
If Pitt libraries don't have the books you need, use EZBorrow to request items from other academic libraries.

  • EZBorrow is available to current Pitt students, staff, and faculty.
  • Requests are generally available in 3-4 workdays. 
  • Pick up and return the items at any ULS Library. 
  • You will be notified via email when the book is available for pickup
  • EZBorrow items are checked out for 18 weeks, there are no renewals
  • Overdue fines are $0.25 per day/per item. There is a 7-day grace period. 
  • The EZBorrow system handles requests for books. If you need a digitization of an article or chapter that’s not available in the ULS collection, please place a request through ILL (Interlibrary Loan) 
  • You can access the EZBorrow catalog here

Availability of service may vary during holiday and interim periods. For assistance, please Ask Us.

*EZBorrow is not available for Special Borrowers or program members. (i.e., Osher members, and academic visitors.) If you are a CMU borrower, please contact the CMU libraries for EZBorrow assistance.