partner), he plays flageolet (EFM 81). "At the age of seven years he accidentally took up a flageolet in the music store of Smith & Mellor, in Pittsburgh, and in a few minutes he had so mastered its stops and sounds that he played Hail Columbia in perfect time and accent. He had never before handled either a flageolet or flute." Not long after he learned "unaided" the flute. Later learned to play piano "remarkably well" (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 31).


Feb. Wm. B. Foster in Harrisburg trying to get paid by Canal Commission; Wm. Jr. in Kentucky doing engineering work (EFM 96f)

March Wm. B. Foster resigns canal position

May 2 Foster family moves to house on Bank Lane, ca. quarter mile downstream from Allegheny (EFM 97f)

May 3 James Buchanan born, son of Ann Eliza and Edward Buchanan, in Foster's house near Allegheny (EFM 98)

May Stephen and Morrison attending school of Rev. Joseph Stockton, called Allegheny Academy, in Allegheny, with John Kelly as assistant (EFM 100f). W.B. Foster (Sr.) had known Stockton at Meadville, PA, and induced him to come to Allegheny where he was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Allegheny and principal of Allegheny Academy. Stockton taught classics, grammar, mathematics; John Kelly (from Dublin) was his assistant and disciplinarian; Mr. Caldwell taught elocution; Mr. Egerton taught penmanship (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 23f). After death of Rev. Stockton (nd), Kelly continued the school; Murray's "English Reader", Walker's dictionary, Hutton's Mathematics and the Western Calculator were the standard texts (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 26)

July Mrs. Collins presents Mrs. Foster with "coloured girl, with upwards of three years to serve" named Kitty (EFM 103)

Nov. Edward Buchanan goes to Philadelphia (to cure consumption, receive operation) (EFM 98)

ca. Dec. 1 Foster family move to house near Allegheny Bridge in Allegheny (EFM 106)

Dec. 7 W. B. Foster letter to William, Jr., explains the situation with the turnpike transportation company he once managed (JTH 10-11)

nd Last of Thomas Moore's volumes of Irish Melodies appears (1808-34) (WA 131)


Jan. Ann Eliza and son James Buchanan leave to join Edward Buchanan in Mercersburg (EFM 107)

Jan. Henry Foster employed at Hutchinson & Ledlie's warehouse (EFM 108)

Jan Wm. B. Foster sells lots from his remaining holdings in Lawrenceville (EFM 110)

Jan Edward Buchanan takes positions in Lancaster and Chester counties (EFM 113)

nd Henrietta teaches Stephen to play chords on the guitar (EFM 110)

nd SCF and friends perform "Ethiopian songs" in Foster family carriage house (WA 7), including Andy Robinson (WA 164) (EFM 110). "When he was nine years old a thespian company was formed, composed of boys of neighbor families," earning enough to attend the Pittsburgh Theatre on Saturday nights (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 25)

May Wm. Jr. becomes assistant engineer with Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal, at Youngstown (EFM 108f; p. 112 says June or July)

Fall Wm. B. Foster and Henrietta say in Youngstown with Wm. Jr. (EFM 113)


Jan Eliza visits Youngstown with Stephen and Morrison, boarding at Mrs. Squires' (EFM 113, 116)

Feb. Wm. B. Foster travels to Washington DC to press claims against the government (EFM 115)

Mar 2 Wm. B. Foster in eastern PA, returning to Youngstown (EFM 115). Writes to his wife about efforts to be paid on his claim to U.S. government (JTH 9)

Mar 10 Henry and Dunning write to Mrs. Foster, they have been traveling in the South for two months visiting Nashville, Louisville (EFM 115f)

Apr Mrs. Foster in eastern PA attending to Ann Eliza who is expecting child (Charlotte); Stephen and Morrison alone at Mrs. Squires' (EFM 116)

Apr 30 Dunning and Henry are back in Pittsburgh (EFM 117)

Ca. May 1 Mrs. Foster goes to Philadelphia visiting friends (EFM 118f)

May Mrs. Foster returns to Pittsburgh, with Morrison and Stephen (EFM 121)

May Wm. Foster Jr. returns to Kentucky (EFM 119, 122f)

Oct 20 Henrietta marries Thomas Wick


Jan. 14 SCF als from Youngstown to [William B. Foster, Sr.] concerning a comic songster, whistle (EFM 121) (Elliker #189)

Feb. Wm. Foster Jr. visits family in Youngstown and Pittsburgh, to close out his and his father's share of the store Foster & Hall (EFM 122)

June 16 Stephen in Allegheny has recovered from whooping cough (third time), and attends Mr. Todd's school with Morrison; Foster's go through neighbor's (Pentland's) gate to bake in their oven (EFM 127-8). "After several years spent with Mr. Kelly, Stephen was placed under the care of Rev. Nathan Todd...who gave much attention to...Latin and Greek...[and] English...." (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 27)

July Mrs. Foster, Stephen and Dunning go to Youngstown; Stephen stays in Poland at farm of uncle John Struthers (EFM 129)

July 20 Wm. B. Foster leaves Allegheny, spends a week at Youngstown, on way to Erie (EFM129) (JTH 11)

July 28 Henrietta's first child, Mary Baldwin Wick, born (EFM 129)

August Wm. F., Eliza, Stephen, and others return to Allegheny; balloon ascension occurs from the East Common (EFM 130)

Sept.5 William B. Foster letter about the balloon ascension (JTH 11)

Nov/Dec Wm. Foster Jr. marries Mary Wick of Youngstown (EFM 135)

nd Lawrenceville Masonic lodge warrant vacated for nonpayment of dues (EFM 23)

nd Stephen stays for a few days with uncle John Struthers in Ohio (WA 166)

nd Wm. B. Foster conducts temperance meetings in Butler and Allegheny counties (EFM 77)

nd Bank panic causes economic depression that lasts three years (EFM 180)

nd Charter (later taken over by Pennsylvania Railroad) issued for Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad, organizers including Dr. McDowell (Jane's father) (EFM 342)


Mar. Foster family in Allegheny (EFM 135f), Ann Eliza and children are visiting (EFM 138)

April 6 Ann Eliza and children leave for Eastern PA (EFM 138)

April 21 Henry Foster writes from Allegheny that "the portraits are here, and both excellent likenesses" [ one of Wm. Jr.?] (EFM 139)

May 13 Henry has entered business in Warren, PA (EFM 139f)

Aug Henry has closed out his business (EFM 145)


Jan 8 Mary Wick (Mrs. Wm. B. Foster Jr.) dies (EFM 135)

March Wm. Foster Jr. visits Pittsburgh (EFM 153); writes to father from aboard steamboat March 30 (EFM 159)

Mar. 30 Wm. Jr. meets Dunning Foster at Portsmouth, Ohio (EFM 160); Dunning still with Hutchinson and Ledlie, traveling ("collecting") for them in Tennessee (EFM 165)

Apr 30 Wm. B. Foster (Allegheny) writes to son Wm. Jr. (EGM 159)

nd W.C. Peters establishes music store in Cincinnati (WA 24)

Jul-Aug Fosters rent out their Allegheny home, spend summer in Poland, Ohio (EFM 160f); canal in this area to be finished by November (163); Wm Jr. is at Tunkhannock (near Towanda), PA, Henry, Morrison and Stephen boarding in Youngstown (164)

Aug-Sept Stephen stays some weeks with uncle John Struthers in Ohio (WA 166)

Sept.1 Morrison and Wm. B. Foster have returned to Pittsburgh (EFM 167); Morrison begins working as accountant at office of Cadwallader Evans (Eliza's cousin, md. To Jane Mahon), a patent safety guard maker (to reduce chance of explosion of steamboat), 10 Water St., and living with the family (EFM 168-9) (was to begin this date at Wrenshall & Co. cotton warehouse in Pittsburgh (EFM 164))

Sept.29 Henrietta Thornton writes to William Foster about Stephen at uncle John Struthers's farm, with horses and cattle. (WA 166)

Late fall Mr. Mrs. and Stephen Foster move to Youngstown

Christmas Wm. Jr. visits Youngstown (EFM169)


nd Dunning Foster begins career as "river man," leaves employ of Hutchinson & Ledlie (EFM 160)

nd Portraits of Wm. B. Foster painted by William Cogswell and Eliza Foster painted by a Mr. Clifford, of Pittsburgh (EFM facing p. 158; 211)

nd Portrait of Dunning painted by William Cogswell of Pittsburgh (EFM facing p. 159; 211)

nd George P. Morris edits first anthology of American Melodies (WA 127ff)

nd Henry Kleber studies voice with Giamboni in Pittsburgh (WA 22)

Jan. 14 Stephen and brother William leave Youngstown for Towanda (EFM 170), in two-horse sleigh (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 28)

Jan. 15 Stephen and brother William reach Pittsburgh (EFM 170); they go next to Harrisburg

Jan 16 Wm Foster travels with Thomas Wick to Warren PA (EFM 173f); Henrietta, Thomas and family then move there from Youngstown (EFM 174ff)

Mar. 23 Canal at Youngstown filled with water (EFM 177f)

Mar.24 William B. Foster to William Jr., concerning Stephen (WA 167)

Apr. Mr. And Mrs. Foster leave Youngstown and return to Allegheny (EFM175f), stay there until August (EFM 180)

July Henry joins Wm. Jr. in engineer's office in Towanda (EFM 181)

July 28 Eliza and Wm. B. Foster leave Pittsburgh for Youngstown (EFM 181)

[ca.Aug.1] Dunning purchases keelboat with Augustus Anshutes; Morrison begins two years as clerk with McCormack (McCormick) & Brackenridge (EFM 182, 184)

Sept-Oct Wm. And Eliza Foster travel to Philadelphia via canal boat and rail to collect a debt (EFM 183)

nd Wm. B. Foster sides with Whigs against Van Buren (EFM 177, 185); later favors John Tyler, elected as a Whig, but favors state's rights and opposed United States Bank (EFM 253)

Nov. 9 SCF als to [William B. Foster, Jr.], from Athens, PA; he has changed schools (EFM 188f) and is boarding at Mr. Herrick's where he plays his clarinet (EFM 190) (Elliker #190)

Nov. 15 Dunning returns to Pittsburgh from St. Louis (EFM 186)

Dec Wm. and Eliza are boarding at Mrs. Paul's (Pittsburgh, 2nd St., near Mon wharf) (EFM 188)


nd Henry takes job in the Treasury Department, Washington DC, holds until Dec. 1849. (WA 106) (EFM 590 writes that "Stephen never visited Washington when Buchanan was President nor at any other time.")

Jan. Wm. Jr. makes short visit to Ann Eliza at Pequea PA (EFM 190), Wm. Sr. makes short trip to Erie and Youngtown (returning Feb. 12) (EFM 193)

[ca. Feb 3] Dunning has "gone on a steam boat in the Mississippi trade" (EFM 194, 195)

March Henry and Wm. Jr. are singing in the Episcopal Church choir at Towanda (EFM 197)

March 11 Eliza Clayland Tomlinson Foster, Baltimore, a.l.s. to William Barclay Foster, while visiting her relatives in Maryland, writes about "making out the chronicles of the Clayland family" and the possibility of inheriting a "castleated estate on the borders of Durham" (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 13f)

[Apr?] Stephen writes to brother William wanting to leave Mr. Herrick's, stay in Towanda rooming with Mr. Kettle, an artist (EFM 197) (Elliker #191)

April 1 Stephen (on flute) and two other student flutists and a student pianist perform his "Tioga Waltz" in Presbyterian Church at Athens PA (EFM 191), dedicated to Frances Welles (EFM 192). Morrison Foster later created a manuscript of the tune for piano, and published it in Biography, Songs and Musical Compositions of Stephen C. Foster entered and deposited for copyright July 11, 1896 (CE II 493). Morrison said Stephen arranged it for four flutes, with Stephen on lead (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 32)

Apr 22 Wm. Sr. has made his third trip to Erie, Dunning is on steamship Maine on Illinois River (EFM 199-200)

[ca. Apr.26] Fire in Allegheny destroys several houses, but Wm. Jr's are not affected. (EFM 200)

spring Stephen back in Towanda (EFM 189)

May Wm. Sr. travels three weeks to Louisville and Lexington KY and returns first week of June, Eliza goes to Youngstown (EFM 201)

Early July Stephen and brother William arrive in Pittsburgh from Towanda; parents still lodging with Mrs. Paul (EFM 202)

July 20 Stephen arrives with his father at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, PA (EFM 202), father leaves the next day for Warren (EFM 203). "During this part of his life he studied French and German, and became proficient in both under the instruction of Capt. Jean Herbst, a Belgian gentleman, who came to reside in Pittsburgh." (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 32f)

July [24] SCF als to [William B. Foster, Jr.], from Canonsburg, PA (EFM 202-3), mid-session (EFM 205) (Elliker #192)

Aug. 28 SCF in Pittsburgh to Wm. Jr.; he has helped the family move house to Wm. Jr.'s house in Allegheny, and has started school with Mr. Moody (where he studies French and German); he fancies being a Navy midshipman; Wm. Sr. is in Washington County at a temperance meeting (EFM 205, 207f) (Elliker #193)

[ca. Aug 20) Fosters resume housekeeping at Wm. Jr.'s house on East Common, Allegheny (EFM 209)

Sept. 3 Wm. B. Foster writes about his activities in a temperance society in Allegheny (JTH 16)

[ca.Sept 23] Wm. Sr. attends temperance rally in Butler county church (EFM 212)

Oct 18 Eliza Foster (Allegheny) writes to William Jr., while William Sr. is away in Erie on business; Stephen "reads a great deal," Morrison living with them (WA 113; EFM 215)

Oct. 23 Dunning is back home; sends father's portrait to Wm. Jr. (EFM 211)

Nov. 21 Wm. Sr. receives letter from Judge (Controller of the Treasury) Walter Forward of Pittsburgh, offering him a position in Washington. (EFM 217)

Nov. 30 Wm Sr. arrives in Washington, DC, staying at Fuller'f Hotel (Pennsylvania Ave.) (EFM 218f)

[ca. Dec. 14] Wm. Jr. and Henry have arrived in Washington DC; Wm. Sr. and Jr. leave Washington DC for Pittsburgh (EFM 219)

Dec. 20 Henry (Washington DC) to William Jr. about his job as a clerk in Treasury Department (WA 106; EFM 219)


Jan Wm. Sr.'s Erie claim partially paid (EFM 221)

Jan 25 Wm. Sr. elected mayor of Allegheny; Stephen helps in his office, in a room at the back of the house (EFM 212, 221, 228)

nd Stephen and Morrison read The Mysteries of Udolpho, historical romances by George Paine Rainsford James, Henry Masterton, and The Adventures of John Marston Hall (EFM 221). About this time [?], "Stephen also became quite a creditable artist in water colors as an amusement, and some of his pictures are yet preserved with pride by his friends." (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 33)

Early Feb Wm. Jr. and his mother start east to Harrisburg, then by rail to Washington; rest of family in Allegheny have "colored woman, named Catharine Russell' (EFM 221f)

Feb 16 Eliza Foster in Washington, Wm. Jr. has returned to Pennsylvania (EFM 222f). Mrs. Foster visits Henry in Washington, DC; he introduces her to President Tyler at White House and Judge Henry Baldwin of Supreme Court; they travel together to Baltimore (WA 106)

[ca.Mar.1-12] Eliza Foster in Baltimore (EFM 223f), then to Skinner plantation "Wood Lawn" on Eastern Shore (EFM 234f)

March Stephen studies at home, doesn't go to school in Allegheny (EFM 228)

nd Morrison's passion was the theater (EFM 230)

nd Towanda bank fails, causing suspension of the North Branch Canal project of Wm. Jr. in May (EFM 221, 240f)

nd Charles Dickens, on lecture tour, falls ill in Pittsburgh, treated by Dr. McDowell; William B. Foster sends Morrison to call on him Mar 30; calls on him next day with Stephen (WA 161; EFM 232 says Stephen and Wm. Sr.)

nd Wm. Jr. builds brick house on East Common, Allegheny, directly below the Methodist Protestant Church (EFM 109)

nd William B. Foster serves a term as mayor of Allegheny (WA 112)

[ca. May 1] Eliza Foster leaves Washington for Paradise PA to visit daughter Ann Eliza Buchanan (EFM 238f)

May 24 Eliza Foster leaves Paradise PA for Pittsburgh; Thomas Wick dies in Youngstown (EFM 241)

May 25[?] Wm. Foster Sr. leaves for Youngstown

May Frank Johnson's band performs at New Temperance Hall and elsewhere in Allegheny (and Pittsburgh?) (WA 146, 245)

June 11 Eliza Foster in Youngstown OH helping Henrietta (EFM 242); Stephen too (EFM 243); leave for Allegheny at end of June (EFM 247). Henrietta has a piano (EFM 249)

nd Stephen Foster using Walker's Dictionary for reference (EFM 247)

nd Foster brothers borrow from one another, keeping strict accounting (EFM 251)

Aug 18 Henry (Washington) to brother William, writes that he is in Episcopal church choir (EFM 252)

Sep.3 Eliza Foster now in Youngstown a week with Stephen to help Henrietta; the trip is easy, and costs $2 (EFM 253f)

Sep.22 Wm. Foster Jr. marries Elizabeth Smith Burnett, a widow with a son, Robert (and sister in law of J. Edgar Thomson) (EFM 255)

Oct Eliza Foster returns to Pittsburgh (EFM 256)

Nov Wm. Sr. goes to Washington DC and Baltimore and returns by way of Youngstown (EFM 257)

Dec 3 Stephen returns from Youngstown to Pittsburgh with his father; later attends Old Drury theater performances of Junius Brutus Booth

Dec. 5 (Richard III), 10 (King Lear) (EFM 256)

Dec. 25 Stephen and Morrison attend services at the Catholic church (EFM 258)


Mar.1-23 Comet appears (EFM 260)

Mar.11-Apr.23 Morrison goes to Memphis on steamboat Lancaster, business trip for Pollard McCormick to buy cotton and sell yarn (EFM 258)

Apr 19 Morrison travels on same steamboat Little Ben from Madison IN to Cincinnati as Frank Johnson's band (EFM 261)

May 12 Frank Johnson's Band gives "Grand Soiree Musicale" at Philo Hall, Pittsburgh (EFM 262)

May 16 Frank Johnson's Band perform at Temperance Ark, Allegheny; gang [of Irish?] threaten them, band is protected by Wm. Sr. who sets bail for four of them on May 18 (EFM 262ff)

[ca. May20] Frank Johnson's Band advertised to perform Grand Quadrille Party at Bonnafon's Saloon [Pittsburgh?] (EFM 264)

May 27 Morrison travels to New Orleans (EFM 260f) and Nashville buying cotton (EFM 266).

nd Foster brothers meet Dan Rice, who is doing "nigero singing and dancing" (EFM 264ff)

July 13 Wm. Jr. and new wife Elizabeth visiting Allegheny, their daughter Charlotte Frances born (EFM 266)

August Henry Foster in Allegheny for a visit (EFM 266)

Aug.9 Morrison and Henry walk to Lawrenceville to visit White Cottage, now home of Malcolm Leech and family (EFM 266) (EFM 638)

Aug.30 Wm. Jr. and family traveling on Blairsville canal at Warren (PA?) (EFM 269f)

Sep.22 Wm. Jr. in Towanda, his family at Paradise PA, Henry visiting Ann Eliza and on to York PA (EFM 270f)

Oct. Wm. Jr. elected a canal commissioner of PA, lives with family at Towanda (EFM 273). According to Morrison, his position is "Chief Engineer of the Public Works (canals and railroads) of the State of Pennsylvania" (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 27)

Oct.14 Verses of poem "Open Thy Lattice, Love" published under title "Serenade" in New Mirror (EFM 267f) (CE 451).

nd Stephen Foster writes "Open Thy Lattice, Love" to poem by George Pope Morris (EFM 267) and sketches waltz dedicated to "Miss Maria Bach&quoquot;, (?)gives ms to Susan Pentland (EFM 268). "At sixteen years of age he produced his first published song..."Open Thy Lattice, Love" (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 34) [NB: Morris's poem not published until Stephen was 17]

Nov.-Dec.10 Morrison travels to New Orleans, places order with Burke, Watt and Company headed by Glen D. Burke (EFM 273)


Mar.19 Morrison departs for New Orleans, attends cockfight near Memphis (EFM 275)

May Foster household in Allegheny apparently has a piano (EFM 274)

July 10 Morrison leaves New Orleans, returns via Chicago and Great Lakes, Buffalo (where he heard Ole Bull), arriving Pittsburgh Aug.2 (EFM 275f)

Fall? Robert Peebles Nevin writes "Our Nominee" for Polk and Dallas presidential campaign (EFM 278)

Oct. Eliza Foster visiting Wm. Jr. and Elizabeth in Harrisburg and daughter Ann Eliza (EFM 276)

Nov.1 Morrison leaves again for New Orleans (EFM 277)

Dec.7 "Open Thy Lattice Love" entered and deposited for copyright by George Willig, 171n Ches[t]nut St[reet], Philadelphia (CE); dedicated to Susan E. Pentland, 14-year old next-door neighbor and pianist (WA 5, 24, 164) (EFM 267)

Dec. 12 Morrison returns from New Orleans (EFM 280)

nd Thomas Campbell (1777-1844) dies, had written "The Harper" about "Poor Dog Tray" (WA 124-5)

nd Frank Johnson dies (WA 145)

nd Wm. R. Dempster's setting of Tennyson's poem "The May Queen" published; Stephen Foster and Charles Shiras inspired to write additional stanzas (this year, or 1846? WA 152)

nd When Stephen was 18, he is invited to a large party and invited him "to bring his flute with him" to which he replies "I will send my flute if she desires it." (EFM 490f) (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 36). But he "often sang in chorus with others, upon occasions of concerts for charitable purposes, in Pittsburgh." (Morrison, 37).


Jan. 23 Wm. Sr.'s brother, Alexander Foster of Harrison County, OH, dies (EFM 279)

Feb. 6 Wm. Sr.'s brother, James Barclay Foster of Baldwin Township, Allegheny County PA, dies (EFM 279f)

Apr.10 Worst fire in Pittsburgh history, burning a third of the city mostly businesses and factories, bridge over Monongahela, Monongahela House hotel. Morrison, Stephen and other boys help fight fire with volunteer fire company. Morrison saves books of McCormick cotton warehouse but building burns. Within three months the business district is rebuilt (EFM 280ff)

nd SCF works at Hope Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh (WA 3), checking cotton bales as they are rolled up the wharf from steamboats (EFM 282)

nd Stephen and friends meet often for music at home of Rachel, Mary, and Margaret Keller (EFM 282); meet twice a week at Foster's house "to practice songs in harmony" with J. Cust Blair, Andrew L. Robinson, J. Harvey Davis, Robert P. McDowell, Morrison. Stephen writes "Lou'sianna Belle," the "Old Uncle Ned" (EFM 282f). "In 1845 a club of young men, friends of his, met twice a week at our house to practice songs in harmony under his leadership. They were, J. Cust Blair, Andrew L. Robinson, J. Harvey Davis, Robert P. McDowell, and myself." "His first effort was called 'The Louisiana Belle.' A week after this he produced the famous song of 'Old Uncle Ned.'" (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 34)

May Morrison departs Allegheny (EFM 280)

May 6 SCF writes "Five 'Nice Young Men'" (WA 4) re Charles P. Shiras (Charley the elder), Charles Rahm (Charley the younger, Illinois screecher), Andrew L. Robinson (Andy, "duds"), Robert J. McDowell (Bob, smokes tobies), J. Harvey Davis (fiddler), "Knights of the Square Table"; refs. to George Latimer (WA 5), fugitive slave (EFM 283f). Group included "mixed ensemble of flute, guitar, piano, violin, and voices," arr. their own duets and quartets (EFM 285). (Elliker #165)

May 14 Stephen and Morrison's employer, Pollard G. McCormick, marries Sarah K. Shoenberger in Lawrenceville, Morrison attends wedding (EFM 286f)

May 15 Morrison leaves on longest journey of his career, to New Orleans then by sea to New York, then to Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington (EFM 287)

July 21 Morrison returns from trip (EFM 187)

Aug.13 Methodist Protestant Church (corner of Ohio Street and East Common, now Union Avenue) next door to Foster's house in Allegheny blows up in gas explosion (EFM 288)

Sept. 15 Stephen Foster als from Pittsburgh to sister Ann Eliza (Elliker #194) (Elliker #194)

Sept. 19 Stephen to Ann Eliza Buchanan, re her desire for him to compose organ music; considers trading places with Henry in Washington at Treasury Dept.; Dunning is traveling in the East; Stephen is working at Hope (McCormick) warehouse in Pittsburgh (WA 107). Stephen borrows organ music from Mellor, copies it and sends it to Ann Eliza (EFM 285f says Sept 15)

Nd Dunning Foster goes into partnership with Archibald Irwin, Jr. in steamboat agency and commission business, Cincinnati, late this year or early 1846 (EFM 289)

Nd Stephen's song "Uncle Ned" is "first sung in Cincinnati, at a concert by Pond, McCann, and others...and enthusiastically encored," according to J. B. Russell's article of Jan. 22 1857 (EFM 485). "'Uncle Ned' immediately became known and popular everywhere" [implying in 1845] (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 34)

Nd Mr. A. Andrews rents second-floor hall on Wood Street, Pittsburgh, as Eagle Ice Cream Saloon, presents "living statues, songs, dances" (EFM 310)

(fall?) Uncle John Struthers (1759-1845) dies (WA 166) (EFM 299f)


Jan.21 Wm. Sr. leaves Allegheny and arrives in Washington (ca. Feb.1?) to testify for claims for George Cochran; Wm. Jr. has been offered position in the new Pennsylvania Railroad (EFM 290f, 295f)

Feb Eliza Foster visits Dunning in Cincinnati; Stephen, Morrison, Henrietta and her children in Allegheny (EFM 289)

nd Henry Kleber opens music store in Pittsburgh (WA 22)

April 7 William R. (P. in EFM 439) Dempster of Boston toured through Pittsburgh, and his concert is heard by Foster and Charles Shiras (WA 152); Stephen and Shiras both love his "May Queen" cantata on Tennyson's three-part poem; Stephen later plays and sings it with great emotion, and he (one) and Shiras (two) add verses (EFM 439)

spring Henry Foster advocates for Stephen's appointment to West Point military academy; posts negative results in letter to Morrison, Mar.16 (WA 107); by Mar. 16 Wm. Sr. has returned to Allegheny (EFM 296f)

June Morrison passes through Cincinnati (EFM 293); returns from New Orleans June 30 (EFM 300)

Summer Henry visits from Washington, meets Mary Burgess (EFM 301)

Oct.9 "There's a Good Time Coming" entered for copyright by Peters & Field, Cincinnati; deposit copy dated October 19, 1846 (CE 452); on Charles Mackay poem, dedicated it to Mary Keller (WA 10, 18) (EFM 282, 298)

Oct. 31 Stephen still in Allegheny, according to Wm. Sr. letter (EFM 300). "[In 1846] Stephen went to Cincinnati at the solicitation of his brother Dunning, who was in business there, and acted as a bookkeeper for him." "While in Cincinnati he wrote 'Oh,Susanna'...." (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 35)

Dec 26 Mary Keller dies suddenly; Foster writes "Where is Thy Spirit, Mary?" (WA 115) (EFM 282, 298f) (but see 1847 nd).

nd Morrison appointed guardian of Henrietta's children and property (EFM 292)

nd James Hall provides recommendation for Stephen in Cincinnati (WA 144-5)


nd "Where Is Thy Spirit Mary?" written by Stephen Foster, in memory of Mary Keller. Year 1847 appears on the title page of the printed source (1895) (CE 455).

nd Stephen is in Cincinnati (see Aug. 23), late in 1846 or early 1847, working as bookkeeper for Irwin and Foster (EFM 301)

nd Charles Shiras edits two new weekly journals (WA xxi), The Albatross which is antislavery, and The Evening Day Book more literary and edited in partnership with William A. Kinsloe (EFM 435)

Jan 5 Henrietta marries Jesse Thornton (EFM 301)

Jan 12 Henry Foster marries Mary Burgess (WA 108) (EFM 301)

Jan 12 Wm. Jr.'s term on canal commission expires, and he begins working for Pennsylvania Railroad under chief engineer J. Edgar Thomson (EFM 291f)

Apr. 20 Morrison leaves Allegheny on business (EFM 301)

May 13 Mexican War declared (EFM 292)

nd Morrison joins Third Regiment as corporal, soon made sergeant in Company 7 under Captain Thorn (EFM 292)

June 4 General Scott's company called to Mexico, including Dunning, Richard Cowan, in Capt. Alex Hays' company, the Jackson Blues, co-captained by William Carlton (EFM 301)

June 10 Notice appears in Cincinnati Gazette that Peters & Field in Cincinnati issue a second edition of "Open Thy Lattice, Love" (EFM 308)

June 14 Morrison arrives in Baltimore on vacation, visits Philadelphia and Washington, returns via the Pennsylvania canal (EFM 303f)

Summer Eliza and Wm. Sr. move to Youngstown for two years, staying in boardinghouses when visiting Pittsburgh (EFM 302)

Aug. 19 "What Must a Fairy's Dream Be?" sung for first time at Andrews Eagle Ice Cream Saloon by Miss Bruce (EFM 315); (WA 11), dedicated to daughter of Allegheny judge Thomas Irwin and friend of the five nice young men (WA 115)

Aug. 23 Eliza Foster (Youngstown OH) writes to Morrison, just returned from Cincinnati where he visited Dunning and Stephen (WA 113f); Morrison staying at St. Charles Hotel June 25-Nov.29 (EFM 314)

Aug. 31 Pittsburgh Daily Commercial Journal runs ad for silver cup prize on Sept. 6 for author of words to an Ethiopian Melody or Extravaganza at Andrew's Eagle Ice Cream Saloon (EFM 311f), to be performed by "The Vocalists" (Mrs. Phillips, Miss Bruce, Mrs. Sharpe, Mr. Kneass, Mr. Holman) (EFM 313). "While he was in Cincinnati...he sent to me at my suggestion a song called 'Way Down South Whar de Corn Grows,' to be entered for a prize...." (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 37)

Sept. 6 SCF's "Away Down South" submitted in "Negro song contest" and sung by Nelson Kneass who accompanied himself at the piano, and who was musician and manager at Andrews Ice Cream Saloon, next day Kneass and George Holman try to copyright it at court of Judge Thomas Irwin, U.S. District Judge, where Morrison "had just previously taken a copyright" (WA 11) (EFM 310ff); Holman's "The Old Iron City" wins the prize (EFM 312f)

Sept. 7 Morrison Foster ("My Brother Stephen" 37) says that the next day after the performance, he "was in the United States Court taking out a copyright for Stephen's song" ["Way Down South Whar de Corn Grows"] when "one of the troupe who had sung it appeared and asked for a copyright in his own name for the very same song. I informed Judge Irwin of the fraud...." [does any record of such a copyright exist?]

Sept. 11 "Susanna" performed by Nelson Kneass at Andrews Ice Cream Saloon (CE 461) (WA 3) (EFM 313f); advertised in Pittsburgh Daily Commercial Journal (CE; JTH); ?based on slave ballad (WA 6, 10); similar to Lowell Mason's "Missionary Hymn" 1827 (WA 10); pronunciation of "bear-i-ed" (EFM 314)

Sept. 14 Gen. Scott occupies Mexico City, armistice declared, troops begin to return home (EFM 315)

Oct. 18 "Lou'siana Belle" entered and deposited for copyright by W.C. Peters, Cincinnati (CE 455)

Oct.18 "What Must a Fairy's Dream Be?" deposited for copyright by W.C. Peters, Cincinnati (no copyright entry recorded) (CE 455); dedicated to Mary H. Irwin of Pittsburgh; Morneweck speculates that Stephen Foster gave it to Peters at same time as "Lou'siana Belle" and "Old Uncle Ned" (EFM 308f; see Stephen's word on this, EFM 337f), and that he gave copies of it and "Susanna" to Kneass's vocalists in Cincinnati in summer (EFM 315)

Dec. 10 Morrison in Memphis when Dunning and Richard Cowan pass through on way to Pittsburgh (EFM 315), Morrison goes on to New Orleans (EFM 316)

Dec. 21 Morrison's best friend, Tom Blair, marries Virginia Dike of Steubenville (EFM 316)

Nd SCF writes "Lou'siana Belle" (WA 8); Stephen says it was copyrighted by W.C. Peters this year (EFM 338)


Jan 9 Morrison returns from New Orleans to Cincinnati, has had daguerreotypes made in New Orleans (EFM 316), returns to Pittsburgh mid-Jan. boarding with Mr. & Mrs. Foster at St. Charles Hotel (EFM 320)

Jan. 27 Robert Nevin directs quartet of Miss Irwin, soprano; Miss Stockton, alto; Nevin bass; and Kleber, tenor, at First Presbyterian church, Allegheny (EFM 321)

nd Henry Kleber serving as piano and voice instructor, gave musical soirees at Wilkins Hall, agent for Nunn & Clark's grand and square pianos at Wardwell's Furniture Rooms, 83 Third Street, composing songs and piano compositions (EFM 321)

nd Frederick Blume (Stephen's friend), music and piano dealer, arrested for abusing wife Charlotte (EFM 321)

nd Wm. Sr. engaged in helping collect soldiers' claims from the government (EFM 321f)

Feb. 25 "Susanna" deposited for copyright by C. Holt, Jr., New York (CE 461); attributed to Christy Minstrels (WA 25; copyrights, p.72)

Apr.7 Morrison leaves Allegheny for the south; falls ill with malaria May 21 in New Orleans, reaches Cincinnati with Dunning July 1 (EFM 333f)

Apr 11 Sophy Denny and Brady Wilkins wed (EFM 333)

Apr. 27 Marian McDowell and John Scully wed (EFM 333)

May 2 Martha Shoenberger and John Duncan wed (EFM 333)

Summer Dunning, Stephen living at Mrs. Griffin's, Fourth Street, Cincinnati (EFM 334). Friends "whom he preferred to have assist him in singing the choruses of his songs while they were in the course of preparation" included in Cincinnati Miss Sophie Marshall, afterwards Mrs. Harry Miller (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 40). "She was a great favorite in society. For her he wrote, "Stay, Summer Breath," which was among his earliest sentimental productions" ( 41).

nd SCF gave copy of "Uncle Ned" to minstrel performer William Roark of the Sable Harmonists, Cincinnati (WA 15), and gave the song to W. C. Peters (EFM 337f)

May 16 "Uncle Ned" advertised by W.C. Peters & Co., Louisville, as "today published" in Louisville Daily Democrat (CE 459)

May 16 "Uncle Ned" entered for copyright by William Millet, New York (CE 460) (WA 11) (EFM 337)

nd C. Holt Jr. of New York issues "Oh! Susanna" (EFM 337)

nd "Way Down South in Alabama" published by C. Holt Jr., New York, anonymously (CE II 494). This piece attributed to Foster on Millet's edition.

nd Millet of New York issues "Way Down South in Alabama," with caption "Music by S.C. Foster-Arranged by Frank Spencer" (who later wrote words to "Young Folks at Home", 1852: EFM 338f). Holt publishes three anonymous editions of the song (EFM 339)

July 15 "Stay, Summer Breath" advertised by W.C. Peters as "just published" (CE 460); dedicated to Sophie Marshall (EFM 336), Cincinnati doctor's daughter, mentioned by Morrison as a fine soprano (WA 115). Text republished by Peters in Baltimore, July 1850 (CE 460)

July 15 Publication of "Susanna" by W.C. Peters probably occurred between this date and Aug.1 (CE 461)

mid-July Morrison back in Pittsburgh, staying with Mr. & Mrs. Foster at St. Charles Hotel; Wm. Jr. now living at Lewistown PA building the Pennsylvania Railroad westward (EFM 342)

Aug.1 Publication of "Susanna" by W.C. Peters probably occurred between July 15 and this date (CE 461)

Aug. 8 "Santa Anna's Retreat from Buena Vista" advertised by W.C. Peters & Co., Louisville, as "to-day published" in Louisville Daily Democrat (CE 460)

Sept. 2 "The Spirit of My Song" poem by Metta Victoria Fuller appeared in The Home Journal; Foster's song based on this text (see Aug.21, 1850) (CE 466)

Sept. 6 "Susanna" advertised by W.C. Peters & Co., Louisville, as "recently published" in Louisville Daily Democrat (CE 461) [see July 15, 

Aug. 1, Dec.30, 1848]

Sept. 29 "Away Down Souf" advertised by W.C. Peters & Co., Louisville, as "this day published" in Louisville Daily Democrat [see also Sept. 6, 1847; Dec. 30, 1848] (CE 462).

Oct. 10 Henrietta has another son, William Foster Thornton, in Warren Ohio (EFM 355)

Oct. 12 Morrison with his mother leave Pittsburgh for Lewistown (arrive Oct.15) and Philadelphia (EFM 342f); Morrison goes on to New York, then to Boston and mills at Lowell MA, before returning to Lancaster County PA Nov. 11, then to Baltimore and Washington Nov. 15, and reaching Pittsburgh Nov. 23 (EFM 343); Mrs. Foster reaches Pittsburgh early Dec. (EFM 344). Morrison has written to Dunning about Gold Hunting in California (EFM 344)

Dec. 5 "Nelly Was a Lady" entered for copyright in Pittsburgh (CE 462) (EFM 351) [see also Feb.6, July 18, 1849]

Dec. 7 Foster family leaves St. Charles Hotel, commences boarding at the Misses Hettick's private boardinghouse, 85 Penn Street; Dunning frequently visits (EFM 344, 357)

Dec. 29 Dunning responds to Morrison about Gold Hunting (EFM 344f)

Dec.30 "Uncle Ned" ["Old Uncle Ned"] entered and deposited for copyright by W.C. Peters & Co., Louisville. [See also May 16, 1848] (CE 459) (WA 72)

Dec. 30 "Stay Summer Breath" entered for copyright by W.C. Peters & Co., Louisville (CE 460) [See also July 15, 1848]. According to Morrison, written for Sophie Marshall of Cincinnati ("My Brother Stephen," 41)

Dec. 30 "Susanna" [Oh! Susanna] entered for copyright by W.C. Peters & Co., Louisville (CE 461); Peters gives SCF $100 (WA 11, 72) [See also Sept. 11, 1847; Feb.25, July 15, Aug.1, Sept. 6, 1848; May 25, Sept.12, 1849]

Dec. 30 "Away Down Souf" entered for copyright by W.C. Peters & Co., Louisville [see also Sept.29, 1848] (CE 461) (WA 72)

Dec. 30 "Santa Anna's Retreat from Buena Vista" entered for copyright by W.C. Peters & Co., Louisville. Copyright deposit copy contains change from earliest print. [see also Aug.8, 1848] (CE 460) (EFM 350)

Dec. Stephen returns from Cincinnati? "After his return from Cincinnati in 1848, he devoted himself to the study of music as a science and also perfected his knowledge of languages and other branches of learning." (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 37f)


nd Stephen returns from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh in December 1848 or before January 13, 1849; Jane McDowell visiting in Cincinnati at the Stewart family (EFM 346f)

Feb. Stephen back at Irwin & Foster in Cincinnati (EFM 348)

Feb.6 Firth, Pond & Co. copyright "Toll the Bell for Lovely Nell, or My Dark Virginia Bride" by Charles T. White, manager of Melodeon minstrel theater, 53 Bowery, New York (EFM 351) (CE 462)

nd The National Melodies of Scotland, united to the songs of Robert Burns, Allen Ramsey, and other eminent lyric poets... published, copy owned by Morrison (WA 102)

nd Foster finds Denis Florence McCarthy's (of Dublin) poem "Summer Longings" in the Home Journal and sets it to music (WA 155) (EFM 363)

nd Firth, Pond publish Henri Herz arr. of "Susanna" (WA 21)

Jan. 13 Dunning in Cincinnati writes to Morrison in Pittsburgh, saying Jane McDowell is visiting Cincinnati, while Stephen is in Pittsburgh (WA 91)

Mar.30 Madame Biscaccianti first concert in Pittsburgh, at Apollo Hall, with J.L. Hatton, piano and vocalist, and Signor Biscaccianati on 'cello, probably presented by Kleber; other concerts until April 5 (EFM 355)

Apr.27 Stephen in Cincinnati writes to Morrison in Pittsburgh about visiting Signor and Madame Biscaccianti; Stephen and Morrison's acquaintance Gilead A. (Gil) Smith in New York has the copyright for "Nelly Was a Lady" (EFM 351ff)

May 1 Morrison rejoins Pennsylvania Militia, in Capt. John Herron's company, Duquesne Grays (EFM 358)

May Henry Foster, with wife and baby daughter Birdie, return to Pittsburgh, Henry looking for a position after Taylor assumed presidency (EFM 357)

May-June Dunning boarding with family in Pittsburgh (EFM 363)

May 7 Dr. Andrew McDowell dies suddenly, father of Jane and five other daughters (WA 91), Marian (Mrs. John D. Scully), Agnes (Mrs. Cummings), Mary, Elizabeth, and Alice who did not marry (EFM 349)

May 12 "Summer Longings" poem by Denis Florence MacCarthy appeared without attribution in The Home Journal (CE 462). Stephen Foster's song on this poem appeared Nov.21, 1849.

May 25 SCF from Cincinnati writes to William Millet, NY publisher, re "Lou'sianna Belle," "Uncle Ned," and "Oh, Susanna" (EFM 337f) (JTH 139-40) (Elliker #195)

June Stephen, Wm. Jr. and other Foster sons are with parents in Pittsburgh (EFM 363); Stephen visits Martha A. (Murka) Morse (mother of Lettie M. Christian of Aspinwall, PA) (EFM 365)

June 5 Susan (Siss) Pentland weds Andrew Robinson (WA 5, 164) (EFM 284, 364)

June 19 J. Cust Blair (Morrison's closest friend) weds Anne Robinson (Dunning's only true love) (EFM 364)

June 27 Louisa Bell weds J.B. Shepley of St. Louis (EFM 364)

July Dunning returns to Cincinnati; Stephen visits Henrietta in Warren OH, then returns to Cincinnati; Wm. Jr. returns to Lewistown; Henry is out of employment and helps father as soldier's agent (EFM 363, 367f)

July Morrison has full charge of the Hope Cotton Mill (EFM 368)

July 17 Foster family moves to Mrs. Thompson's boardinghouse in Lawrenceville

July 18 "Nelly Was a Lady" entered [not deposited] for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York [see also Dec.5, 1848] (CE 462); this was a recopyright by Firth, Pond & Company [see Feb. 6, 1849] as "Written & Composed by S.C. Foster," the beginning of Stephen's association with the firm (EFM 351ff)

Sept. 8 SCF writes to Firth, Pond seeking contract, sending "Brudder Gum" and "Nelly Was a Lady" (WA 25) (see also EFM 350)

Sept. 12 Firth, Pond reply to SCF's letter (WA 25) (EFM 354) (CE 461)

Oct 1 "My Brodder [Brudder] Gum" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 462) (EFM 376)

Oct 29 Morrison starts for the South, Nashville (EFM 368)

Nov. 21 "Summer Longings" entered for copyright by W.C. Peters, Baltimore (CE 462) [see also May 12, 1849]. Probably the last song Foster published on a "small cash or fifty copies payment basis" (EFM 362f), dedicated to S. P. Thompson, rooming with Stephen and Dunning at Mrs. Griffin's boardinghouse on Fourth Street, Cincinnati (EFM 363)

Nov.14 "Dolcy Jones" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 462)

Dec. 3 [SCF signs contract with Firth, Pond, now lost. See 1858 contract] Also secures a contract with F.D. Benteen, Baltimore (EFM 363)

Dec 20 Morrison writes from Nashville to Pittsburgh about fears of dissolution of the Union (EFM 368f)

nd Bayard Taylor reports hearing "Susanna" in Panama and California (WA 28)


nd Charles Shiras writes The Popular Credo (WA xxi)

nd Charles Shiras writes poetry and Henry Kleber music to "My Mother, I Obey", described in Godey's magazine as "comical and very pretty song" (EFM 284)

nd "Ah! May the red rose live always!" dedicated to sixteen-year-old daughter of family friend in Allegheny (WA 115)

Jan. Baltimore Olio "to correspondents" column announces that "Summer Longings" will appear next month. (CE 463)

Jan.7 "Oh! Lemuel!" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore (CE 463)

Jan. 16 "Mary Loves the Flowers" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 463)

Jan-Feb Stephen returns to Pittsburgh (EFM 372). According to Morrison, "He now gave his whole attention to either the study of composition of music. He located himself in a back room at the top of the house, and while in there he locked the door to every one but his mother." ("My Brother Stephen" 42).

Feb. "Summer Longings" republished by W.C. Peters in Baltimore Olio with changes [see also Nov.21, 1849] (CE 462f)

Feb. 3 Morrison returns to Pittsburgh from southern business trip; family planning to live again in Wm. Jr.'s house in Allegheny East Common, Stephen has "announced his intention of giving up bookkeeping and devoting his time entirely to music" and has contracts with two publishers and "the sincere encouragement of Henry Kleber" (EFM 371)

Feb.8 "Nelly Bly" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 464)

Feb.12 "Soiree Polka" entered and deposited for copyright by W.C. Peters, Baltimore (CE 464) [see also April 1850]; Feb. 1850 issue of Baltimore Olio "to correspondents" column says "The Soiree P---a will appear next week" (CE 463). Dedicated to Mary M. ("Molly") Dallas, age 16 (EFM 378)

Feb.19 "Dolly Day" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore (CE 464)

Feb.19 "Gwine to Run All Night, or De Camptown Races" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore (CE 465)

Feb.19 "Angelina Baker" title entered and title page deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore [see also Mar.18, 1850] (CE 465)

Feb. 23 SCF als to E.P. Christy, from Pittsburgh, sending copies of "Gwine to run all night" and "Dolly Day"; Baltimore title-page change; "opera mongers" comment; desire to hear Christy's band (EFM 377). Probably based on Stephen's student days at Athens, "and the little town of Camptown near by" (EFM 487) (Elliker #196)

Ca.Feb Eliza Foster begins to write reminiscences (EFM 371)

Mar.18 "Angelina Baker" reregistered and complete copy deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore [see also Feb.19, 1850] (CE 465)

Apr. "Soiree Polka" republished in W.C. Peters's Baltimore Olio [see Feb.12, 1850] (CE 464)

Apr. 3 Wm. Sr. makes last attempt to recover government funds owed him (EFM 378f)

Apr.12 "Ah! May the Red Rose Live Alway!" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore (CE 465); dedicated to

Mary M. ("Molly") Dallas (EFM 378)

Apr.17 "Way Down in Ca-i-ro" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 465)

April 22 Fosters (Wm Sr., Eliza; Henry, Mary, Birdie [Mary Burgess]; Morrison; Stephen; two women helpers) move into Wm. Jr.'s house in Allegheny, East Common (EFM 371f); Mary has brought a piano with her (EFM 385)

April 24 Charlotte Buchanan, oldest daughter of Ann Eliza and Rev. Edward Buchanan, dies ca. age 14 (EFM 372)

Ca. April Stephen courting 19-year-old Jane McDowell (previously engaged to "chap from New Lisbon: EFM 366), who lived on Penn Avenue near juncture of Allegheny and Monongahela rivers; Rachel Keller (Mrs. Harry Woods) lived across the roan, and employed Nelly Bly (EFM 372ff)

May 6 Henry and Augustus Kleber open new music store, "The Sign of the Golden Harp," 101 Third St. (EFM 381f)

May 6 "Molly Do You Love Me?" copyright deposit copy dated this date [see also May 16, 1850] (CE 466)

May 16 "Molly Do You Love Me?" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore [see also May 6, 1850] (CE 466); (WA 116)

Nd Kleber family lives on Sandusky Street, Allegheny (EFM 382)

June 28 "The Voice Of Bygone Days" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 466); (WA 116)

June Morrison in NYC one week, calls on Firth, Pond for Stephen (EFM 383)

July "Stay Summer Breath" text published as poetry in The Baltimore Olio by W.C. Peters (CE 460)

July 16 SCF als to [Ann Eliza Foster Buchanan], from Pittsburgh, re his wedding, and plan to leave July 22 for Baltimore and New York (EFM 374f) (Elliker #197)

July 22 Stephen and Jane McDowell (age 19) married (Monday) [at McDowell house?], with Morrison as groomsman, in Pittsburgh (JTH) by Rev. Theodore B. Lyman of Trinity Episcopal; that evening they are serenaded by "plebeians" [charivaree]. They leave for Baltimore and NYC (next day?); Jane had relatives in Chambersburg and Mercersburg (EFM 375f).

Nd Jessie Lightner (contralto) and Julia Lightner (Mrs. John Mitchell) sing in Trinity Church choir; Stephen Foster takes songs to Jessie to try out before sending to publishers. Kleber was a visitor, later Gottschalk also visited (EFM 381)

Nd "Turn Not Away" dedicated to Robert Nevin, composed for Susan Pentland Robinson and Jessie Lightner (EFM 381).

Aug Godey's Lady's Book commends Professor Charles Grove of Wilmington for his variations on "Oh, Lemuel" (EFM 382)

Aug. 21 "The Spirit of My Song" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore [see also Sept.2, 1848] (CE 466); (JTH), to words by Metta Victoria Fuller from Erie now living in Wooster, Ohio (WA 156-7)

Ca. Aug Henry has secured position with Pittsburgh & Steubenville Railroad across the Monongahela River (EFM 379)

Sept.3 "The Soiree Polka" arranged for piano four hands entered and deposited for copyright by W.C. Peters, Baltimore (CE 466) [see also Feb.12, 1850]

Sept. 8 Stephen and Jane go to live with the Foster family (JTH), having returned from the East (EFM 378)

Oct Wm. Sr. applies for land grant which his services in War of

1812 entitled him (received Feb. 11, 1851) (EFM 386f)

Oct. 15 "I Would Not Die in Spring Time" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore (CE 467); Milton Moore pseudonym (JTH) (WA 134) (EFM 389); also arranged as unaccompanied vocal quartet [sometime after this this date?] (CE 467)

Oct. 15 "Turn Not Away!" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimkore (CE 467), (JTH), dedicated to Robert P. Nevin (WA 100)

Oct. 15 "Village Bells Polka" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore (CE 467) (JTH p. 189: dedicated to Kleber)

Oct 31 Morrison leaves for Tennessee to study the cotton mills; Hope mill is idle; McCormick expanding iron and steel business (EFM 383)

Nov Morrison passes through Louisville, sees Dan Rice

Dec. 1 Miss Cushman performing in Pittsburgh (EFM 386)

Dec. 9 "Lily Ray" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 468) (JTH)

Dec. 17 Morrison returns from Tennessee, takes over household account-keeping from Stephen (EFM 384)

Dec Morrison breaks engagement with Julia Murray (EFM 390)

Dec. "Melinda May" copyright claim engraved on first page of music of earliest known copy; plates probably engrave this month (CE 468)


nd Steamboat Glendy Burke launched (EFM 273)

nd According to Dean J. Rice, Foster this year wrote words and music to "Long Ago Day" and music to "This [Rose] Will Remind You" (CE II 495), the latter to words by a G. Mellen.

Jan. 6 "Give the Stranger Happy Cheer" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D.Benteen, Baltimore (CE 468) (JTH)

Jan. 6 "Melinda May" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D.Benteen, Baltimore (CE 468) (JTH). Copyright claim is for 1850 [see Dec. 1850] (CE 468)

Jan. 14 Morrison becomes engaged to Julia Murray at her uncle's (Judge William Wilkins) country home, Homewood (EFM 384)

Feb. 25 Wm. Sr.'s last entry in his soldier's agent account book; sometime after this he suffers paralytic stroke and is confined to bed the rest of his life; "his sensitive nerves were rasped by the slightest jarring sound" [is this why Stephen rented an office?] (EFM 287).

March 12 "Wilt Thou Be Gone, Love?" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 468) (JTH p. 169: letter Dick Cowan) (MF 2/8/53: sung on the boat trip to New Orleans); dedicated to Julia Murray, and sung by Susan Pentland Robinson and Jessie Lightner (EFM 385)

March 18 "Mother, Thou'rt Faithful to Me" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore (CE 468) (JTH), Foster's first "mother" song (WA 114)

March 18 "Sweetly She Sleeps, My Alice Fair" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore; text by Charles G. Eastman published in 1848 (CE 469) (JTH)

March 22 "Farewell! Old Cottage" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 469) (JTH) (see WA 118-9)

nd Stephen paid for "artistic headstone" for Mary Keller's grave (WA 117)

April 4 "Once I Loved Thee, Mary Dear" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York, on text by Wm. Cullen Crookshank (CE 469) (JTH)

Apr. 11 Henry and family leave to keep house by themselves (EFM 387)

Apr. 18 Marion Foster, Stephen's daughter, born (JTH) (EFM 387)

April 21 "Ring, Ring de Banjo!" entered for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 469)

April 29 "Ring, Ring de Banjo!" deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 469)

April 29 "Ring de Banjo" copyrighted by Firth, Pond, & Co. (JTH)

June Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin begins publication serially in National Era (WA 223ff) (EFM 406f)

June 12 SCF (Allegheny City ) als to E.P. Christy (New York), with offer to sing "Oh! Boys, Carry Me 'Long" for at least two weeks and probably one month before it is issued, for $10.00 (EFM 396f) (Elliker #198)

June 17 "I Would Not Die in Winter" words attrib. to Wm. H. Cunnington, music to J. H. Milton, copyrighted by Lee & Walker (EFM 389)

June 20 SCF (Allegheny City) also to E.P. Christy (New York) [letter in Huntington Library], acknowledges receipt of $10; comments on whether Christy has piano, what key to perform it in, harmony in chorus; "should be sung in a pathetic, not a comic style"; p.s. re "night funeral" theme for a song (EFM 397f). SCF sends EPC "Oh! Boys, Carry Me 'Long" along with detailed instructions for the song's performance (JTH) (CE 469) (Elliker #199)

June 24 "Oh! Boys, Carry Me 'Long" entered for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 469) [see also July 25,


June 26 Sketchbook 1r top, note: "Allegheny City, June 26" [1851 added in darker pencil] First draft "Laura Lee"

[June?] 31 Sketchbook front endpaper date at top [1851?]

Summer Granddaughter Mary Wick visiting Foster home; Morrison still living there (EFM 389)

July SCF working on "Laura Lee," "In The Eye Abides The Heart," "My Hopes Have Departed Forever," "Ah My Child"

July Stephen also helping take care of his father's business, helping in the sick room, helping with the baby when Susan the nurse was off duty (EFM 387)

July Date Stephen captioned the ms of "Oh! Boys, Carry Me 'Long" he sent to E.P. Christy [see also June 12, June 20, 1851] (CE 469)

July 12 "I Would Not Die in Summer Time" entered and deposited for copyrighte by F.D. Benteen, Baltimore (CE 470); Stephen's answer song now under his own name (JTH)

July 19 Sketchbook, 6v left margin, note: "sent Laura Lee July 19th" (to Benteen) [see Aug.7, 1851] (CE 470)

July 22 Sketchbook, front endpaper right margin, note: "July 22/51 owe Susan 2 weeks" [the nurse for Marion?]

July 25 "Oh! Boys, Carry Me 'Long" deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co. [see also June 24, 1851] (CE 469); (JTH p. 83: Morrison says this song was influenced by SCF attending church with Olivia Pise; p.198: SCF given $10 by Christy to permit him to sing it before it was published). (EFM 395)

July 28 Sketchbook 2r left margin, note: "Rented Office July 28/51" (112-114 Smithfield Street?) (EFM 387); Stephen also buys a piano from Henry Kleber (ca. 2 years later the piano is moved to his home) (EFM 385, 387); (JTH give date as July 29)

Aug. 4 "My Hopes Have Departed Forever" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York; as "written and composed by A LADY" (CE 470). EFM (p.415) says and an inscribed copy in the Foster Hall Collection confirms that it was arranged and not originally composed by Stephen (see also CE 470). Text a paraphrase of James Gates Percival poem "The Winds of the Winter Are Over" published in Clio in 1822 and subsequently as songs (CE 470). (JTH p. 189: Henrietta Foster - William Foster 4/30/36 "I have learned a beautiful new song since I saw you, "My Hopes Have Departed Forever"; p. 189: appears between the drafts of Laura Lee in the sketch book; p. 190: Is not included in Morrison's biography but does appear on SCF's royalty list; p. 190: No idea if Foster wrote this or reset someone else's lyrics; smacks of composer from the 30s and 40s)

Aug. 4 - Stephen, Jane, Marion leave the Foster home, go to board with Mrs. McDowell (Jane's mother) until Christmas (WA 92); Stephen continues to visit his father every day (EFM 389). "There is a possibility that Stephen went to New York after August 5, 1851, because his board at home (in the family account kept by Morrison) is paid up to that date-the payments then skip to January 1, 1852. (EFM 587)

Aug. 7 "Laura Lee" entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen. Baltimore [see also July 19, 1851](CE 470) (JTH)

Summer? "Ah! My Child" published by Firth, Pond & Co., New York. No record of copyright entry or deposit. Translation of Scribe lyrics to Meyerbeer aria "Ah! Mon fils" from opera Le prophte. Publisher's plate #1230 suggests a date of publication in late summer 1851, location of sketch in ms book suggests same. (CE 471)

Aug. 26 "Old Folks at Home" entered and title page deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 471) (JTH). [see also Oct.1, 1851] "This song was written at home sometime between June 26 and August 26, 1851" (EFM 587) [but SF moved from the family home Aug.4; the song was probably not completed until September since the copyright deposit was Oct.1 in New York]. Morrison writes about incident with name "Swanee" in his office in 1851, then says, "Just at that time he received a letter from E. P. Christy...asking him if he would write a song for Christy which the latter might sing before it was published. I said to him, 'Don't let him do it unless he pays you.'" Morrison drew up form for Christy to sign, stipulating $500 payment. The song was "Old Folks at Home." ("My Brother Stephen" 47).

Sept. 22 Firth, Pond write SCF, "'Nelly Bly' goes like hot cakes....Christy has not yet sung 'Old folks at home'...." (WA 26) (EFM 585f)

Fall Stephen writes song for state political campaign, for William Bigler, successful Democratic candidate for governor of Pennsylvania (his brother John becomes governor of California) (EFM 390f) [?September]

Oct. 1 "Old Folks at Home" deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 471) [see also Aug.26, 1851] JTH (p. 187): From a list of moneys received from songs compiled in 1857...Christy paid Foster $15 dollars for OFAH; p.191 Morrison's tale of Stephen coming to his office in 1851seeking the River to use in OFAH; p. 192 work on OFAH was apparently interrupted (first draft p. 14 in MS followed by 5 pages of "Willie my Brave", the p. 24 OFAH drafts continued; p. 194 It is sometimes suggested that Kleber helped Foster with OFAH; p. 196 Morrison claiming that at SCF's request he drew up an agreement with Christy for $500 for the right to sing song prior to its publication, the song was OFAH [see EFM on this point, 399f, which involved Morrison drafting a "written disclaimer" that Christy signed before Stephen sent the ms to Firth, Pond]; p. 196-7 letter from SCF-EPC 5/25/1852 wanting to place his name once again as author of OFAH & is willing to return the money EPC paid him; p. 197 1897 copyright for OFAH expired and SCF's name finally put on title page as composer; p.202 9/11/1852 Musical World includes description of OFAH is one of the most Successful songs ever, having already sold 40,000 copies; p. 206 2/19/1853 Musical World reveals SCF as composer instead of EPC; p. 206 11/11/1854 Musical World advertised OFAH as having sold over 130,000 copies). Morrison told of working at his desk at Hope Cotton Mill when Stephen came in seeking name of a river, used the atlas from atop his "old brown desk" (EFM 395). For this song and "Farewell, My Lilly Dear" Christy pays Stephen $15 each to sing them prior to publication (EFM 396). Thomas Brigham Bishop might have had a hand in working out the arrangement with Christy (EFM 587f). Foster also wrote "Old Folks at Home Variations" under the pen name Milton Moore, which remained unpublished but served as a basis for the similar variations in Social Orchestra (late 1853)

Oct.10 "In the Eye Abides the Heart" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York. Translation of von Kobell lyrics, to Abt Lied "In den Augen liegt das Herz"; Kleber probably arranged the music (CE 472)

Oct. 21 "Willie My Brave" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 472) (JTH) (CE: p. 472: ms version in C major, published version in B-flat), dedicated to Susan Pentland Robinson (WA 164) (EFM 415)

Nov. 3 Five songsters issued by Fisher & Brother, Philadelphia, each with a Foster song name as its title (EFM 388)

Dec. 6 "Eulalie" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York, to text by H.S. Cornwell (CE 473) (JTH)

Dec. 13 "Farewell Lilly Dear" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 473) (JTH p. 187 EPC paid Foster $15 for FMLD; p. 198 FMLD was written right after OFAH & occupies the 3 pages following OFAH in the sketchbook) (WA 202 speculates that Foster sold Christy the right to claim authorship.)

After Dec.25 Stephen, Jane, Marion move back to his parents' house (EFM 395). "By now, the office was abandoned." (WA 92)


nd "Waltz by Beethoven" published Schuberth & Co., Hamburg (not by Beethoven), arranged by Foster for "The Social Orchestra" [see Jan.26, 1854] (CE 482)

nd Stephen, Morrison, and Henry move Charlotte's body from Louisville to Allegheny Cemetery, clip a lock of her red hair (EFM 74-5)

nd Morrison, Dunning, and Jesse Thornton together buy a coal mine near Salem, Ohio (EFM 428)

before Feb 20 EFM (406f) speculates that Stephen began his text "Poor Uncle Tom" before boarding the James Millingar

Feb. 20 - Mar. 21 Stephen and Jane (and probably Marion: EFM 400) take steamboat trip to New Orleans (JTH), on Dunning's new boat James Millingar, with Dunning as captain (EFM 417); trip planned with Andrew and Susan Pentland Robinson and baby Johnny (and Irishwoman nurse: EFM 418), Andrew's recently widowed mother and his sister Anne (Mary Ann: EFM 400); also Richard Cowan, and Jessie Lightner (WA 164); joined at Cincinnati by Louisa Walker and her two brothers (EFM 400f). Stephen had never been farther south than Louisville (EFM 395). According to Mrs. Robinson, Stephen visited Bardstown on this trip (EFM 402f). Morrison joins them as they board the new ship Allegheny at Cincinnati March 16 to complete the return to Pittsburgh (EFM 401f). Stories that "My Old Kentucky Home" were performed in Bardstown [by Mrs. Robinson and/or Jessie Lightner] (EFM 403). Stephen probably changes the title of his song from "Poor Uncle Tom" to "My Old Kentucky Home" during his visit to Kentucky or after he returned home to Allegheny (EFM 407); Morrison claims Stephen wrote it in Allegheny [but he errs in the time of Shiras's death] (EFM 408f). Stephen's "Wilt Thou Be Gone, Love?" is sung on the trip by Jessie Lightner and Siss Robinson (EFM 417f) (WA xxii, 92). Stephen is "an inveterate smoker" (EFM 418).

March 16 Dunning, Morrison, Stephen confer in Cincinnati about "domestic affairs," Stephen promises to "board at home" to help take care of his father (EFM 418)

March Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin published as 2-vol. book (WA 223)

Mar.20 "Camptown Races" annonymous arrangement for guitar accompaniment entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen & Co., Baltimore (CE II 496).

Mar. 21 Stephen, Jane, Marion living with his parents (WA 92), in the "third-floor back" (EFM 411); EFM comments on Stephen's method of jotting down ideas for songs, both "melodic phrases" and "last lines" (413f). Morrison comments "Melodies appeared to dance through his brain continually. Often at night he would get out of bed, light a candle and jot down some notes of a melody on a piece of paper, then retire again to bed and to sleep." ("My Brother Stephen," 41).

Mar. 28 Julia Murray marries John V. LeMoyne (EFM 418f)

Spring Wm. Jr. and Elizabeth have another baby boy, Henry Morrison, born in Towanda (EFM 420)

nd Charles Shiras publishes book of poems (WA xxi), The Redemption of Labor published by W.H. Whitney, Third St., Pittsburgh; includes "The Bloodhound's Song" written Oct. 1850 in opposition to the Fugitive Slave Law; also "My Mother, I Obey" set to music by Henry Kleber and published by Lee & Walker in 1850. EFM says that Jane recalled that Stephen wrote an unpublished air to "The Popular Credo" (EFM 431)

April Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin completes serial publication (WA 223)

May 25 SCF als to E.P. Christy, re refined taste "instead of the trashy and really offensive words," and asking that he be released from agreement to have Christy's name appear as composer of "Old Folks at Home" (EFM 398f). Morneweck speculates that Stephen was under pressure from his publishers to build up a reputation for refined, sentimental white songs. (Elliker #200)

June Morrison begins another trip to St. Louis with Cust Blair (EFM 419)

June 29 "Massa's in de Cold Ground" entered for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 473) [see also July 7 1842]

July 7 "Massa's in de Cold Ground" deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE) [see also June 29, 1852]. (JTH p. 210 SCF interrupted his work on MIDCG to draft "Maggie by My Side" and "The Hour for thee and Me"; The final written version of Massa differs from published edition)

July 9 "The Hour for Thee and Me" entered for copyright (no copyright deposit) by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 473). JTH (p. 210): Foster interrupted work on "Massa" to work on this song; p. 211 only on single page of sketchbook, appears only in its final version). Probably written for Siss Robinson and Jessie Lightner (EFM 423).

July 17 Morrison returns to Allegheny

Aug. 11 "I Cannot Sing To-night" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York, on words by George F. Bannister (CE 474) (JTH)

Aug. 31 Morrison leaves for Louisville to remove remains of Charlotte (the burial grounds are be removed for a housing development) (EFM 419)

Sept. 4 Firth, Pond & co. advertise 40,000 copes of "Old Folks at Home" sold (JTH)

Sept 5 (Sunday) Morrison reaches Louisville; Sept. 7 Charlotte's grave is exhumed; Morrison and Dunning bring remains back to Pittsburgh arriving Sept. 10, met at wharf by Henry and Stephen (EFM 419f).

Sept. 11 Charlotte reinterred in Allegheny Cemetery; one of the boys clips a lock of her hair (EFM 420)

Sept First advertising of Foster's music by Firth, Pond (WA 202, 204)

?Sept Richard Cowan elected to state legislature (EFM 421)

Oct Wm. Jr., Elizabeth and family move from Towanda to Harrisburg, Mrs. Espy's boardinghouse (EFM 421)

Oct.1 "Laura Lee" anonymous arrangement for guitar accompaniment entered and deposited for copyright by F.D. Benteen & Co., Baltimore (CE II 496).

Oct. 14 "Maggie By My Side" entered and title page deposited for copyright (no full copy copyright deposit) by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 474f). JTH (p. 210): Foster interrupted work on "Massa" to draft it and "The Hour for thee and me"; p. 211 Originally in Negro dialect and called "Fanny by my Side"; p. 211 Anecdote of Foster having been inspired to write the song after attending a party and meeting a young lady from Baltimore named Maggie). See note on dedications (CE 475). Dedicated to Pittsburgh girl Eliza Denniston (WA 117; its ms sold at auction 1968 for $4,500)

Nov. 2 J.B. Russell's article, Jan. 22 1857, claims "Camptown Races" became so popular that Camptown, NJ, changes its name to avoid association with the song. J.T. Howard found that Irvington, NJ, went by this name until Nov. 2, 1852, when it was changed to honor Washington Irving (EFM 485, 487)

Nov. 15 "The Magic of Music" published in the Newark Daily Advertiser, based on an item in the National Intelligencer, telling of the correspondent (probably Bayard Taylor) playing his flute in Syria and relating the story of "Uncle Ned" as adapted by (?) oral tradition (EFM 487ff)

Dec. 11 Track of Pennsylvania Railroad reaches Pittsburgh (Liberty and 12th streets) and first train arrives from the east, including Wm. Jr. and his family (EFM 422f)

Dec Andrew Carnegie is a messenger boy bringing telegrams to Morrison at his office in Hope Cotton Mill, and for Stephen who calls him "Andy" (EFM 423)

Dec Henrietta visits Fosters in Allegheny, notices that Stephen and Jane's temperaments are clashing (EFM 425)

Nd Henry and family living with Mary's mother, Mrs. Burgess, in the Elm Cottage home of Mrs. Dallas, beyond the Allegheny Cemetery in Lawrenceville. Musical evenings there included Morrison (low baritone), Stephen, the Lightners, Siss Robinson, Mary (Mrs. Henry) Foster at piano (EFM 423). Elm Cottage is on the Allegheny River just beyond Allegheny Cemetery on the Butler Road (EFM 497)

Nd Portrait painted of Stephen by Thomas Hicks, commissioned by Firth, Pond & Co., with "only one sitting"; Hicks gave the painting to William Hicks, Brooklyn merchant and "admirer of Foster", sold by his family in 1935 (EFM 424) (EFM 598) Proven later to be a forgery (2002)


nd Clement L. Vallandigham of Ohio convicted of treason, banished behind Confederate lines (WA 99)

Jan First advertising of Foster's name by Firth, Pond (WA 204)

Jan.11 "Eulalie" guitar arrangement entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 475)

Jan. 11 "My Old Kentucky Home" entered and deposited (lacking title page) for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 475f) [See also Jan. 31]

Jan. 14 Richard Cowan writes Morrison from Buchler's Hotel, Harrisburg, concerning his pipe smoking and fiddle playing (EFM 421, 443f)

Jan. 15 Firth, Pond, & Co. advertises "My Old Kentucky Home" as "just published" (JTH); "doubtless composed in the fall of 1852" (EFM 424)

Jan. 29 Stephen has visited Musical World office in New York (JTH); his first trip to New York (WA 26), probably his first by railroad (one day instead of four each way) (EFM 424, who calls it The Musical World and Times). "This same item deplores [his] propensity for Ethiopian compositions andhopes he will turn his attention to a higher class of music." (EFM 424)

Jan. 31 "My Old Kentucky Home" entered and deposited for copyright a second time by Firth, Pond & Co., New York, with title page and some changes (CE 475f) [see also Jan.11, 1851]. (JTH p. 176: probably written sometime after July 1851 and probably early 1852, song appears on pages 50 & 51 of the sketchbook after "Massa" and "Laura Lee"; p. 176: 1851 publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin)

Feb Richard Cowan letter to Morrison concerning singing Foster's songs and the New Orleans trip a year earlier (WA 164)

Feb. 4 "Oh! Boys Carry Me 'Long" arrangement for guitar entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 476)

Feb. 7 Annual Assembly Ball, social event, held at Monongahela House, Morrison treasurer (EFM 440)

Feb. 8 Richard Cowan writes to Morrison from Harrisburg, that he was out visiting tonight and some musical members sang "Old Folks at Home" and the duet from Romeo & Juliet (EFM 446f)

Feb. 14 SCF (Pittsburgh) letter to R. Storrs Willis, ed., Musical World and Times, re article by (?W.H.) Fry on musical theory; printed in the Feb. 26 issue (Elliker #201)

Feb. 19 Musical World tells an inquiring correspondent that S.C. Foster is the composer of "Old Folks at Home" (JTH)

March Henry is in Washington DC on business (EFM 427)

Mar 5 Firth, Pond advertise "My Old Kentucky Home" in Musical World as "this day published" (WA 204)

Mar. 11 "Old Folks Quadrilles" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 476), including also the "Cane Brake Jig." (JTH p. 224 calls it the first of Foster's works published in 1853 [!])

Spring Alfred Bunn, English poet, stops in Pittsburgh and visits Charles Shiras (WA 171)

May Jane packs her clothes and takes Marion with her, leaving the Foster house. She has "tempestuous outbursts" (EFM 425f)

May(?) Dunning has sold James Millingar and is captain of steamboat Norma shipping freight between Cincinnati and New Orleans, often carrying Morrison's cotton and iron, using Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company as a bank in Cincinnati, where Louis J. Cist was cashier (he later collected original letters of Stephen's from both Henry and Morrison) (EFM 426)

May 2 Musical Review and Choral Advocate publishes letter from Thomas Hastings, composer of hymns, resenting Sunday schools using melody of "Old Folks at Home" for a hymn (EFM 467f)

May 5 New contract with Firth, Pond, & Co. raises Stephen's royalty on future songs to ten per cent (JTH) (WA 205f)

May 12 "Annie My Own Love," words by Charles P. Shiras, entered for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York; no copyright deposit copy (CE 476). (JTH p. 224) (EFM 430f: Stephen's half of the royalties totaled $19.12 in four years).

May 17 "Massa's in de Cold Ground" arrangement for guitar entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 476)

June 13 Stephen sells all his furniture to his father for $75, leaves for NYC (EFM 425) leaving Morrison alone at home to care for his father (EFM 427, 441)

June 20 Letter from Henrietta Thornton to Morrison indicates that Stephen and Jane are separated (June 21: JTH); June 20 (WA 92); she invites Stephen to visit her; her oldest daughter Mary ("Siss") now 15 is in Philadelphia (EFM 429f). (Mary's own daughter would be Henrietta Crossman) (EFM 430)

July 2 "Holiday Schottisch" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 479) (JTH)

July 4 Stephen in New York visits Staten Island, Vin Smith (WA 206)

July 6 Morrison writes to Stephen in New York, sends vest.

July 8 SCF (New York) to Morrison re money borrowed; Firth, Pond account; entertainments (incl. Crystal Palace) in New York, plenty of work to keep him busy, going to Crystal Palace in a week, went to Staten Island over July 4th and visited Vin Smith (EFM 442f) (Elliker #202)

July George C. Howard's troupe begins run of Uncle Tom's Cabin at Purdy's National Theatre, New York City (WA 235)

July Dunning comes home to Allegheny for a visit, then on to Harrisburg and Lancaster county to visit Wm. Jr. and Ann Eliza families (EFM 447)

July, Aug Morrison makes "several visits" to Youngstown to inventory the mine for Jesse Thornton, trying to help Mr. McCormick sell the Hope Cotton Mill through the autumn (EFM 441f), and help lay track for the Cleveland and Mahoning Railroad (EFM 447)

Aug.10 "Old Dog Tray" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 479; probably influenced by Thomas Campbell's "Poor Dog Tray" (see WA 12306). (JTH p. 229: No copyright deposit date known but probably written before "Old Memories" and "Little Ella" since it appears before them in the sketchbook). For this song, and "Oh! Boys Carry Me Long," "Massa's in de Cold Ground," and "Ellen Bayne" Christy paid Stephen $10 each to sing them prior to publication (EFM 396). Stephen finished the song "shortly before leaving Allegheny," inspired by setter owned by Matthew I. Stewart, lawyer friend who lived on West Common; started composing at home of Mrs. Julia Mitchell (EFM 449f)

Aug. 23 "My Old Kentucky Home, Good Night" arrangement for guitar entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 479)

Aug. 23 "Willie My Brave" arrangement for guitar entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 479)

Aug. 24 Rev. Edward Buchanan asks Morrison to recommend a Pittsburgh lawyer to take his son James into his office; James has studied German at Trinity College, Hartford; Judge Hopewell Hepburn accepts him and James comes to live with Fosters in the fall; James tries composing under guidance of Stephen and "several of his compositions were published under an assumed name" now unknown (EFM 448)

Nd Wm Jr. now vice president of Pennsylvania Railroad and has moved with his family to Philadelphia, growing concerned about Stephen in New York (EFM 449)

Aug. 26 "Farewell My Lillie Dear" arrangement for guitar entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 479)

Fall Vallandigham runs for governor of Ohio in absentia, loses, retires to Canada (WA 99)

Nov. 5 Advertisement first appears in the (Pittsburgh) City Post for The Invisible Prince, play by Charles Shiras, incidental music by Foster [who was still in New York?] (after Countess d'Aulnoy, burlesqued by J.R. Planche in London 1846, New York 1847) (WA 171f) a "Grand Original Fairy Spectacle, entitled 'The Invisible Prince, or The War with the Amazons'" performed 7 nights at Foster's Theatre in Pittsburgh managed by Joseph C. Foster (no relation) with a stock company (EFM 432ff).

Nov 10 First performance of Shiras play (EFM 432ff)

Nov. George C. Howard's theater troupe performs Uncle Tom's Cabin in Pittsburgh, with "Old Folks," "My Old Kentucky Home," and "Massa's in de Cold Ground" (WA 235)

Nov. 12 Ad re "Social Orchestra" in Musical World (see Jan. 26, 1854) (WA 206f)

Nov. 14 Joseph C. Foster advertises in the Pittsburgh Daily Chronicle his intention to present the New York theatrical version of Uncle Tom's Cabin, combining his two stock companies in Pittsburgh and Cleveland (EFM 437)

Nov. 17 Uncle Tom's Cabin produced on stage for first time in Pittsburgh, at (Joseph) Foster's Theatre, including three of Stephen Foster's songs, "Old Folks at Home," "My Old Kentucky Home," and "Massa's in de Cold Ground"; ran until Dec. 3 (EFM 437f)

Dec[?] "The Social Orchestra" engraved by the publisher [see Jan.26, 1854] (CE 481)

Dec[?] "Ellen Bayne" engraved by the publisher [see Feb.3, 1854] (CE 489)

Dec. 5 "Old Memories" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 479) (JTH)

Dec. 13 "Little Ella" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 480) (JTH); about Marion (WA 97f)


  • nd E.P. Christy (age 39) retires, going mad (suicide in 1862) (WA 17)

  • nd Pennsylvania referendum on prohibition is defeated; T.S. Arthur novel Ten Nights in a Bar-Room and What I Saw There is published (WA 104)

  • Stephen in New York until October (see Oct. 19). Jane and Marion join him there in winter or spring, living for a time at 233 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken NJ; Jane gets her Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (EFM 450f)

  • Jan. 26 "The Social Orchestra" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 481); original copyright claim on earliest known copy is 1853. Contains new works by Foster including: "Anadolia," "Irene," "Jennie's Own Schottisch," "Village Festival Quadrilles," "Village Festival Jig" (JTH p. 238: ad in 11/12/1853 Musical World that SO would be published 11/1/1853; p. 239: 11/26/1853 notice in Musical World indicating SO would still not be published for two weeks; p. 239: 2/4/1854 letter in Musical World indicating that SO still not yet published). Reissued by Firth, Pond & Co. in 1856, 1857, 1859, 1862; William A. Pond reprinted it in 1866, and reissued it in 1873 and 1882. "Waltz by Beethoven" after 1852 publication; other sources include popular songs and piano pieces; operas by Lavenu (Loretta), Donizetti (La favorita; Anna Bolena; Lucia di Lammermoor; Lucrezia Borgia; Belisario; La fille du regiment; Don Pasquale) Balfe (The Enchantress), Mozart (Die Zauberflote), Weber (Preciosa); art songs by Abt ("Agathe"), Blangini ("Care pupille"), Vaccai ("E vezzosa si la rosa"), Bellini ("Vaga luna"), Schubert ("Schwanengesang"); art piano or instrumental pieces by Lanner ("Abensterne," "Die Schonbrunner"), Johann Strauss Sr. ("Gute Meinung fur die Tanzlust"), Gung'l ("Ton-Mahrchen Waltz")

  • Jan.-Aug. Hard Times novel by Charles Dickens published serially. (See Dec.16, 1854)

Feb. 3 "Ellen Bayne" entered for copyright (no deposit copy) by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 489) (JTH). Index of the Foster Hall Reproduction, p.6: "an edition of EB has been discovered which is identical with the probably first except that the title page bears the date 1853," a copy not in FHC or LC.

  • Mar. 3 Dunning on Mississippi River near Vicksburg writes Morrison, referring to Stephen's "unaccountable course" (JTH)

  • Mar. 4 "Willie We Have Missed You" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 489) (JTH); inspired by Stephen's own homecoming (EFM 451). J. B. Russell's Jan. 22 1857 article says this is Stephen's most popular song in "ballad style" (EFM 485). Copyright deposit copy lacks title page and publisher's plate numbers; Fuld has identical copy with color title page; several changes were made in copies printed before 1856 (CE 489)

  • Nd Morrison's employer, Mr. McCormick, has had a physical collapse (EFM 452)

  • Nd Morrison serving as councilman in Allegheny from his ward, the Fourth; trying to develop a small mine near Salem, OH; Dunning back on river (EFM 452)

  • Spring Ann Eliza and new daughter Alice visit Allegheny (EFM 454)

  • May 27 Ad in Musical World offering package sales of Foster's songs (WA 207)

  • June Henrietta with sons Tom Wick (age 12) and Will Thornton (5) visit Allegheny. "To hear Stephen's music sung or played caused his mother to burst into tears." (EFM 454)

  • June 5 "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 489) (JTH); always called "Jennie" by Morrison (EFM 451f); first phrase resembles "Willie we have missed you", second phrase resembles "Ellen Bayne" (WA 174)

  • June 17 Ad in Musical World for "Jeanie" (WA 207)

  • Late June Dunning returns from Mississippi, ill and confined to bed, then to Henrietta's at Youngstown (EFM 454)

  • July 26 Charles Perry Shiras dies of consumption (WA 168, 172) (EFM 431)

  • Summer [?] Words sketched for a song title "When the Bowl Goes Round" (CE: Though the words differ from "When the Bowl Goes Round" published 8/12/1870 it suggests Foster may have been the one to suggest the title and theme of the song)

  • Sept. Rev. Edward Buchanan removes to Trinity Church, Oxford, in Philadelphia. Wm. Jr. and family living in Philadelphia at 3 South Oak St. (EFM 455)

  • Sept. 2 Firth, Pond & Co. advertises "3rd thousand" of "Willie We Have Missed You" (JTH)

  • Sept. 9 Ad in Musical World for "Jeanie" (WA 207)

  • Sept. 10 Henry and Mary's daughter Eliza Clayland Foster born at Elm Cottage (EFM 454)

  • Sept. 19 "Come with Thy Sweet Voice Again" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 489) (JTH)

  • Sept. 20 "Maggie by My Side" arrangement for guitar entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 490)

  • Sept. 20 "Willie We Have Missed You" arrangement for guitar entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 490)

  • Sept. 27 "Old Memories" arrangement for guitar entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 490)

  • Sept. 28 "Old Dog Tray" arrangement for guitar entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 490)

  • Oct. 19 Eliza Foster in Philadelphia, about to return with James Buchanan (grandson) (EFM 455ff)

  • Ca. Oct 15 Dunning ill in Cincinnati, goes to Henrietta's in Youngstown to recuperate (EFM 457)

  • Oct. 19 Stephen has recently returned to Allegheny (JTH); Stephen and Jane move back into parent's home in Allegheny, James Buchanan (nephew) moves out to board elsewhere (EFM 448, 457)

  • Nov. 11 Firth, Pond advertises following sales: "Old Folks at Home" more than 130,000; "My Old Kentucky Home," 90,000; "Massa's in de Cold Ground," 74,000; "Old Dog Tray," 48,000. (JTH) (N.B. These figures cannot be substantiated from Stephen's later royalty accounts.) (WA 207-8)

  • Nov. 11 Contract with Firth, Pond ? (see Jan. 17 1855)

  • Nov. 13 "Ellen Bayne" arrangement for guitar accompaniment entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 490) (JTH chronology gives this as publication date for the [piano accompaniment version of the] song)

  • Nov. 19 James Buchanan (oldest grandchild of Wm. and Eliza) admitted to bar (EFM 457)

  • Nov. 29 "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" arrangement for guitar accompaniment entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 490)

  • Dec. 5 "Little Ella" arrangement for guitar accompaniment entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 491)

  • Dec.[?] "Come with Thy Sweet Voice Again" arrangement for guitar accompaniment engraved by Firth, Pond & Co., New York, not entered or deposited for copyright (CE 491). Was the lack of copyright affected by the writing of a new contract (Dec.21)?

  • Dec. 13 Dunning in Cincinnati writes to Morrison in Allegheny about their mother's weakness, need to hire another woman to help

  • Dec. 16 "Hard Times Come Again No More" entered for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 491) [see Jan. 17, 1855]

  • Dec. 21 New contract with Firth, Pond & Co. (JTH) (See 1858 contract); survives in two copies both in Foster's hand, and his ads cease (WA 208)

  • Dec. 25 All sons except Wm Jr. are in Allegheny; Wm. Sr. in stupor, unaware of surroundings (EFM 458)

  • Dec. 31 New Year's ball in New York (?) recalled in Marion's memories of Jane's stories, 1934 Foster Hall Bulletin (WA 96)


  • nd Stephen meets Billy Hamilton (WA 177)

  • nd Jesse Thornton, managing the coal mine co-owned with Dunning and Morrison, buys out Morrison (EFM 428)

  • Jan. 17 "Hard Times Come Again No More" deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE 491) [see also Dec.16, 1854]. JTH (p. 245): it is mentioned in the Nov. 11, 1854 contract with Firth Pond, Inc.). Allusion to Dickens' latest novel Hard Times (WA 161). Probably composed in Nov. or Dec. 1854, when [cotton] mills were shutting down (EFM 464). Might be called a plantation melody (EFM 501)

  • Nd Household Words publishes satirical article by Dickens, "The Great Baby," with reference to elections (WA 161)

  • Jan. 18 Eliza Foster, Stephen's mother, dies (JTH); Wm. Sr. in a stupor, not told (EFM 459f; born Jan. 21, 1788).

  • March Morrison visiting William Jr. and Ann Eliza in Philadelphia; Dunning "down South with the Norma" (EFM 462)

  • March 19 SCF (Allegheny City) als to Henrietta re letter from Dunning (New Orleans) about his health; Pa's health; SCF's direction of his care, assistance by servants Biddy and Margaret; unsatisfactory work of Mrs. Gibson and daughter Carry; Morrison in Philadelphia; Jane making dresses for Marion (EFM 461f) (Elliker #200) (Elliker #203)

  • April 5 SCF (attested by A. Robinson) and Firth, Pond (signed by John Chappell) [in New York?] sign "supplement" to contract, due to take effect Jan.1, 1856, affecting payments, and granting Firth, Pond "sole and exclusive right of proprietorship over the music and the copy-rights" of music covered by the contract.

  • May 24 Morrison returns to Allegheny from Philadelphia (EFM 462)

  • nd Kleber revises "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming"? (WA 23)

  • June 28 "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 491) (JTH); "composed and practiced...with the assistance of his two nieces, Lidie Wick taking the soprano part and Mary Wick singing the alto, while their Uncle Stephen played the piano accompaniment" (EFM 464)

  • June 28 "Some Folks" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 491) (JTH); "had a great vogue...copied and parodied on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean" including temperance hymn (EFM 465)

  • July 27 William B. Foster, Stephen's father, dies (JTH). Household consisted of Stephen, Jane, Marion, Morrison, and Ann Evans (servant) (EFM 466)

  • nd Morrison burns old letters after death of mother and father (Morrison Foster, "My Brother Stephen" 13)

  • July/Aug.[?] "Hard Times Come Again No More" arrangement for guitar accompaniment issued by Firth, Pond & Co., New York; no record of copyright entry or deposit, but plate # suggests pub in July or August 1855, or more precisely between July 24 and August 23; year confirmed by the copyright claim on p. 3 (CE 492)

  • Sept. Morrison becomes a member of the Allegheny County "Democratic Committee of Correspondence" for one year (EFM 476)

  • Sept. 17 "The Village Maiden" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE 492) (JTH) (EFM 467)

  • Oct 3 Henrietta Thornton's son, Tom, falls from a chestnut tree, dies; Allegheny family and Dunning, back from New Orleans, go to Youngstown to comfort her. Dunning stays on several weeks (EFM 466)

  • Fall William Jr. takes wife Elizabeth south to Savannah for winter, her health "failing rapidly" (EFM 472)

  • Oct. 12 Stephen pays Brother William $64 (JTH)

  • Nov. 1 Stephen owes Brother William "rent 3 mos. $31.25." Stephen and Jane are keeping house where the family had lived before his father's and mother's deaths (JTH)

  • Nov. 23 "Comrades Fill No Glass for Me" entered and deposited for copyright by Miller & Beacham, Baltimore (CE 492) (JTH p. 253: Not in the ms book; p. 209: only song since 1851 not published first by Firth Pond). (WA 104) Perhaps inspired by a family friend (EFM 469)

  • Winter Dunning too ill to command a steamboat, travels between Cincinnati and Youngstown (EFM 469)


  • nd "The Social Orchestra" reissued by Firth, Pond & Co. (see Jan.26, 1854)

  • nd Stephen consults a druggist (Robert P. Nevin) for remedy for alcoholism? (WA 101)

  • Mar. 17 Dunning writes to Morrison; Morrison, Henry and Stephen depart for Cincinnati (EFM 470)

  • Mar. 31 Dunning Foster dies in Cincinnati (JTH) (EFM 470). WA (90) says 1855.

  • Apr. 1 Stephen owes Brother William five months' rent, $52.08 (JTH)

  • Apr. 1 Wm. Jr. and Elizabeth return to Philadelphia (EFM 472f)

  • Apr. 3 Dunning buried; funeral at Foster house on East Common, attended by Duquesne Grays and Masonic Lodge; Stephen "now head of the house" (EFM 470)

  • Apr. 24 "Gentle Annie" entered and title page only deposited for copyright (no complete copyright deposit) by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 417) (JTH). "Tradition" has it that the girl was Annie Jenkins, daughter of Moran Jenkins, a grocer of Federal Street, Allegheny; or more likely Annie Evans, a cousin of Stephen's (EFM 491)

  • Nd Stephen starts a song "Blow light, ye wandering zephyrs" "possibly in memory of Dunning" (EFM 471)

  • Nd "A conviction of inadequacy and weakness grew on Stephen; ...skepticism ...was beginning to color his whole outlook on life." (EFM 472)

  • Apr. 12 Morrison writes to Wm. Jr. about "the last illness" of Dunning (EFM 473)

  • Apr. 23 Wm. Jr. (Philadelphia) writes to Morrison about Elizabeth's weakness (EFM 473)

  • July-Aug. Morrison boards with Mrs. Leech on Penn Street (EFM 481)

  • Aug. 6 Buchanan Glee Club organized-Morrison treasurer, Stephen musical director (JTH), Robert P. Nevin a member, also Billy Hamilton, Thoas Smith (WA 100, 176) (EFM 474f) According to Hamilton, Stephen Foster wrote many of the songs sung by the Club (EFM 477)

  • Aug. 27 Morrison is a delegate from the Fourth Ward, Allegheny, to the convention to nominate a county ticket (EFM 476f)

  • Sept. 6 Buchanan Glee Club, at invitation of H.B. Foster, goes to Lawrenceville in evening, are mobbed by the volunteer fire department (EFM 474f)

  • n.d. Ann Eliza Foster Buchanan requests of her sisters and brothers "that none of them 'put themselves under any obligations to'" her brother-in-law, James Buchanan (EFM 476)

  • nd, no year Stephen receives knife wound on the cheek while defending a drunk from "two brutes" (EFM 491)

  • ca. Sept. Morrison has been working at Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad office; does not live with Stephen and Jane but boards at Monongahela House (EFM 481)

  • Sept. "The Abolition Show," or "The Great Baby Show," a poem written for the Buchanan Glee Club, printed in Pittsburgh Post, satirizing "a monster daylight parade put on in Pittsburgh by the Fremont-Republicans" on Sept. 17 (EFM 477f). "The White House Chair" was also written for the club (JTH p. 261: WHC entered for copyright 9/4/1885) (CE: words published for "White House Chair" in Pittsburgh Post 9/29/1856; "White House Chair" music published Pittsburgh Dispatch 9/20/1885; (c) 9/4/1885 entered by Morrison Foster. WHC music is almost identical to "Merry Merry Month of May" not published until 4/12/1862; "Abolition Show" published in Pittsburgh Morning Post 9/26/1856; no record of copyright entry or deposit, but song written 1856; letter SCF to WF, jr. 3/11/1857 includes "Abolition Show" words) [check details]

  • Sept. Morrison completes membership on county Democratic committee (EFM 476)

  • Sept.26 "The Abolition Show" words published in Pittsburgh Morning Post, without attribution; verses 6 and 7 were by Morrison Foster, the other seven verses by Stephen Foster. The tune to be used is "Villikins and his Dinah." The drafts in Stephen's sketchbook come after the final draft of "The White House Chair." Stephen sent a complete copy to Morrison in a letter of March 11, 1857. (CE II 418f)

  • Sept.29 "The White House Chair" words published in Pittsburgh Post, without attribution to Stephen Foster. The final draft in his sketchbook appears before the initial drafts of "The Abolition Show" (CE II 417f)

  • Oct. 22 Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Jr., dies in Philadelphia (EFM 480)

  • Dec. 25 Morrison, Stephen, Henry and their families gather for Christmas in Allegheny, James Buchanan (nephew) returns to Philadelphia (EFM 480f)

  • Dec. 25 Clara Dean steamer sticks in ice at Point Pleasant, on Ohio River, frozen there until first week of April 1857, according to Billy Hamilton (EFM 481)

  • Dec. 25 "Stephen C. Foster's Christmas gift to himself Dec. 25, 1856. To John D. Scully Oct. 21, 1859 / S.C. Foster. A specimen of good binding, good paper and good printing." Inscribed in Nouveau Petit Paroissien (Tours: Mam et Cie, 1855). Scully was husband of Marion McDowell Scully, Jane's sister. (Elliker #175).


  • nd "The Social Orchestra" reissued by Firth, Pond & Co. (see Jan.26, 1854)

  • nd Henry Foster employed at the Duquesne Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at foot of Second Street almost at the Point in Pittsburgh; attends St. John's church in Lawrenceville, which Eliza Foster had helped to establish (EFM 497f)

  • nd Stephen presented his eight-keyed rosewood Peloubet flute to William Hamilton with engraved silver band (Elliker #183).

  • Jan. James Buchanan (nephew) returns to Allegheny from Philadelphia to resume his work (EFM 481)

  • Jan Morrison comes to live with Stephen and Jane in Allegheny

  • Jan. 16 SCF (Pittsburgh) als to Billy Hamilton (Point Pleasant, [West] Virginia) re Kleber performance of "Anvil Chorus" [from Verdi's Il Trovatore]; election of Mayor; "puff" to appear in Cincinnati Gazette; "Mit is now living with us"; nephew "James Buchanan returned yesterday from a long visit home"; refers to (daughter?) "Miss Maggie"; dog "Trap"; mentions friend John Little. Hamilton a clerk on steamship Clara Dean, ice-bound (WA 178) (Elliker #204)

  • Jan 22 John B. Russell "puff" article on "Foster's music" appears in Cincinnati Gazette, with some facts provided by W.C. Peters (WA 208) (EFM 483ff). Article mentions a "Mr. Blancagniel of Louisville" who heard the music at a Pittsburgh soiree and offered to procure Foster a publisher, making contact with W.C. Peters. Includes words to "Comrades Fill no Glass for Me," clipped from the Pittsburgh Journal.

  • Jan. 27 Stephen prepares list [in his account book?] showing royalties received to date on Firth, Pond & Co. songs amounting to $9,436.96. He estimates that these songs should be worth $2,786.77 in future royalties (JTH)

  • Jan. 28 SCF (Pittsburgh) als to J[ohn] B. Russell (Cincinnati, on staff of the Gazette) re his complimentary notice of Foster in the Gazette, and plans to distribute it to papers in Pittsburgh and New York; mentions "Miss Eliza" (Russell?). Stephen gave a copy to the editor of the Pittsburgh Dispatch, the city's largest circulation paper; intends to send "two or three copies" to Firth, Pond (EFM 483f) (See also WA 148, re Russell's friendship with Haynes Bayly, songwriter and model for Foster) (Elliker #205)

  • Feb. 19 Wm. Jr.'s wife, Elizabeth, body returned to Pittsburgh for burial in Allegheny Cemetery (EFM 481)

  • Mar. 11 SCF als to Wm. Jr. (Philadelphia) sending "words of the show song in full" including his 8 verses and 2 by Morrison with one verse of music "The Great Baby Show or The Abolition Show" (EFM 478f) (CE II 418f) (Elliker #206)

  • Mar. 14 Stephen drawn ahead at Firth, Pond & Co. by $372.28. Sells his entire future interest in previous songs for $1,872.28. At about the same time he sells to F.D. Benteen all his future rights in the [16] songs published by that firm for $200 (JTH). This clears his debts, but is a "bad bargain" (EFM 492f)

  • March Morrison boarding with Stephen; pays $4 per week, including washing.

  • March James Buchanan inaugurated President(EFM 492)

  • Nd Stephen has "his piano moved to an upstairs back bedroom where he could shut himself off from the ringing of the doorbell and the prattle of neighbor ladies who dropped in to call." He is nervously susceptible to noise (EFM 489f)

  • Nd Marion starts dancing school at Professor Cowper's Academy on Liberty Avenue, Stephen takes her each Saturday afternoon, wearing a long blue cape (EFM 489f)

  • April 1 Wm. Jr. sells his property on East Common to Dr. John S. Kuhn. (EFM 491)

  • Apr. 13 Stephen and family boarding at Eagle Hotel, John Mish, proprietor. Board $12 per week (JTH). Eagle Hotel was at 274 Liberty Street. Morrison returns to board at Mrs. Leech's is without steady employment. Henry, Mary, and their two daughters live with Mary's mother, Mrs. Burgess, at Elm Cottage just beyond Allegheny Cemetery in Lawrenceville. (EFM 492)

  • June 8 "I See Her Still in My Dreams" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 419) (JTH). This is "not a love song, but seems to refer more directly to Stephen's recent loss of his beloved mother." (EFM 501f)

  • Nd Stephen has traded "Trap" for a little black Scottish terrier, and with Marion the three "were a familiar sight to the neighbors of the East Common as they wended their way through the park in the pleasant summer weather" and along the river, usually chatting with the canal toll collector (EFM 482f)

  • Oct[?] "Gentle Annie" arrangement for guitar accompaniment published by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (no copyright entry or deposit), probably between Oct.9 and Oct.17 [DLR: closer to Oct.10?] (CE II 419)

  • Fall J. Edgar Thomson offers Morrison post of collector on the canal at Pittsburgh (EFM 493)

  • Nd Morrison is attending Trinity Church regularly, where Jessie Lightner is in the choir; with Stephen, Jane, Henry, Mary, the Andy Robinsons, Blairs, and Dick Cowan they spend musical evenings at Dr. John Mitchell's (EFM 494)

  • Dec. 5 Wm. Jr. writes to Morrison urging him not to take canal offer of J. Edgar Thomson. Wm. has a weak left lung, and he is urged by the railroad to take a leave of absence (EFM 493)

  • Dec. Morrison goes to Warren, Oh., for Christmas with Henrietta and family

  • 1857 [?] "Gentle Annie" arranged for guitar published by Firth, Pond, & Co. (CE: No copyright entry or deposit, but copyright claim at the bottom of p. 3 is 1857. Publisher's plate number suggests October of that year.)


  • nd Robert P. Nevin article (puff?) on Foster, "Who Writes Our Songs," published in New York Evening Post, copied by several magazines, including "Susanna" (WA 11, 209f)

  • nd "The Village Maiden" arrangement for guitar accompaniment by Frederick Buckley, with reharmonization, published by Firth, Pond & Co. (CE 492)

  • Feb Morrison goes to Philadelphia (3 West Penn Square) to live with Wm. Jr. to help him (EFM 494); Morrison likes minstrel shows and concerts.

  • Nd When Stephen visits the Thorntons at Warren, he plays and sings his songs, and "the little song that his sister Charlotte had played and sung so long ago, 'I'd Be a Butterfly.'" (EFM 495)

  • Feb. 9 New contract with Firth, Pond & Co. Stephen sells the firm his interest in "I See Her Still in My Dreams," relinquishes all claim in all songs previously published by Firth, Pond; publisher promises three-month statements beginning April 1, $100 advance on each new song up to twelve per year; Firth, Pond have exclusive right to copyright and publish Foster's songs until Aug. 9, 1860; voids "articles of agreement entered into between said parties on the Third day of December 1849, the Fifth day of May 1853 and the Twenty First day of December 1854"

  • Feb. 23 Lidie Wick writes to Morrison in Philadelphia.

  • Feb. 25 Stephen has taken a trip to New York. Charges Firth, Pond & Co. $43.75 for traveling expenses (JTH)

  • Spring? "Some Folks" anonymous arrangement for guitar accompaniment (later attributed to Foster) engraved for publication by Firth, Pond & Co., not issued (?) until 1867 by William A. Pond & Co., New York (CE II 496f); plate numbers suggest Spring 1858.

  • April 8 Stephen and his family leave the Eagle Hotel. May have rented a house from William and James Murdock. (JTH)

  • April 19 "Lula Is Gone" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 420) (JTH). (DLR: Stephen's first new song since June 8, 1857)

  • May 27 Lidie Wick writes from Warren OH to Morrison at Philadelphia, asking "Have any of you heard from Uncle Steve lately? I wonder if he is moved yet? He said perhaps they would make us a visit before they went away, and for that reason I suppose they have not gone. I think I will write to Aunt Jane anyway and find out." (EFM 496)

  • July 13 "Linger in Blissful Repose" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 420) (JTH). For this song Foster adapted his melody originally published in the Social Orchestra (1854) as "Irene" (EFM 501)

  • July 15 Henry (Pittsburgh) writes to Morrison, with news of social events and a mysterious baby (EFM 498f)

  • Aug. 9 Stephen and his family start boarding with Mrs. Johnston. Board at $9 per week. (JTH)

  • Late summer Morrison travels briefly to Pittsburgh and Warren. His belongings are stored in several places. Dealing with court battles with Wick family (EFM 499)

  • Sept. 7 "Where Has Lula Gone?" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 420) (JTH). "Stephen was hewing to the line of 'refined' composition with a vengeance, and his income suffered accordingly." (EFM 501) (DLR: This was also only his second new song in a year and a half, which would have affected his income as well.) Manuscript in Library of Congress donated by William A. Pond & Co., ca. 1914 (CE).

  • Oct Morrison sent to Harrisburg to represent Thomas S. Blair's steel spring company during the legislative session. (EFM 506) Now engaged to Jessie in Pittsburgh (EFM 507)

  • Nd, no year Pennsylvania Railroad names Fostoria, small town in Blair County, for Wm. Jr. (EFM 507)

  • Oct. 22 SCF (Pittsburgh) als to Morrison (Philadelphia) re medicine for Bill Blakely; Benton's books; whether to send Pa's Assembly books to brother William; book of "Scotch melodies"; has sent "Sadly to Mine Heart Appealing" to Firth, Pond lacking "introductory symphony" [see Dec.28, 1858] (WA 101f) (CE II 420f). This book (pubd. 1849, now in Foster Hall Collection) was returned to EFM by a great-grandson of Ann Eliza Buchanan in 1938. Contains "Logan Water," a favorite of Morrison's and sung frequently at home while mother and father living (EFM 500f) (Elliker #207)

  • Nov. 2 SCF (Pittsburgh) als to Morrison (Philadelphia?) re himself and Henry decline going to Cincinnati, but "our old friend Tom Smith" willing to go; Fosters will pay his passage, and SCF "will notify Mary when to be at Salem." SCF also requests passage for James Gray, glass blower, whose family is in Cincinnati. (Elliker #208)

  • Nov. 3 Mary Wick writes from Warren to Morrison (Philadelphia) about wanting to go to St Louis (EFM 502)

  • Nd Stephen attends concerts of choral societies, circus, minstrel shows etc.; performs fantasies at the piano based on "Jim Crow" or his own tunes including "Camptown Races" (EFM 503)

  • Nov. 11 SCF (Pittsburgh) als to Morrison (Philadelphia), "Mary Wick [Thornton, age 21], Jane, Marion and I start tomorrow for Cincinnati on Billy Hamilton's boat, the 'Ida May.'" "We all" (Stephen, Jane, Marion, Mary) saw Miss Davenport "last night at the 'old' theatre"; plans to see John McClellan in Cincinnati and sing. "Siss [Susan Pentland Robinson] gets along very well since mother's death," jokes about Andy. "Bill Blakely died this morning"; "notice in the evening's 'Chronicle'"; SCF "wrote to O'Neil on the matter." (WA 95, 165). Stephen gave the his friend Dan O'Neill at the Chronicle on Third Street "certain items that he felt should be contained in Bill's obituary" (EFM 502ff). Blakeley had "served in the ranks of the J.I. Blues, of this City, in the Mexican War" (EFM 504) (Elliker #209)

  • Nov. 12 Stephen, with Jane and Marion, take a trip to Cincinnati with William Hamilton who was a clerk on the steamer "Ida May" (JTH); Stephen composed "Parthenia to Ingomar" on board (WA 176f), "finished" on board according to Billy Hamilton. (See also Apr.4, 1859 below.) Poetry by William Henry McCarthy, "a young actor friend of Stephen's, who was one of the congenial group that used to meet at the Hazelwood home of Harry and Rachel Keller Woods", and a drama adapted from German by Maria Lovell as Ingomar, The Barbarian (EFM 504). Another close friend (n.d.) in Hazelwood was George K. Flower at 307 Georgekay Road (EFM 505).

  • Ca. Nov.15 Stephen and Billy Hamilton in Cincinnati hear singers performing "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming," and join in. (EFM 505)

  • Nov. 24 "My Loved One and My Own or Eva" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 420). Words are not in the sketchbook (JTH p. 285). (EFM 501)

  • Dec. 28 "Sadly to Mine Heart Appealing" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 420f): setting of Eliza Sheridan Carey's poem "On Hearing an Old Scottish Melody" which appeared in Littell's Living Age (Oct. 1844). (JTH p. 99: RPNevin (EFM 285) claimed it was written the same year as "Tioga Waltz" [1839: see EFM 501]; p. 286: SCF to MF 10/22/1858 had already sent the song to Firth, Pond and asked that Morrison send SCF his book of Scottish melodies so that he might select an old tune for the introductory symphony; Scottish air "Robin Adair" in introduction and coda by publication date) Morneweck suggest it was written ca. 1845, written with flute or clarinet (EFM 285). Dedicated to Rachel Keller Woods (EFM 501)

  • 1858 "My Angel Boy" composed, but withheld from publication by Firth, Pond & Co. (entered and deposited for copyright Jan.31, 1865 by William Pond & Co., with title page stating "composed by late Stephen C. Foster in 1858"). William A. Pond & Co. donated the manuscript to the Library of Congress ca.1914 (CE II 421)


  • nd "The Social Orchestra" reissued by Firth, Pond & Co. (see Jan. 26, 1854)

  • Jan. 1 Stephen drawn ahead at Firth, Pond & Co. $995.72. (JTH)

  • Jan. 4 Wm. J.r's youngest son Harry (not yet seven years old) dies, body brought to Allegheny Cemetery for burial (EFM 507)

  • Spring Stephen, Jane, Marion boarded with a Mrs. Miller (possibly part of the winter as well). "Stephen was frequently alone, as Jane and Marion visited a great deal with Jane's sisters and also in Warren with Henrietta. ... Money worries completely unnerved Stephen-he was not able to cope with poverty in a reasonable manner, as his brothers were able to do." Jane had "long visits with Henrietta" and Stephen had a "growing inclination to wipe out all his worries by a closer association with the Devouring Enemy". Jane had been "temperamental and light-minded...the first few years of her married life". Stephen was in danger of succumbing "completely to the wave of melancholy that engulfed him after the deaths of his mother, father, and Dunning." (EFM 513f)

  • Nd Stephen maintained a studio at 112-114 Smithfield Street, between Virgin Alley and Sixth Avenue, above Robert Wray's grocery and tea store. Other tenants in the building were city assessor Robert A. Cunningham; agent for West Branch Life Insurance Co. James H. Latshaw; leather manufacturer Fred Steil; bookbinder John Brunner; and Ambrotypes maker D.M. Coates. Two blocks away at 53 Fifth Street was Henry and Augustus Kleber music store. (EFM 514)

  • Mar. 1 "Linda Has Departed" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York, to words by Wm. H. McCarthy (CE II 421f) (JTH)

  • Mar.1 "Parthenia to Ingomar" intended for issue by this date (see Apr.4, 1859)

  • Apr. 4 "Parthenia to Ingomar" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York, to words by Wm. H. McCarthy (CE II 422) (JTH p. 288: acc. to recollections by Billy Hamilton, this song was composed during the Nov. 1858 boat trip on the Ida May) (CE: (c) 4/4/1859; publication may have been delayed; plate number and number in the Firth, Pond & co. "Foster's Melodies" series indicates it was planned for issue by March 1, 1859.)

  • Apr. 10 Lidie Wick writes from Warren OH to Morrison (Philadelphia?) proposing a visit with him to Skinner plantation Wood Lawn on Eastern Shore of Maryland (EFM 507f)

  • Ca.Apr.17 Mary Wick reluctantly returns home from St. Louis to Warren (EFM 507f); she is now engaged to her cousin George Crosman there (EFM 510).

  • April-May (perhaps earlier) Stephen and his family boarding with Mrs. A. Miller. Board at $9.50 and $10.50 per week. (JTH)

  • May 16 Firth, Pond & Co. refuses Stephen's draft for $100 (JTH)

  • May 30 Mary Wick writes to Morrison at Philadelphia (EFM 510)

  • June Morrison and other members of the family have their pictures made (EFM 510f)

  • June Anon., "Who Writes our Songs?", Cosmopolitan Art Journal 3/3 (June 1859) 101, 140, identifying Foster as composer of several songs, and reports that slaves sing his songs; includes excerpt from a Foster letter. (Elliker #210)

  • Early June Morrison travels to Pittsburgh, discusses work with Tom Blair, mgr. Of Juniata Iron Works of Pittsburgh, as possible assistant at the Cleveland branch (EFM 512)

  • June 10 "For Thee, Love, for Thee" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York, to words by William Henry McCarthy as revised by Stephen Foster (CE II 422) (JTH 292f)

  • June 10 Henrietta pleads with Morrison and Stephen to join the church, as Wm. Jr. and Henry have done (JTH) (EFM 508f)

  • Nd Morrison is appointed from Philadelphia to the Democratic state committee for 1859 (EFM 529)

  • June 13 SCF (Pittsburgh) als to Morrison (Philadelphia?), re had his picture taken yesterday by "neighbor who has the Daguerreotype establishment" and sends copy; asks whether Morrison forwarded "my letter intended for Mr. Bateman"; sent song "the other day" to Firth, Pond; EFM speculates it was "Fairy Belle" (EFM 512f). EFM discloses that SF's tintype "full-face picture" "was never published during Morrison's lifetime because he did not care for it. It...shows Stephen's hair in some disorder. The expression of Stephen's face is very sweet, but the eyes are sad, and I believe this fact distressed Morrison." Two ambrotypes exist from this sitting, hand on chin. (Elliker #211)

  • June 15 Lidie Wick writes to Morrison from Wood Lawn on Easter Shore, MD (EFM 511). Lidie's photo (her in middle) includes Harriet Buchanan (L) and Lottie Foster (R) (EFM 512). Morrison visits, meets son of Eliza Clayland Tomlinson [half-brother], and travels with Lidie briefly to New York and Passaic, NJ (EFM 512)

  • July 26 John Esten Cooke, on editorial staff of Richmond Virginia Index writes to Stephen Foster enclosing his "recent notice of your late publications" expressing his "great ... enjoyment" with the music (EFM 489)

  • Aug.1 "The Wife" manuscript received by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (see Feb.9, 1860 below).

  • Aug. 15 SCF (Pittsburgh?) als to Morrison (Philadelphia?) re he and Jane went to Baden, trying to collect rent money on farm property owed to Morrison by Mr. Deerdorf; dined at home of Mr. A[n?]derson [probably at Leetsdale] (EFM 514f) (Elliker #212)

  • Before Aug 18 Morrison returns from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, as Wm. Jr. is feeling better. Wm. Jr. living with Robert Burnett, his stepson, at a small hotel, 1235 Chestnut St., Phila; son Willie at military school in Dresden, Austria; Lottie staying with uncle Edgar Thomason (EFM 515f) (EFM 568)

  • Aug. 19 "Fairy-Belle" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 425) (JTH)

  • Fall John Brown's raid; Its "repercussions not only divided the great Democratic party, but broke up thousands of erstwhile happy families into warring groups." (EFM 528)

  • Oct 3-19 Officers of Pennsylvania Railroad take excursion over their lines from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, and lines connecting to theirs to St. Louis. Wm. Jr. travels with two nieces as his guests, Adelene Thomson and Harriet Buchanan. (EFM 517f)

  • Oct. 21 Stephen presented his Nouveau Petit Paroissien to John D. Scully (see Dec. 25, 1856).

  • Oct.-Nov. "None Shall Weep a Tear for Me" planned for publication? (See Feb.9, 1860)

  • Dec. 21 "Thou Art the Queen of My Song" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 425) (JTH)


  • Jan. 1 Stephen drawn ahead at Firth, Pond & Co. $1,479.95 (JTH) (EFM 533)

  • nd Morrison leaves his copy of The National Melodies of Scotland in Philadelphia with sister Ann Eliza Buchanan. (WA 103)

  • nd Stephen lists Dickens' novel Bleak House as first of eleven items on endpage of his sketchbook (WA 161)

  • nd Stephen meets John A. Joyce in Pittsburgh, plays banjo, piano, and flute (WA 182)

  • nd Stephen writes unpublished verse "If, in my trembling wayward path" in his sketchbook, "evidently dedicated to William" [Jr.] (EFM 471)

  • Feb "Morrison hurt the feelings of his Philadelphia relatives by a rather pointed, but not ill-natured satire of Buchanan's administration, which was published in the Pittsburgh Post, in the form of a parody on a scene from Knowles' play, The Hunchback." Some of his wife's family in Georgia and Missouri were Secessionists; Foster family were Union Democrats. (EFM 528)

  • Feb. 9 "None Shall Weep a Tear for Me" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York, words by Richard Henry Wilde published din 1819 (CE II 425) (JTH). CE: publication probably delayed-plate number and number in Firth, Pond's "Foster's Melodies" series indicates it was planned for issue in Oct or Nov 1859.

  • Feb. 9 "The Wife" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 425f) (JTH). CE: Publication may have been delayed. Firth, Pond ms is marked "Recd Aug 1/59" and its plate number and number Firth, Pond's "Foster's Melodies" series indicates it was planned for issue prior to the end of 1859. Delay may have been caused by Foster's requesting proof changes) (see WA 119-20)

  • Feb. 9 "Poor Drooping Maiden" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 426) (JTH)

  • Feb.13 Wm.Jr. attends gala opening at new Continental Hotel in Philadelphia (EFM 518)

  • Feb. 14 Wm. Jr. attends St. Valentine Ball at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia (EFM 518)

  • Feb. 23 Morrison Foster marries Jessie Lightner in Allegheny, ceremony performed by Rev. Edward Y. Buchanan. Living in Cleveland. (JTH) All brother and sisters there except Wm. Jr. (EFM 518) (WA 100)

  • Feb. 24 Morrison and Jessie leave for Niagara Falls, then to Cleveland.

  • Nd Morrison enters political affairs in Cleveland "almost immediately" (EFM 529)

  • Nd Henry and family still living in Lawrenceville, "absorbed in the work of the little St. John's Episcopal Church" (EFM 529)

  • Mar. 4 William B. Foster, Jr., dies of abscess at the base of his brain shortly after midnight (EFM 518) (JTH). Funeral held at home of his brother-in-law, J. Edgar Thomson, on N. Sixth Street, Phila., and his remains brought back to Pittsburgh by the Pennsylvania Railroad. One of his pallbearers was old frield Sam Black, now governor of Nebraska (EFM 518). Thomson appointed guardian of Wm.'s children, Robert Burnett administrator of his estate including "large tracts of land and coal rights in Indiana County, heavily mortgaged." Burnett, Thomson, James Magee, Thomas A. Scott, and Edward C. Biddle formed the Foster Coal & Iron Company which they operated for the benefit of Wm.'s children. ((EFM 519)

  • Apr. 27 SCF (Warren, Ohio) to Morrison (Cleveland?). SCF with Jane and Marion are at the Austin House; asks loan of $12. Firth, Pond will not advance funds until Stephen sends more songs; shows disposition to renew agreement, expiring August 9, 1860; "Have entered into an agreement with a new house for part of my music." Will be in Cleveland soon on way to New York. Wrote two songs since he's been in Warren, and two more under way. Etty's family is well. (EFM 523). (Elliker #213). Morrison says Stephen went to New York in response to "a profitable offer from Firth, Pond & Co., his publishers...." ("My Brother Stephen" 53)

  • Spring Stephen and family stay part time with Henrietta, part time at Gaskill House (later known as the Austin House), the first 4-story building in Warren, which opened with a grand ball Dec. 23, 1853. Edward Shoenberger the proprietor while Stephen there. His daughter recalled the Fosters. "Mrs. Foster never left her room". (EFM 522) Stephen probably played his songs "Willie, We Have Missed You," "Come Where my Love Lies Dreaming," and possibly "Under the Willow She's Sleeping" for other guests at the hotel (EFM 534).

  • Ca.May 3 "Cora Dean" published by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (JTH p. 301 it was surely published before August as it appears on a list of songs that were issued prior to that time. Its words appear in the ms book just before and after the pages devoted to "The Glendy Burk"). CE (II 427): no record of copyright entry or deposit; probably published at the same time as "Under the Willow She's Sleeping" as the two songs have consecutive plate numbers ("Cora Dean" earlier) and bear consecutive numbers in Firth, Pond's "Foster's Melodies" series ("Under the Willow" is earlier).

  • May 3 "Under the Willow She's Sleeping" entered and recorded for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 427) (JTH). EFM suggests it was not published until Stephen and Jane were living in New York in the fall. A girl who knew the Fosters in Warren thought Stephen had composed it there (EFM 533f)

  • May 29 "The Glendy Burk" entered and recorded for copyright by Firth, Pond, & Co., New York (CE II 427) (JTH). EFM: "As an acknowledgment of the compliment of having the steamboat named for himself, it is said that Mr. Burke presented the boat with a grand piano." There was sensitivity even in the 1860s about singing dialect, and EFM cites a binder's volume belonging to a senator's daughter as evidence. EFM cites changes in words in 20th century to "Oh! Susanna" for Alf Landon's 1936 presidential campaign (EFM 520f)

  • May 31 SCF (Warren) als to Morrison (Cleveland), asks Morrison to lend $50, sends draft on Firth, Pond as security; desires to pay Mr. Shoenberger (the landlord). "Received yesterday a very cheering letter from F.P. & Co."; has "only one song to finish in the time mentioned." Jesse Thornton arrived "yesterday;" "He informed me that Jessie (yours) was in Cleveland, therefore I infer that you have been in Pittsburgh since I saw you." He expects to depart for New York soon, via Cleveland. (Elliker #214) The new publisher, EFM speculates, is Rev. Alexander Clark who edited Clark's School Visitor. This magazine had been published in Pittsburgh during 1859 and part of 1860 before removing to Philadelphia in spring 1860. Clark had previously republished "Massa's in de Cold Ground" (Dec.1859) and tried to republish "Gentle Annie" with permission of Firth, Pond. They also published a nostalgic school lyric to "Uncle Ned" and one to "Nelly Bly" (EFM 523ff)

  • May 31 Bank draft "$50. Warren, O, May 31, 1860 / One day After Sight / Pay to the order of M. Foster Fifty Dollars value received and charge the same to the account of Very Respy. Yours S.C. Foster To Firth, Pond & Co. New York." (Elliker #171).

  • June Clark's School Visitor issue prints letter from Stephen, dated May 2, 1860, Pittsburgh. (The May issue was published in Pittsburgh by J.W. Daughaday & Co. The June issue was published in Philadelphia by Daughaday, Hammond & Co). Foster's letter is a contract for a one-year arrangement, renewable, for songs for each alternate issue of the School Visitor. (EFM 526f)

  • July Clark's School Visitor publishes "Jenny's Coming O'er the Green," the first song Stephen wrote for them under contract (EFM 527)

  • July 1 Stephen drawn ahead at Firth, Pond, & Co. $1,396.64 (JTH)

  • July 21 "Jenny's Coming O'er the Green" entered for copyright by Lee & Walker, Philadelphia (CE II 427). Song first appeared in Clark's School Visitor vol.4 no.10 (July, 1860) published by Daughaday & Hammond but not entered for copyright. This issue begins an association between the publisher and Foster.CE: It seems unlikely that the O'Henry like twist at the end of the third verse is Foster's idea. His ms book shows no revisions & he sold the song outright so there was little incentive to revise it after publication.

  • Aug Clark's School Visitor announces Lee & Walker's reprint of "Jenny's Coming O'er the Green. John Mahon later recalls Stephen telling him about its history, alluding to a 17-year old girl, and Jane's objections that caused him to change the first line and title (EFM 527)

  • Aug. 9 Expiration date of Feb. 9, 1858, contract with Firth, Pond & Co. (JTH), providing that Stephen should publish exclusively with that firm. Under this date Stephen sold all his rights in songs published under that contract (16) for $1,600, thus repaying the amount drawn ahead ($1,396.64) and gaining a credit of $203.36. "He had agreed to publish exclusively with Firth Pond until that date, but the royalties coming from his songs were so small that Stephen was anxious to have other publishers also produce his music. Perhaps he felt that Firth, Pond were not giving his songs sufficient backing and advertising." Stephen kept "very accurate accounts". He was overdrawn and in debt "for no other reason, in my opinion, than because he had practically abandoned the type of song he was best equipped to write, the Southern Negro melody." (EFM 520)

  • Aug. 10 Stephen apparently still in Warren. Presumably took his wife and daughter to New York after this date (JTH). "Before leaving for New York, he sent to Firth, Pond in 1860, "Poor Drooping Maiden," "None Shall Weep a Tear for Me," "The Wife; or He'll Come Home," "Under the Willow She's Sleeping," probably "Cora Dean," and one good song, "The Glendy Burk" (EFM 520)

  • Aug.25 "Beautiful Child of Song" entered for copyright by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia (CE II 428) [see also Oct.6, 1860]

  • Sept Clark's School Visitor carries ad writer's "raptures" over Stephen's "None Shall Weep a Tear for Me," published by Firth, Pond, and plumping "Glendy Burk" (EFM 527f)

  • Fall Mary Wick weds Lieutenant George H. Crosman, and move to Wheeling, Virginia, where he serves in the Tenth Infantry (EFM 529)

  • Fall Lidie Wick from Warren, OH, visits Stephen and Jane in New York; they take her to a ball, perhaps the masquerade ball described by Jessie Rose, when Stephen played first violin in the orchestra (EFM 529f). Stephen's family is boarding with Mrs. Louisa Stewart, 113 Greene Street (in 1863-4 her boardinghouse is at 97 Greene) (Mahon remembers it as 83 Greene). Her daughters Rushanna and Mattie play with Marion. Mattie later recalls that "Mr. Pond was not fair to Mr. Foster." (EFM 533)

  • Fall Stephen makes friends in New York "amongst composers and writers" and "was sensitive to suffering in a superlative degree and could not pass a stray kitten or hungry dog without doing something for it then and there. From the time he was a child, Stephen had brought these poor outcasts home. Cruelty to any weak creature, human or beast, enraged him." (EFM 534)

  • Fall Stephen's songs are "sold outright to the publishers, and thus they yielded for him nothing more than the initial payment."

  • Sept. 30 Jane (Lewiston, PA, with sister Agnes) to Morrison, has been in Lewiston "a couple of months," requests loan of $10 to visit New York (WA 95)

  • Oct. "Beautiful Child of Song" published in Clark's School Visitor (CE II 428) [see Aug.25, Oct.6 1860]. The publishers of the magazine later claimed that they paid Stephen $400 for six songs (JTH). Song issued as sheet music Dec. 1863.

  • Oct. 5 Jane (Lewiston, PA) to Morrison, thanking him for $10, will deliver his message to Steve (WA 96)

  • Oct. 6 "Beautiful Child of Song" deposited for copyright by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia (CE II 428).

  • Oct 20 Morrison and Jessie's daughter born, Evelyn Louise (EFM 530)
  • Nov. 6 Abraham Lincoln elected President. Stephen's "Uncle Ned" tune used for an anti-Douglas campaign song (EFM 530)

  • Nov. 8 "Old Black Joe" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 428) (JTH). It "is not known whether any royalties came in from" this song. Stephen "left no record of it in his account book, which came to a close in 1860." (EFM 530)

  • Nov. 15 "Down Among the Cane Brakes" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co. New York (CE II 428) (JTH)

  • Nov. 15 "Virginia Belle" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 428) (JTH)

  • Nov.17 "The Little Ballad Girl" entered for copyright by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia (See also Dec., Dec.11, 1860) (CE II 429)

  • Dec. "The Little Ballad Girl" published in Clark's School Visitor vol.5 no. 3 by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia (CE II 429). A later version of the song published ca.1865 by John Church Jr. changed the title to "'Tis My Father's Song."

  • Dec Mob besieges the Lawrenceville Arsenal, to prevent shipment of canons to southern forts. Public opinion against Buchanan running high, and this affects Ann Eliza's family (EFM 531)

  • Dec. 11 "The Little Ballad Girl" entered for copyright by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia (CE II 429) (JTH). WA (p.218) speculates that it is autobiographical.


  • early Stephen meets John Mahon, a reporter, in New York (WA 183; p. 211 says 1860). Stephen spends "a great deal of his time at John Mahon's rooms in Henry Street" and "wrote a great many of his songs" there (EFM 538f). Stephen taught his duet "Mine is the Mourning Heart" to Mahon's 10-year-old daughter Annie, who sang soprano and Stephen tenor. EFM suggests the words (about marital infidelity) might have had "personal application" (EFM 539-40)

  • nd John J. Daly publishes 6 of Stephen's songs this year (EFM 541)

  • Jan.17 "Mine Is the Mourning Heart" entered for copyright by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia (CE II 429). (See also Feb.1, 1861)

  • Feb.1 "Mine Is the Mourning Heart" deposited for copyright by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia (CE II 429). CE: On February 1, 1861, Daughaday & Hammond deposited a caption title for "Mine Is the Mourning Heart" cut from a January 17, 1861, issue of Clark's School Visitor. No copy of this issue, which surely contains "Mine Is the Mourning Heart," is know to have survived...." (Later issued as sheet music: see May 1863).

  • Mar.9 "Don't Bet Your Money on de Shanghai" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 429). Copyright deposit copy contains corrections from the earliest issue.

  • spring Col. Samuel W. Black returns to Pittsburgh after four years as governor of Nebraska. Morrison's friend, D.K. Carter, is appointed by Lincoln to take his place; Black writes to Morrison about it March 18 (EFM 532)

  • Apr. 6 "Molly Dear Good Night" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 430)

  • Apr. 15 Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers; Col. Black and Co. Weitzer are to command the 62nd regiment "the first 'three-years regiment,' which left for Washington on August 3, 1861." Robert P. McDowell (one of Five Nice Young Men) had organized a regiment in Allegheny, Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers," and left for Washington. Col. R. Biddle Roberts was an aide to Governor Curtin. John Duncan was captain of Duncan Home Guards, which was afterward admitted to active service. Bill Denny was captain of Company K of 12th regiment. Most volunteers were "three-month volunteers" (EFM 532f)

  • May "Lizzie Dies To-Night" published in Clark's School Visitor by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia (CE II 430). (See also May 9, May 23, 1861; 1862).

  • May 9 "Our Willie Dear Is Dying" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 430)

  • May 9 "Lizzie Dies To-Night" entered for copyright by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia, on text by Mary Bynon Reese (CE II 430). (See also May, May 23, 1861).

  • May 23 "Lizzie Dies To-Night" deposited for copyright by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia, on text by Mary Bynon Reese (CE II 430). (See also May, May 6, 1861).

  • June 4 "Our Bright, Bright Summer Days Are Gone" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 430).

  • Summer Jane takes Marion to Lewistown, PA, to live with her sister Agnes (Mrs. Dr. Cummings). Marion starts school there. Stephen takes "various 'cures'" for "the habit." (EFM 534f)

  • July 18 "I'll Be a Soldier" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 431).

  • Aug. 5 "Why Have My Loved Ones Gone?" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 431). DLR: written in spring 1861? (See verse 3; in spring Foster had just lost contracts with Firth, Pond, and Lee & Walker, and Jane had left.

  • Aug.20 "Oh! Tell Me of My Mother" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 431).

  • Nd While Jane and Marion away, Stephen sends John Mahon to his boardinghouse "to bring a package of letters from his trunk. One of these was from Ditson & Co. of Boston, to whom he had written some years before offering to write for them...." (EFM 540)

  • nd Foster and John Mahon attend a temperance meeting, Foster sings "Hard Times" (WA 211)

  • nd Morrison's wife's (Jessie Lightner) younger brother Isaac fights with Confederate army (until killed 1864) (WA 100). Morrison and Jessie's Cleveland Republican neighbors are unconcealedly hostile to them (EFM 537)

  • nd Susan Pentland Robinson and Andrew Robinson, with their son John, visit Stephen in New York (WA 165) (EFM 556f says it was their son John Wilkins Robinson, and that Stephen visited them at the St. Nicholas Hotel, 513 Broadway, and they attended the theater together, but gives no date or year, implying it was 1863.)

  • Sept Jane uneasy about Stephen's welfare, and borrows trainfare from Morrison to visit him (EFM 535)

  • Sept.9 "Farewell Mother Dear" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 431).

  • Oct.7 "Sweet Little Maid of the Mountain" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 432).

  • Oct.16 "Farewell Sweet Mother" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 432).

  • Nov. 5 "Little Belle Blair" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 432).

  • Dec.3 "Nell and I" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 432).

  • Dec.16 "A Penny for Your Thoughts!" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 432).

  • Nd Lidie Wick marries Abner Tyler, shortly after her return from New York (EFM 535)

  • Nd Stephen has published 15 songs, only four of them with Firth, Pond. He took them "Our Bright Summer Days are Gone" but Firth, Pond refuse it; "the returns on Stephen's last songs had not been up to expectations" and the firm members are squabbling and business "was not prospering." Mahon (1877) recalls Stephen's despondency over Pond's refusal of this song, and Lee & Walker had also ceased employing him "in consequence of hard times"; Stephen rewrites the song and asks Mahon to take it to Daly's, Mahon's own publisher. Stephen next wrote for Daly "Our Willie Dear is Dying," then "Little Belle Blair," the "When the Bowl Goes Round" and "A Thousand Miles from Home" (EFM 538f)

  • Nd "A Thousand Miles from Home" written this year by Foster, according to John Mahon, but not published until 1870 (see Aug.19 1870) (CE II 432).


  • nd "The Social Orchestra" reissued by Firth, Pond & Co. (see Jan.26, 1854)

  • nd "Lizzie Dies To-Night" repuslished as sheet music by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 430). (See also May, May 9, May 23, 1861).

  • nd John J. Daly publishes two of Stephen's songs this year. "All the publishing houses were hard pressed, and everyone, except government bondholders, was struggling to get along." (EFM 541)

  • nd Stephen's most popular songs in the Confederacy, judging from the titles advertised on the back pages of sheet music printed there, were "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming," "Fairy Belle," "I See Her Still in My Dreams," "Lula Is Gone," "Parthenia to Ingomar," and "Why No One to Love." (EFM 541)

  • nd Family concerned about "his growing dependence on alcohol, the carelessness of his appearance, and the precarious state of his health" as well as his "frequent financial emergencies." (EFM 541)

  • nd Ann Eliza Foster Buchanan sends her son Edward to New York to bring Stephen to her home in Philadelphia. "Edward was received by a sober, cheerful and perfectly poised Stephen, who expressed great pleasure at his nephew's visit, and so completely assumed the superior role that the younger man did not dare reveal the real purpose of his coming." (EFM 541f)

  • nd "Morrison said to him [Stephen] once, 'Why are you so careless, Steve? If I went around like that, I'd be afraid of being insulted.' 'Don't worry about me, Mitty,' replied Stephen, 'No gentleman will insult me-and no other can!'" According to EFM, this response reveals "Stephen's hopeless acceptance of defeat, his acknowledgement of the futility of even a pretense of pride." (EFM 542)

  • nd SCF begins to collaborate with George Cooper (1840-1927) (WA 185f)

  • nd Henrietta Thornton publishes some of her poetry (WA 94)

  • Jan.10 "Little Jenny Dow" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 433).

  • Mar. 10 "Oh! There's No Such Girl as Mine" entered for copyright by Horace Waters. Caption says "Written and Composed by Stephen C. Foster," but the verses "are identical with those of a song of the same name by Samuel Lover"; "This was probably a mistake of the publishers" (EFM 554)

  • Spring? "I Will Be True to Thee" published by Horace Waters, New York; no copyright entry or deposit (CE II 433).

  • Apr. 7 "I Will Be True to Thee" advertised by Horace Waters in New-York Daily Tribune (CE II 433).

  • Apr. 12 "The Merry, Merry Month of May" entered and caption title deposited for copyright by Daughaday & Hammond, Philadelphia; no copyright deposit (CE II 433). Also published in Clark's School Visitor May 1862 (EFM 540f)

  • Apr.16 "A Dream of My Mother and My Home" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 433).

  • Apr 29 "That's What's the Matter" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 434), which must have aroused "bitter resentment in [sister-in-law] Jessie's fiercely Confederate heart" (EFM 547) [reason for estrangement between Stephen and Morrison?]

  • ?May "Better Times Are Coming" published by Horace Waters, New York, no copyright entry or deposit (CE II 434); song's number in Waters's series suggests publication between April and June 1862 (see June 4, 1862).

  • ?May "Slumber My Darling" published by Horace Waters, New York, no copyright entry or deposit (CE II 434); song's number in Waters's series suggests publication between after Aug.10, 1862, but see advertisement June 4, 1862.

  • Nd Dan Rice "had a stirring time running his showboat up the river from New Orleans, showing his circus on both sides of Mason and Dixon's line. He sends Morrison a pass to admit "at all times." (EFM 548)

  • Nd Among Morrison and Jessie's few friends at Charles W. Couldock, his wife, and daughter Eliza, who have a theatrical company (EFM 548f)

  • Nd Henrietta's husband, Jesse Thornton, was a captain in the commissary department of the Army of the Potomac; Henrietta "frequently brought her children to Cleveland to stay with Morrison and Jessie. [How did Henrietta and Jessie get along, with relatives fighting on opposite sides of the war?] (EFM 549)

  • May "The Merry, Merry Month of May" published in Clark's School Visitor vol.6 no.5 (to Foster's tune of "The White House Chair" of 1856) (CE II 433) (EFM 480). {See also April 12, 1862)

  • June Marion becomes "very ill" in New York, Jane takes her back to Lewistown (EFM 538).

  • June 4 Horace Waters advertises in New-York Daily Tribute, including titles "Better Tiimes Are Coming" and "Slumber My Darling" (CE II 434).

  • June 10 "Merry Little Birds Are We" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 435)

  • June 20 "No One to Love" entered and deposited for copyright by S.T. Gordon, New York, a first time (see also July 24, 1862) (CE II 435).

  • June 27 Morrison's friend Sam Black killed in Battle of Gaine's Mill, Virginia

  • June 30 Jane (?in Lewiston PA) to Morrison, acknowledging his "very kind letter"; she has visited Stephen in New York; Morrison had sent Stephen clothing. (WA 96) Stephen took Morrison's gifts of clothing and sold them for alcohol (EFM 542)

  • July 24 "No One to Love" entered and deposited a second time for copyright by S.T. Gordon, New York, now under title "Why, No One to Love?" (see also June 20, 1862) (CE II 435).

  • July 26 "No Home, No Home" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 436).

  • Aug. 8 "Was My Brother in the Battle?" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York. Copyright deposit copy dated Aug. 9, 1862 (CE II 436).

  • Sept.5 "We Are Coming, Father Abraam, 300,000 More" entered and deposited for copyright by S.T. Gordon, New York; to text by James Sloane Gibbons published in New York Evening Post on July 16, 1862 (CE II 436).

  • Sept.10 "I'll Be Home To-Morrow" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Pond & Co., New York (CE II 436).

  • Oct 8 Morrison appointed chairman of the committee on resolutions at the Cuyahoga County Democratic Convention, which met at Brainard's Hall, Cleveland, Oct. 8, for such offices as auditor and sheriff. It is well known that Jessie's youngest brother Ike (Isaac) Lightner had joined the Confederate Army, the Tenth Missouri Battery. He was wounded seven times and taken prisoner once, before dying at the battle of Lost Mountain, GA, 1864. He was an orderly sergeant. (EFM 537f) Re his wounds, and correspondence smuggled to Jessie Lightner Foster, see EFM 542.

  • Nov Henrietta devotes leisure time to poetry and literary work, and verses of hers concerning political events or home and children are published in Youngstown and Cleveland papers. Among the first published (in Nov 1862) is "Five Hundred Thousand Dead" (EFM 535ff)

  • Nov. 26 "Happy Hours at Home" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 436).

  • Dec. 6 SCF from New York to Henry, "Send the money for the pictures to care of John J. Daly 419, Grand Street." Received letter from Willie Foster. Requests news of Pittsburgh: "You must remember it is nearly three years since I was in Pittsburgh. I am very well and have been working quite industriously, but pay, these times, especially in music, is very poor." (Elliker #215)

  • Dec. "The Song of All Songs" published by D.S. Holmes of Brooklyn; six editions followed; "Five editions also were published by Oliver Ditson of Boston." Words not by Stephen. Tony Pastor, in March 12, 1864 issued of Clipper, identifies author as John F. Poole, and that "'when the company of "444" was in Boston last summer, Tony had the words set to music by Mr. Foster, and sold the song to Oliver Ditson.'" Harlan Page Halsey, a ghost writer for Pastor who often used pseudonym "Old Sleuth," might also have written the words. (EFM 555f)

  • Dec.31 "Gentle Lena Clare" entered and deposited for copyright by S.T. Gordon, New York (CE II 437).

  • Nd "George Cooper enlisted in the Twenty-second New York Regiment.... He served in the Gettysburg campaign and returned to New York when the regiment disbanded in July, 1863." (EFM 556)

  • Nd "We've a Million in the Field" published by S.T. Gordon, New York, without copyright entry or deposit (CE II 437).

  • Nd "Beautiful Dreamer" engraved but not published by Firth, Pond & Co.; also mentioned on cover of "Willie Has Gone to the War" (July 1, 1863) (CE II 437).

  • Nd Foster autograph, "This Saturday I write my name for George Cooper / S.C. Foster" (in FHC) (Elliker #162)


  • nd "There are indications that sometime during the year 1863, Jane secured work as a telegraph operator at the Pennsylvania Railroad Station at Greensburg, Pennsylvania, which gave her independence and an income on which she could depend." (EFM 553)

  • nd Firth, Pond & Co. dissolves, printing plates pass to William A. Pond (See notes for "The Social Orchestra," CE 481).

  • nd Firth, Pond suffers a fire that destroys Foster's original letter(s), but Mr. Pond still has all the original contracts (EFM 586)

  • nd Stephen publishes 46 songs this year, more than half of them "gospel tunes," only 17 with his own lyrics (EFM 553)

  • Jan. 14 "The Love I Bear to Thee" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 437).

  • Jan. 31 "Bury Me in the Morning, Mother" entered and caption title deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York; no complete copy deposited for copyright (CE II 438). Waters reissued the song in Waters' Golden Harp for Sunday Schools (Apr.14, 1863) and in The Athenaeium Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Church and Sunday School (1863).

  • Jan. 31 "Little Ella's an Angel!" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 438). Waters reissued the song in Waters' Golden Harp (Apr.14, 1863).

  • Jan. 31 "Suffer Little Children to Come unto Me" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 439)

  • Jan. 31 "Willie's Gone to Heaven" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 439)

  • Feb. 11 [Spurious] note from Stephen, "Dear Sir / I will arrange Mr. Cooper's melody when my hand gets well / Very Respy Yours / S.C. Foster / G.W. Birdseye Esq" (EFM 554) (Elliker #216)

  • Feb. 14 "I'm Nothingbut a Plain Old Soldier" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 439).

  • Feb. 25 "I'd Be a Fairy" entred and deposited for copyright by S.T. Gordon, New York (CE II 439). Copyright claim incorrectly 1862 on p.3; correctly 1863 on title page.

  • nd Henrietta Thornton publishes some of her poetry (WA 94)

  • nd Gilead Smith, brother Wm. Jr.'s brother-in-law, had office at 44 Exchange Place, New York, and "frequently tried to induce Stephen to come home with him to dinner and meet again members of the Smith family whom Stephen had always liked-several definite engagements were made, but Stephen never came." (EFM 557)

  • nd Clement L. Vallandigham, Democratic senator and leader of the Peace Democrats, openly attacks the Lincoln policies of continuing the war; he is accused of treason, arrested (May 5) at his home in Dayton, tried before a military commission, sentenced May 16 to close confinement at Fort Warren in Boston Harbor; this sentence modified by Lincoln May 19, and Vallandigham banished behind Confederate lines to same home that had treated Ike Lightner's wounds in Shelbyville, Tenn., which was Gen. Bragg's headquarters. He eventually goes to Canada. He is supported by Henrietta and Morrison, and nominated for governor of Ohio in absentia. Henrietta writes poetry about his exile. (EFM 542ff)

  • nd Mrs. Parkhurst Duer meets Stephen in New York (WA 103)

  • March 10 "Oh! There's No Such Girl as Mine" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York, after text by Samuel Lover (CE II 440).

  • Apr 8 J. Cust Blair, friend of Stephen and Morrison, dies (EFM 542)

  • Apr.14 Waters' Golden Harp for Sunday Schools entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 441ff). Included 10 hymns by Foster never before published; these were reissued in Waters's The Atheneum Collection (see Dec.9, 1863). Includes "The Beautiful Shore" (text by Mrs. O.S. Matteson), "Oh! 'Tis Glorious!" (Edwin H. Nevin), "Tears Bring Thoughts of Heaven," "Leave Me with My Mother," "He Leadeth Me Beside Still Waters" (Joseph H. Gilmore)," "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread," "Seek and Ye Shall Find," "We'll All Meet Our Saviour," "We'll Still Keep Marching On" (Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder), and "The Angels Are Singing unto Me."

  • [before Apr.17] "While the Bowl Goes Round" written by Foster to words by George Cooper, and Foster's tune "Jenny June" (CE II 444). Foster drafted lyrics to a song by nearly this title as early as 1854. According to Cooper, Foster probably left the manuscript with the publisher as security for a loan; song not published until it was entered and deposited for copyright Apr.17, 1870, by John J. Daly, New York. DLR: This would be Cooper's first collaboration with Foster.

  • Apr.17 "Jenny June" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Son & Co., New York, words by George Cooper (CE II 444). According to Cooper, the melody was based on "While the Bowl Goes Round." DLR: This would be Cooper's first published collaboration with Foster.

  • May 27 "A Soldier in the Colored Brigade" entered and deposited for copyright by Firth, Son & Co., New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 444).

  • May "Mine Is the Mourning Heart" issued as sheet music by Root & Cady, Chicago (CE II 429). (See also Jan.17, Feb.1, 1861).

  • ?before June 6 "There Are Plenty of Fish in the Sea" published by Horace Waters, New York (no copyright entry or deposit), words by George Cooper (CE II 444f). Position in Waters's series would make this after March 10; a notice in the June 6 Musical Review and Musical World mentions this song, and Waters advertised the song June 8 in New-York Daily Tribune.

  • ?before June 6 "When This Dreadful War Is Ended" published by Horace Waters, New York (no copyright entry or deposit), words by George Cooper (CE II 445). Position in Waters's series would make this after March 10; a notice in the June 6 Musical Review and Musical World mentions this song, and Waters advertised the song June 8 in New-York Daily Tribune.

  • June 27 "Lena Our Loved One Is Gone" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 445).

  • Nd "Stephen's tendency to keep his personal affairs from his family was growing." (EFM 545)

  • [before June 29] "Bring My Brother Back to Me" published by S.T. Gordon, New York, before June 29 (CE II 439), no copyright entry or deposit. Publisher's address changed mid-year; at least by June 29 had moved to new address.

  • June 29 "Katy Bell" entered and deposited for copyright by S.T. Gordon, New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 445).

  • June 29 "Larry's Good Bye" entered and deposited for copyright by S.T. Gordon, New York, with words by James D. Byrne (CE II 446).

  • June 29 "There Was a Time " entered and deposited for copyright by S.T. Gordon, New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 445).

  • July 1 "Willie Has Gone to the War" entered and deposited for copyright by Wm. A. Pond & Co., New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 446). (EFM 557)

  • July George Cooper returns to New York when his regiment disbands (EFM 556)

  • Aug.8 "Kissing in the Dark" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 446).

  • ?Sept Henrietta's poem, "Sound the Rally," set to music by Stephen, for Vallandigham campaign for governor of Ohio. EFM conjectures that the melody is that used in the 1864 Democratic campaign for "Little Mac! Little Mac! You're the Very Man!" (EFM 544f) (see also CE II 497). "'Sound the Rally' was written after the 'Great Vallandigham Ratification Meeting' held at Brainard's Hall, Cleveland, on June 25, 1863 (EFM 546) (DLR: mentions two candidates not nominated until Aug. or Sept. 1864.) Music paraphrases two Foster songs: "Nelly Bly" and "Better Times Are Coming."

  • Oct. Jane to Morrison (Cleveland) concerning Stephen.

  • ?Oct. "For the Dear Old Flag I Die!" published by Horace Waters, New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 449). It's number in Waters's series of Foster's songs indicates a fall publication; no copyright entry or deposit. (See Oct.5 advertisement.)

  • Oct.5 "For the Dear Old Flag I Die!" advertised by Horace Waters in New-York Daily Tribune (CE II 449).

  • Nov.13 "The Soldier's Home" entered and deposited for copyright by S.T. Gordon, New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 449).

  • Nov.20 "My Wife Is a Most Knowing Woman" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 449).

  • Nov.20 "Oh! Why Am I So Happy?" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York, with words Francis D. Murtha (CE II 449).

  • Nov.20 "Onward and Upward!" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 449)

  • Nov.20-Dec.14? "We Will Keep a Bright Lookout" published by Horace Waters, New York, with words by George Cooper (CE II 450); no copyright entry or deposit, but the score mentions "Onward and Upward!" (copyrighted Nov.20), and this song is advertised by Waters Dec.14 in New-York Daily Tribune.

  • Dec.3 "The Song of All Songs" entered and deposited for copyright by D.S. Holmes, New York (deposit copy bears date Dec.4), words from John F. Poole? Possibly composed during summer, 1863? (CE II 450).

  • Dec.9 The Atheneum Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Church and Sunday School entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York (CE II 451f) containing 9 original words by Foster: "The Pure, the Bright, the Beautiful" (words by Charles Dickens?), with additional words by Foster "We'll Tune Our Hearts," "Tell Me of the Angels, Mother," "What Shall the Harvest Be?" (after Emily Sullivan Oakey), "Don't Be Idle" (Mrs. Mary Ann Kidder), "Stand Up for the Truth" ("J.C."), "Over the River" ("H.C."), "While We Work for the Lord" (with additional text "For a While the Heart Grows Warm"), "Choral Harp" (William Ross Wallace), and "The Bright Hills of Glory" (Kidder).

  • Fall Morrison saw Stephen, who promised him that he would leave New York and either return to Pittsburgh or go to live with Morrison in Cleveland (EFM 553). Stephen would withdraw "into his proud shell.... [A]ll he wanted was to be left alone in peace." (EFM 556)

  • nd Foster sets Dickens poem "The Pure, the Bright, the Beautiful" (WA 161)

  • Nd "The Pure, the Bright, the Beautiful" to Dickens text, and "We'll Tune Our Hearts" to Dickens words with two verses by Stephen, published by Waters (EFM 554f)

  • nd Foster "produced about a dozen uninspired expressions of religious hack-writing" written "tongue in cheek," worst of all "Little Ella's an Angel" and "Willie's Gone to Heaven" (EFM 467ff) ["gospel hymns" EFM 469]

  • nd Foster plays and sings his songs at wedding of John Mahon's daughter (WA 183) (EFM 556)

  • Dec.24-31? "Dearer than Life!" ("Meet Me Tonight Dearest") written, words later added by George Cooper (CE II 453); not published until 1869 in Demorest's Monthly Magazine. Foster's manuscript melody sets poem "Meet Me Tonight Dearest Down by the Gate" by George Birdseye. According to George Cooper, three weeks before his death, Stephen called on George Cooper, writes "Dearer than Life" (WA 186)

  • Dec. "Beautiful Child of Song" reissued as sheet music by Root & Cadyt (see also Aug.25, Oct., Oct.6, 1860)ö

  • Nd "My Boy Is Coming from the War" published by S.T. Gordon, New York, with words by George Cooper, no copyright entry or deposit (CE II 453).

  • nd "When Dear Friends Are Gone" engraved for publication by P.A. Wundermann, New York (CE II 457). (See also May 7, 1864).


  • ca.Jan.8? "Our Darling Kate" written by Foster to words by John Mahon, according to Mahon (CE II 459), published March 1865.

  • Jan 9 Saturday evening, "Stephen went early to his room at the New England Hotel, sick and weak from an attach of his old fever and ague." Hotel was at corner of Bowery and Bayard Street (EFM 557f). George Cooper was living at 176 1Ú2 on the Bowery. His father "kept a store on the Bowery near Bond Street." "Stephen didn't owe [Mr. Husted, the proprietor] a cent, or any one else that they could find." (EFM 558)

  • Jan. 10 In the morning, "Stephen rose to get a drink of water, and, fainting from weakness, he fell against the washbowl, which broke and cut a terrible gash in his face and neck. The chambermaid found him lying in a pool of blood. Mr. Husted sent for George Cooper, who came immediately." He also had a burn on his thigh. Mrs. John Mahon dies this day. (EFM 558f)

  • Jan. 11 George Cooper sends telegram to Henry Foster: "Your brother Stephen is very sick and wishes to see you." Henry does not receive the telegram until Thursday Jan. 14. (EFM 559) Stephen asks George Cooper to telegram his brother Henry (WA 105)

  • Jan 12 Tuesday, Cooper "wrote Morrison a short note." "Your brother Stephen I am sorry to inform you is lying in Bellvue Hospital in this city very sick. He desires me to ask you to send him some pecuniary assistance as his means are very low. / If possible he would like to see you in person." Stephen seemed better this day. (EFM 559)

  • Jan. 13 Stephen dies at 2:30. Cooper does not go to Bellevue this day. (EFM 559)

  • Jan. 14 When Cooper comes to visit Stephen, he is told that his body is in the hospital morgue. Cooper telegraphs Henry and Morrison. (EFM 559f) (Elliker #179.)

  • Jan 16 Saturday, Stephen's casket placed on train to Pittsburgh (EFM 561). Morrison gets receipt for Stephen's hospital expenses (Elliker #180).

  • Jan 17 Train derails, carrying iron casket, Edward Buchanan (EFM 561)

  • Jan 20 Train with casket reaches Pittsburgh (EFM 562). Pennsylvania Railroad Co. carries the party free of charge. Adams Express Co. declined pay for the casket transport (Morrison, "My Brother Stephen" 54)
  • Jan 21 Thursday, Stephen's funeral at Trinity Episcopal. (Morrison, "My Brother Stephen" 54, says January 20th.) Henry Kleber had charge of the musical arrangements, sang No. 191 in hymnal, "Vital spark of heavenly flame." Band plays "Old Folks at Home" and "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming" as his casket lowered into the grave. Ann Eliza not able to attend, "but came to Pittsburgh for a church convention later in the year." She wrote a poem "at the time of my brother Stephen's death" (EFM 562f). Photograph of Stephen's surviving brothers and sisters taken soon after [in fall?] (EFM 563; photo opposite 565)
  • Jan.23 "If You've Only Got a Moustache" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York, words by George Cooper (CE II 453f).

  • Jan.23 "Mr. & Mrs. Brown" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York, words by George Cooper (CE II 454)

  • Jan. 23 "Wilt Thou Be True?" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York, words by George Cooper (CE II 454)

  • Jan. 23 "When Old Friends Were Here" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York, words by George Cooper (CE II 454f)

  • Feb.13 Anon., "The Late Stephen C. Foster," Littell's Living Age 1028 (Feb. 13, 1864) 337-339, reprints Foster's obituary from New York Evening Post and comments on his career and his song's enduring popularity.

  • Feb. 23 "She Was All the World to Me" entered and deposited for copyright by Horace Waters, New York, words by Dr. Duffy (CE II 457)

  • nd Henrietta Thornton publishes some of her poetry (WA 94)

  • March Jane's mother moved to Greensburg to be with Jane and Marion, "and Jane again took up her work at the Greensburg telegraph office." (EFM 564) "Jane continued her work in the Greensburg telegraph office until about 1870 when she returned to Pittsburgh and took the same position in the Allegheny depot. There she met Matthew D. Wiley...whom she married...." (EFM 567)

  • April Clark's School Visitor publishes obituary of Stephen. "...for the six beautiful songs written for us by Mr. Foster, our publishers paid the sum of $400.00 or $66 2/3 apiece for the manuscripts." (EFM 527)

  • Apr. 20 "Sitting by My Own Cabin Door" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 457)

  • Apr. 29 "Somebody's Coming to See Me to Night" entered and title page deposited for copyright by D. S. Holmes, New York, words by George Cooper (CE II 457). (See also May 14, 1864)

  • May 7 "When Dear Friends Are Gone" entered and deposited for copyright by P.A. Wundermann, New York (CE II 457). (See also 1863, n.d.)

  • May 7 "Give This to Mother" entered and deposited for copyright by P.A. Wundermann, New York, words by S.W. Harding (CE II 458)

  • May 14 "Somebody's Coming to See Me to Night" deposited for copyright by D. S. Holmes, New York, words by George Cooper (CE II 457). (See also Apr. 29, 1864). Adds "the late" before Foster's name on title page.

  • Early June Ike Lightner, Jessie's (Mrs. Morrison Foster) younger brother, fatally wounded in fighting on Lost Mountain, near Marietta Ga., and died June 23. (EFM 564)

  • Aug.3 "Tell Me Love of Thy Early Dreams" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 458)


  • nd White Cottage torn down, replaced by brick house (EFM 13)

  • nd Morrison commissions George Lafayette Clough to paint oil portrait of Stephen Foster based on 1859 ambrotype photograph (now in collection of Carnegie Museum). Described by John O'Connor, Jr., "In Search of an Author," Carnegie Magazine 9/3 (June 1937) 72-75.

  • Feb. 27 Morrison in letter to collector Louis J. Cist of St. Louis says that he left a "great many" letters by Stephen in Philadelphia several years ago

  • Mar. "Our Darling Kate" published in Demorest's Illustrated Monthly, March 1865 issue, words by John Mahon (CE II 459).
  • Mar.23 "The Voices That Are Gone" entered and deposited for copyright by Wm. A. Pond & Co., New York, arr. John P. Cooke (CE II 458f)


Nov.1 "Sweet Emerald Isle That I Love So Well" entered and deposited for copyright by John J. Daly, New York, words by George Cooper (CE II 459)


  • Jan. George W. Birdseye, "Sketch of the Late Stephen C. Foster," Western Musical World 4/1 (Jan. 1867) 3. (WA 100)

  • Nd "What Does Every Good Child Say?" published in Heavenly Echoes: A New Collection of Hymns & Tunes for Sunday Schools and Social Meetings by C.M. Tremaine, New York, to words by anonymous author (CE II 460).

  • Nd "Praise the Lord!" ?" published in Heavenly Echoes: A New Collection of Hymns & Tunes for Sunday Schools and Social Meetings by C.M. Tremaine, New York, with words attributed to Foster, using Foster's melody for "Willie's Gone to Heaven" [published Jan.31, 1863] (CE II 460).

  • Nov. Robert Peebles Nevin, "Stephen C. Foster and Negro Minstrelsy," Atlantic Monthly 20/121 (Nov. 1867) 606-616 (EFM 501) (WA 100). Comments on T.D. Rice, how Foster elevated the genre, his melodies were arranged by concert performers, reference to letter from Washington Irving, physical description.


Apr.20 "Kiss Me Dear Mother Ere I Die" entered and title page deposited for copyright by Wm. A. Pond & Co., New York; no copyright deposit copy (CE II 460).


  • late spring? Morrison and family return to Allegheny, reside at 30 Sherman Ave.

  • June 28 Henry killed in oil explosion touched off by lightning (EFM 566f)

  • Aug.19 "A Thousand Miles from Home" entered for copyright by John J. Daly, New York (CE II 432) (See also nd, 1861)


Dec. Brainard's Musical World issue this month carries "A Monument for Foster" by Will S. Hays, taken from the Louisville Courier Journal (EFM 590f)


nd A club of "Amateur Minstrels and Musical Performers" calling themselves the "Stephen C. Foster Serenaders" was organized in Allegheny, PA; secretary James F. Livingston, of the Allegheny Evening Mail. Lasted several years, giving charitable performances of playlets, orchestral selections, dance numbers, dramatic recitations, interspersed with Foster melodies by a quartette and soloists. Morrison Foster elected an honorary member on May 9. (EFM 592f)


  • March 24 John Mahon publishes reminiscences of Stephen in New York Clipper (EFM 533)

  • May 26 Mahon writes letter published this date in New York Clipper concerning Stephen's authorship of "Old Folks at Home." Wm. A. Pond has a "letter-book of Firth, Pond & Co. for 1851" containing a letter by Stephen C. Foster dated Sept. 22, 1851.


  • nd Morrison helps Jane draw up contracts to receive royalties (WA 96). When "the copyrights of many of Stephen's most famous songs, that he had sold outright to the publishers in his hard times, were renewable, Morrison took care of the contracts with Wm. A. Pond and Oliver Ditson providing payment royalties to Jane, now married to Matthew Wiley, and Marion, who now was Mrs. Walter Welsh." "Morrison acted as attorney for Jane and Marion until late in the 1890's." (EFM 569)

  • nd Henrietta dies


Nov. 5 Jessie (Mrs. Morrison Foster) dies unexpectedly in New York City.


  • Apr. 15 Philadelphia Times publishes article "A Writer of Songs" (EFM 638f)

  • Apr 17 Pittsburgh Daily Post reprints article from Philadelphia Times

  • fall Morrison elected to the Pennsylvania state legislature from the Forty-second District, but his Republican opponent given the office on a technicality. (EFM 570)


  • nd Morrison an organizer of the Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburgh (EFM 570)

  • nd Morrison is a member of the Democratic state convention. His business interests are in his coal mine in Ohio (EFM 570)


nd John Hull article in Chicago News claiming that the words of "quite a number of Stephen's most famous songs" were really by Charles P. Shiras, but Stephen's manuscript book is ample evidence to refute this (EFM 588)


May 7 Article "America's Greatest Song Writer" appears in East End Bulletin, prepared by G. Fred Muller, editor, and nephew of Morrison Foster's first wife


July 15 Erasmus Wilson writes to James Whitcomb Riley, "Mr. Morrison Foster, brother of the late Stephen C. would like you to call and see him when you come this way, and without fail. He has recently acquired Stephen's original score and composition book, besides he has collected quite a lot of reminiscence. He heard you at Sewickly and wanted to shake your paw, but was to modest to crowd up. He says you and Steve were built a good deal alike...." (EFM 579)


July 11 Biography, Songs and Musical Compositions of Stephen C. Foster entered and deposited for copyright by Morrison Foster (CE II 493); published by Percy F. Smith of Pittsburgh; Morrison prepares the edition while living in a frame house that he called "White Cottage" on grounds of Olver Place in Edgeworth. (EFM 571f)


Feb 21 Thomas Brigham Bishop writes to John J. MacIntyre of New York, that he had known Stephen Foster very well. "Foster met me at the music store of Firth, Hall & Pond and whistled the melody [of "Old Folks at Home"]-(he couldn't sing a note no voice note ever had a vocal note-notwithstanding all statements to the contrary--) while I play'd on the Guitar and when pronounced O.K. by Foster, I copied it out & put simple chords to it...." "However, Foster occasionally received money on account of the song through publishers as he did [for] many others of his compositions which he had sold out & out on delivery of the Mss. pts. but on account of their great popularity and his constant requirements for funds. [paragraph] Foster always had the carriage and bearing of a clergyman-I never saw him, even up to my last meeting with him-which was either in 1862 or 3-when he was very seedy, but what he wore the same cut and material-the double-breasted black broadcloth coat and trousers to match." (EFM 586f)


nd Thomas J. Keenan, editor of the Pittsburgh Press, organizes fundraising for Stephen's statue, created by Guiseppe Moretti, for Highland Park. Hands modeled from Morrison's. Unveiled Sept. 12 by Maybelle Welsh, Stephen's granddaughter. Victor Herbert conducted bands. EFM suggests it was attended by Jane (Mrs. Matthew Wiley), Morrison, and other "actual old friends and relatives of Stephen's youth" (EFM 593)


May George Cooper describes Stephen Foster in Piano Music Magazine (EFM 534). George Cooper, "Stephen C. Foster," J.W. Pepper Piano Magazine 4/20 (May 1902) [66] relates the composing of "Willie has gone to the war."


Feb Morrison sold Olver Place in Edgeworth, and moved to Grove City in Mercer County, PA, (EFM 580ff)

Ca. May 1 Morrison kept his family papers in a "duffel box" under his desk, and he and his children spend a long evening going through them all for the first time with the children (EFM 582-4)

May 14 Morrison dies (EFM 584)


nd Group of citizens start to raise a subscription to preserve the brick building at site of the White Cottage as a memorial. James H. Park purchased the house from its owner, Mrs. Samuel McKee, and it became the Stephen C. Foster Memorial Home, maintained by the city of Pittsburgh (EFM 593f)


Sept. Mrs. E.A. Parkhurst Duer, "Personal Recollections of the Last Days of Stephen Collins Foster," Etude 34/9 (Sept. 1916) 626, in a special issue of the magazine devoted to Foster. She worked for Horace Waters.

Nov. Harry Houdini, "Last Days of Stephen Foster," Etude 34/11 (Nov. 1916) 772, reports recollections of Brikett Clarke who claimed to have shared rooms with Foster until November 1863 (probably spurious).


nd Josiah Kirby Lilly begins his Foster Hall Collection (EFM 594)


May John Mahon, "Last Years of Stephen C. Foster," Foster Hall Bulletin 10 (May 1934) 2, 4-6 (reprinted from New York Clipper of Mar.17 or 24, 1877). Mahon was a companion of Foster in 1861-4; recounts relationships with publishers.


Jan 13 Groundbreaking for the Stephen Foster Memorial at the University of Pittsburgh (EFM 596)

June 3 Cornerstone laid for Stephen Foster Memorial at the University (EFM 596)

July 9 Marion Foster Welch dies at the Stephen C. Foster Memorial Home, 3600 Penn Avenue. Her son, Matthew, and her daughter Mrs. Jessie Rose and Mrs. Rose's family continue to occupy the house into the early 1940s (EFM 594)


June 2 Dedication of the Stephen Foster Memorial at the University of Pittsburgh (EFM 596)

nd, John Tasker Howard's biography, America's Troubadour, is published.


July 4 The banjo and pencil are restored to Stephen's statue in Highland Park and a rededication takes place organized by the Civic Club of Allegheny County (EFM 593)

Foster's statue is moved from Highland Park to the entrance of Schenley Park, near the Carnegie museum.


Swanee River, a bio-pic of Foster starring Don Ameche debuts.


Foster becomes the first composer inducted into the Hall of Fame of Great Americans.

Foster is honored with a one cent postage stamp.


Evelyn Foster Morneweck, Morrison's daughter, publishes The Chronicles of Stephen Foster's Family, a two volume biography of her famous uncle.


Jan. 12 Bust of Stephen Foster created by Stephen Wigmore dedicated at the Library of Congress.


nd Samuel J. Rogal, "Gospel Hymns of Stephen Collins Foster," Hymn 27 (1970) 7-11, gives background on Waters and poets set by Foster, and reasons Foster wrote hymns.

nd. Stephen Foster is inducted into the Songwriters' Hall of Fame

January 13th is offically declared "Stephen Foster Day"


The first biography of Foster in almost 60 years, Doo-Dah! Stephen Foster and the Rise of American Popular Culture is published

PBS American Experience documentary, "Stephen Foster" premieres


The all-Stephen Foster album, Beautiful Dreamer, wins a grammy for best traditional album, the first time a Foster recording has received such an honor.


The Foster statue was removed on April 26 on the unanimous recommendation of the Pittsburgh's Art Commission.

Contact Us

Center for American Music
Stephen Foster Memorial
University of Pittsburgh
4301 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Starting July 22, 2024, the Stephen Foster Memorial Museum will be open from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday – Friday. We are closed on the weekends and University Holidays.

You do not have to be affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh to use the Collection. 

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