Standard Borrowing information for all University Library System (ULS) libraries
Borrowers' Responsibilities
Borrowing materials from the University Library System (ULS) constitutes an agreement by the borrower to abide by the rules and regulations established by ULS. It is the patron’s responsibility to be familiar with ULS borrowing policies.
Library borrowers are responsible for all materials checked out on their University ID card, as well as any fees or damages incurred. Materials that are lost or returned damaged are subject to replacement costs as determined by the Library. NEVER loan your ID card or borrow library materials for others. Do NOT depend on others to return library materials.
It is the responsibility of the borrower to return borrowed material on or before its due date. Materials borrowed from any ULS Library may be returned to any other ULS Library. Overdue notices are emailed to your University account as a courtesy only. Failure to receive these notices does not remove the borrower’s obligation to return material by the due date, nor does it constitute grounds for reducing a borrower’s fines. Patrons are advised to check their University email account for communications from the Library.
If you receive overdue notices for materials you believe were returned, contact the Millstein Library at 724-836-9687