Citizen Science Month: iMapinvasives

sample of an iMapinvasives map and Amy Jewitt, Invasive Species Coordinator from the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

Join us on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 from 11 am - 12 pm to learn more about invasive species in Western Pennsylvania. Amy Jewitt, Invasive Species Coordinator, from the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy will describe the iMapinvasives, an online GIS-based data management system used to assist citizen scientists and natural resources professionals working to protect our natural resources from the threat of invasive species. Amy will talk a about what species are considered invasive in PA and how to identify them (and why it's important to report them!). Amy's education includes a B.S. in Agricultural Science from the Pennsylvania State University with minors in Horticulture, International Agriculture, and Leadership Development. Registration is required.