The Hillman Reinvention continues, with the ground floor and the core of the building (including elevators and bathrooms) under renovation beginning spring 2023
When completed, these newly renovated spaces will contain:
We apologize for any disruptions this might cause. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help you!
Hillman Library will be the principal hub of intellectual activity on campus providing services, resources, and inspiring spaces—from vibrant to serene—that advance academic study, stimulate innovation in knowledge creation, encourage intellectual exploration and creativity, and foster energetic collaborative exchange.
University Facilities and the ULS worked with research firm brightspot to: “… identify changes and future needs in academic research, learning, and teaching in order to generate opportunities for how spaces and services in Pitt’s academic library can respond to these future needs.”
Brightspot conducted focus groups, interviews, and surveys with Pitt faculty, and students, as well as library staff. This report is the result of that process and is one of many inputs into the process of designing spaces and services for a reinvented Hillman.
Because of the essential role it plays on campus Hillman will remain open for the duration of the renovation and, because of this, the renovation will take longer than it otherwise might. Currently, a target of five years is in place. During the renovation, all library collections will remain accessible, whether relocated within Hillman Library or via the Thomas Blvd. Library (the library off-site storage facility), and all library services will continue.
Preparation work for the renovation has begun so you can expect to see an increase in activity in the building along with some changes and relocations of collections and services as we lay the groundwork for the renovation. While some disruption is inevitable, we remain committed to providing the support at levels you have come to expect from the ULS.
PhD Dissertation Writing Room and Graduate Study Room on the 4th floor of Hillman Library will be closed to the public at the end of March 2021 as part of phase III of the renovation. More information can be found on the PhD Dissertation Writing Room or the Graduate Study Room page.
You can be a part of the exciting renovation and reinvention of Hillman Library. Join us on our journey as we reimagine and renovate physical spaces, programs, and services to position Pitt students, faculty, and researchers for academic, career, and research success. Hillman Library is creating new open and group-study spaces, adding new technologies, engaging people with unique archives and the treasures of our special collections, and actively partnering librarians with students, faculty, and researchers in new ways to help them discover new resources, manage mountains of data; publish an online free journal, create a film, podcast, or virtual reality experience, and so much more. Hillman Library named gift and recognition opportunities are available.
For more information visit library.pitt.edu/give
We've had a number of different pieces of furniture on the ground for people to try and we've gotten great feedback! The furniture is for the renovated 4th floor, scheduled to open in the summer. Stay tuned!
Visit Where in Hillman… to find book locations, service points, and more during the renovation!