Public user computers are available on every floor of Hillman library.
Three public computers on the third floor
Technology is also available to borrow. This includes laptops, headphones, and chargers. Visit library.pitt.edu/borrowing-supplies-and-technology-hillman for details.
Each floor of Hillman Library has a flatbed scanner for patron use. Save what you scan to email, USB, or your smartphone.
Have something larger to scan? Use the overhead scanner on the first floor to better capture larger material.
Print using Pitt Printing. Color printing is available on the 1st floor of Hillman. B&W printing is available on all floors.
Feeling Lost in Hillman?. A digital map is available on the Where in Hillman kiosk located in front of the Donald S Wood Service Desk on the 1st Floor of the Hillman Library.
Use the quick search computer to locate any item in the Library Catalog. You can find this computer to the left of the Donald S. Wood Service Desk on the 1st floor of the Hillman Library, outside the OpenLab.
The library also offers digitization services, such as more detailed paper scanning, and 3D scanning and printing, Virtual Reality experiences, vinyl cutting, book making, and more at the Open Lab @ Hillman and the Text and Context Lab in Hillman Library.